Radiation Physics Flashcards
What is nuclear fission?
Nuclear fission is a Nuclear reaction or radioactive decay process.in which nucleus of an atom splits into two smaller parts(neutron or Photons) and releasing a large amount of energy.
Nuclear fission is either a ……… Or ……….. Process
Nuclear fission is a Nuclear reaction or radioactive decay process.in which nucleus of an atom splits into two smaller parts(neutron or Photons) and releasing a large amount of energy.
Most fissions are binary fissions
True or False.
Most fissions are binary fissions but occasionally (2-4 times per thousand events) three positively charged fragments are produced.
The smallest of fragments in tenary fission ranges from … To
A proton to an argon nucleus
True or false fission is usually encounter end into he modern world as a deliberately produced man made nuclear reaction induced by a neutron.
…….discovered infrared radiation
Wilhelm Herschel in the year 1800
Ultraviolet Light was disvoverdec by ………
Johann Wilhelm Ritter in 1801
Radio waves was discovered by
Heinrich Hertz while X rays in 1887
Xrays were discovered by
Willliem Rontgen in 1885
Alpha an Beta Waves were differentiated by …………… In ……..
Ernest Rutherford in 1899
True or false Alpha is positivitely charged while beta is negatively charged
……….proved that beta rays are fast electrons.
Henri Bequerel.
…….. Apha particles are ionized helium. This was discoveres b
Rutherford & acoleaque
Between Alpha and Beta Rays which had shorter penetrating power with positive charge?
Alpha Rays
……….proved that beta rays are fast electrons while ………… Proved that aloha particles are ionised helium
Henri Becquerel & Rutherford.