RAD ANA 3-B Flashcards
The skull, or bony skeleton o the head is divided into two main sets o
bones which are
8 cranial b n s and 14 facial bones
The eight bones o the cranium are divided into the
(skullcap) and the floor
parts of Ca lvarium (Skullcap)
right parietal
left parietal
parts of the floor
right temporal
left temporal
This bone contributes
to the formation o the forehead and the superior part o each orbit.
Frontal Bone
the smooth, raised
prominence between the eyebrows just above the bridge o the
slight depression above
each eyebrow
supra rbital gr v (So G) is
corresponds to the oor o the anterior ossa o the cranial vault,
which is also at the level o the orbital plate or at the highest level
o the acial bone mass (
The superior rim o each orbit
supra rbital margin
(So M).
a small hole or
opening within the SOM slightly medial to its midpoint.
The supra rbital n tch ( oramen)
On each side o the squamous portion o the rontal bone above
the SOG is a larger, rounded prominence termed the
fr ntal
tub r sity (eminence).
The rontal bone articulates with f ur cranial bones:
ght and le t parietals, sphenoid, and ethmoid.
roughly square and have a concave internal sur ace.
parietal bones
The widest portion o the entire skull is located between th
pari tal tub rcl s