radioactivity Flashcards
what is in the nucleus of an atom
protons and neutrons
the mass number is the
biggest number
atomic number is
the number which tells you how many protons there are
if an atom loses electrons it becomes
the number of protons determines
which element an atom is
is the atomic number always the same for an atom
the mass number tells you
the number of protons and neutrons in the atom
an isotope is
an element with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
can an element have more than 1 isotope
some atomic nuclei can be unstable and
why are some nuclei unstable and radioactive
because of an imbalance of protons or neutrons in the nucleus
how can unstable nuclei become more stable
by emiting radiation
name of the process of radioactivity to make a nuclei more stable
radioactive decay
radiation can be in the form of what (2)
high-energy particle or wave
When an unstable nucleus decays, it emits
The different types of radiation that can be emitted are:
Alpha (α) particles
Beta (β-) particles
Gamma (γ) radiation
are these changes spontaneous and random
symbol for alpha
An alpha particle is the same as a
helium nucleus
why is an alpha particle is the same as a helium nucleus
because it consists of two neutrons and two protons
symbol for beta
Beta particles are
high-energy electrons
when are beta particles produced
during beta minus decay, when a proton in the nucleus is converted into a neutron
symbol for gamma
gamma rays are
electromagnetic waves
gamma rays have the ___ energy of the different types of electromagnetic waves
Alpha (α), beta (β) and gamma (γ) radiation can be identified by their: (3)
Nature (what type of particle or radiation they are)
Ionising ability (how easily they ionise other atoms)
Penetrating power (how far can they travel before they are stopped completely)
alpha is stopped by
ionising ability of alpha
beta particles are what
high energy electrons
beta is stopped by
aluminium foil or 10cm of air
ionising ability of beta is
gamma is what
an electromagnetic wave
gamma is stopped by
ionising ability of gamma
PRACTICAL- investigating penetrating power for different types of ionisation
- need a geiger-muller tube connected to a geiger counter
- without any sources present, measure background radiation over a period of one minute
- place a radioactive source a fixed distance away from the tube and take the reading of the count rate for 1 minute
- take some paper, alumunium and lead
- one at a time, place the absorbers between the source and the tube and take another reading of count rate for 1 minute
- repeat with other radioactive sources and depending on what they pass through, check if its gamma or beta or alpha
alpha particles have a mass number of _ and an atomic number of _