R8 - Fetal and Placenta Flashcards
– Mononuclear
– Regenerative
– Structural, adhesive and invasive
* Chorionic villi, basal plate, extravillous, invasive, amnion
– Multinuclearcellmass
– Endocrine, metabolic function
– Lines lacunar blood spaces
– Exchange barrier of placenta
Transport barrier
- Microvillous membrane
- Syncytiotrophoblast cell
- Basal membrane
- Villous mesenchyme
- Fetal capillary endothelium
Placental Functions
- Gas exchange
- Nutrient delivery
- Waste removal
- Endocrine organ
- Immunologic barrier
- Controls parturition
-beauty products
Villous Maturation
Facilitates transport
-terminal villi expansion, syncytial knots
-villous compaction, capillary expansion
-cytotrophoblast attrition
The _____ fetal PaO2 is equivalent to uterine venous effluent
Fetal Oxygen Transport Adaptations
-High flow, low resistance
-Fetal polycythemia
-Fetal hemoglobin: greater O2 affinity
-Fetal Bohr: increase pH in cap, decrease CO2
Fetal Hemoglobin
– α2γ2
– ↑ O2 affinity
– ↑ O2 content
– ↑ O2 saturation
Fetal gas exchange falters if…
-Maternal hypotension <70
-Maternal oxygen desaturation <94
-Excessive uterine contractions
-Failed endovascular invasion
Fetal Circulation
-PARALLEL circuit
-High pulmonary vascular resistance
-Intra- and extracardiac shunts
-Low systemic vascular resistance
H-P-A Axis in the Fetus
-Developed at 6-12 weeks
-Pituitary: all adult hormones present, typical feedback control, receptive to CRH placental
-Adrenal: 30x larger than adult
Energy requirements
87 kcal/kg/day
Determinants of Fetal Growth
-Physio: gender, race, parity, altitude, maternal birth weight
-Patho: genetics, infection, malnutrition, vascular disease, toxins, multiple gestation
Fetus regulates own growth
– Independent ofmaternal hormones, but…
- Dependent on substrate delivery
– Most powerful determinant
– Activates fetal growth control mechanisms
Intrauterine Growth Restriction
2nd leading cause of perinatal mortality
– Poor maternal weight gain
– Lagging fundal height
– Ultrasound estimated weight
– Birth weight
– Ponderal index
Causes of IUGR
SYM: genetic, infections, toxins
ASYM: placental, maternal, environmental
Fetal Overgrowth
Maternal diabetes
-hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia
-birth injury, C section, childhood obesity