This class was created by Brainscape user Kaitlyn Coronel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

M1 - Intro
Major dietary fuel sources,
Major cellular fuel sources
15  cards
M2 - Weight Reg
Physical activity,
Thermic effect of food,
Resting energy expenditure basal ...
16  cards
M3 - Endo Pancreas
C peptide,
Glucose stimulated insulin secretion
18  cards
M4 - Glycolysis, TCA
Overall reaction glycolysis,
Opposing pathways,
Transport of glucose
21  cards
M5 - Gluconeogenesis, Lactic Acidosis
Overall reaction gluconeogenesis,
____ concentration gradient deter...
19  cards
M6 - Glycogen Metabolism
Glycogen metabolism,
Simplified pathway,
Glycogen synthase
10  cards
M7 - Pentose Phosphate Shunt
___ cells express the pentose pho...,
Branchpoint intermediate can,
The first and rate limiting enzym...
9  cards
M8 - Lipids
Fatty acids,
Amphipathic lipids form the surfa...
11  cards
GRACE M10 - Fasting and Ketoacidosis
Increase ___ and ___ to provide s...,
Increased g i ratio activates ___...,
Increased g i ratio increases ___...
11  cards
M9 - Ketone Bodies
Ketone bodies provide a ____ cell...,
Fasting hepatic ____ provides kb ...,
Hepatic ketogenesis
13  cards
M11 - Lipoprotein Pathways
0  cards
M12 - Cholesterol
0  cards
M13 - Lipid Pharm
Cholestyramine colestipol colesev...
11  cards
M14 - Oral, Diabetes Pharm
T2dm pathophysiology,
Biguanides metformin important co...,
Pioglitazone rosiglitazone
21  cards
M15 - Insulin for Diabetes Pharm
Synthesis of insulin,
Insulin and c peptide are produce...,
Regulation of insulin secretion
20  cards
E1 - Intro
Hormone release is controlled by ...,
Hormones can travel different dis...
18  cards
E2 - HT and Pit
Pituitary gland has two distinct ...,
Acth adrenocorticotropic hormone,
Graves disease
7  cards
E3 - Thyroid Gland
Thyroid gland histology,
Thyroid hormone synthesis,
___ regulates nis gene expression...
22  cards
E4 - Adrenal Gland
Blood flows ____ from the outer l...
18  cards
E5 - Steroid Synthesis
0  cards
R1 - Menstrual Cycle
What happens in a menstrual cycle,
___ causes ovarian follicles gran...,
An ovulated follicle makes a corp...
20  cards
R2 - Sexual Differentiation
Sexual differentiation,
Determination of genetic sex,
Primordial germ cells migrate to ...
11  cards
R3 - Ovarian Physio
Ovarian follicle is the functiona...,
Ovarian follicles are in the cort...,
8  cards
R4 - Female Genital Cutting
Why is fgc done,
Best practices,
Fgm c is a ____ practice
14  cards
R5 - Male Reproduction
____ germ cells migrate to gonada...,
Identification of gonad as testes...,
____ expression of y chromosome
16  cards
0  cards
R7 - Contraception
What is a contraceptive,
Progestin primary,
Ethinyl estradiol
21  cards
R13 - Hormone Therapies
Advanced prostate cancer goal,
Gnrh agonists and antagonists ae,
Puberty blockers gnrh agonist
11  cards
Contraception Drugs
Progestin only,
Oral aka combined ocs cocs or the...,
Gnrh agonist
5  cards
26  cards
Quiz 1
A 40 year old woman with a histor...,
During anaerobic exercise the nad...,
A 62 year old man presents to his...
14  cards
R8 - Fetal and Placenta
Transport barrier
17  cards
R9 - Trans and Nonbinary
Gender identity,
To describe someone s gender expr...
13  cards
R11 - Ovarian Sequence, Hormone
0  cards
R14 - Breastfeeding
Prolactin and milk secretion,
Oxytocin and milk ejection,
Women who are lactating may have ...
11  cards
R15 - Maternal Mortality
0  cards
Grace's Endo
Primary secondary tertiary,
Hypothalamus anterior,
Adh deficit
13  cards

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