Racism in mental health services Flashcards
What is race considered as in the context of social sciences?
Race is not a biological reality but a social construct that captures the impacts of racism.
How does race influence access to social resources?
It impacts access to housing, education, and employment, affecting mental and physical health.
What is one example of how racism affects mental health outcomes?
A person from a minority racial group may face discriminatory barriers in accessing housing and employment.
What is a significant barrier for Black and ethnic minority individuals in mental health care?
They are less likely to receive timely or appropriate mental health care.
How much more likely are Black individuals to be detained under the Mental Health Act compared to White individuals?
Black individuals are 4 times more likely to be detained.
What was the increase in the use of the Mental Health Act from 2005 to 2016?
The use of the Mental Health Act to detain individuals increased by 40%. Affecting ethnic minorities.
What is the average cost of detention for a 45-day period?
The average cost of detention is £18,315.
In what way are ethnic minorities represented in mental health treatment?
They are often overrepresented in coercive psychiatric care while being underrepresented in preventative and therapeutic services.
What does the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) indicate about staff experiences?
There has been no improvement in the perception of discrimination among BAME staff over the past four years.
What are common experiences reported by BAME staff in the NHS?
Higher levels of workplace bullying and racial microaggressions.
What is a consequence of racialisation within the NHS for BAME staff?
They often experience the process of ‘Othering’, feeling excluded in predominantly White work environments.
Fill in the blank: Internalized racial trauma can lead to _______ among healthcare staff.
What mental health issues does Patient B experience?
Low mood and social anxiety.
What type of racism may Patient B face from her GPs?
Institutionalized racism.
What does J’s experience illustrate about the mental health system’s bias?
The reliance on police intervention for Black patients highlights systemic bias.