R (Relationship with God) - CHRIST'S Flashcards
Write your answers out and include at least one scripture reference if provided, before flipping.
What does it mean to have a Relationship with God?
How does Islam view JC and is a sacrifice needed?
Believe He is a human prophet and no sacrifice of sins needed.
What does Islam mean, what is the relationship with their God?
Means submission, relationship - slave/master
In Islam how can one have a good chance of entering paradise?
- Aquidah - Believe in one God and Mohammad as the last prophet.
- Salat - 5 obligatory prayers
- Zakah - donate 2.5% of personal wealth
- Sawm - Fast during Ramadan
- Hajj- Pilgrimage to Makkah at least once if able.
In Islam, is there certainty in entering Paradise if your deeds show Faith in Allah and his oneness, Sincerely perform them only for Allah, the Source of all your good deeds come for the teachings of Allah’s Messenger mohammad?
No, you can only hope.
How does Hinduism view JC?
As one of the many Gods of heaven.
Does it matter in Hinduism who you worship and evangelism?
NO, multiple Gods, many paths to heaven, no evangelism needed no absolute view on something.
What is the importance and meaning of Yoga in Hinduism?
A form of meditation that allows one to reach and have access to God. Yoga means “union with the Divine” in Sankrit.
In Hinduism, what belief system do they have? What does Karma have to do with one of them.
Two things
Meditation and reincarnation. In Reincarnation, you Good karma (Good deeds) -> Higher level of consciousness after Death. Bad Karma -> remain in reincarnation cycle & no higher level of consciousness.
In Buddhism, who is Jesus believed to be, is a personal savior needed?
He is thought to be an enlightened one/Buddha. No personal savior needed.
In Buddhism, does one believe in a God(s), heaven & Hell, salvation through beliefs, sacraments or good works.
Who started Buddhism, was He a God.
Guatama Buddha, lived during 6th Century B.C., not a God
What is the aim of Buddhism and what are the 4 noble truths? What do you have break free from.
Free people from suffering cause by desires, have people exscape the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth and reach Nirvana (free, no attachments, a state of enlightenment).
*Noble truths: S.C.E.P
1. Suffering in life
2. There’s a cause to suffering
3. Suffering had an end
4. A **path **that leads to end
*Have to break free from yourself
How does Juddaism view JC?
As a false prophet or Rabbi
How do Hebrew Israelites view JC?
A black man believed by Hebrew Isrealites, Nation of Islam.
In Christianity, who took the initiative to have a relationship, God or us, and how?
God took the initative by offering his L.O.V.E. through the G.I.F.T. of Jesus Christ who sacrificed His life for our sins so we could have personal freedom from sin, be improved (sanctified) by the holy spirit, have our sins forgiven in order to receive salvation from our sins and old habits & to be reconciled with God.
How is Jesus unique compared to the other Gods and ways?
John 14:6-7
He is the way, the truth, and life. The only way to get to God and heaven. Though he was human, he was God in human flesh.
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
How can we have a right relationship with God?(John 3:16-17; Acts 2:38)
Hint: justice, reconcile, change, believe->mouth->save, water
By the reconciliation with God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God sees Jesus in us, instead of our sin (Justification) which separates us from God.
1. Justification and reconciliation through JC’s sacrifice on the cross
2. Honestly repent of sins (V38)
3. Accept Jesus in your heart (have faith v16) -> verbal confession of Jesus’ authority and identity (His only begotten Son and savior - 16-17) -> salvation and confirms it.
4. Be baptized in the name of JC -> receive Holy Spirit (Act 2:38)
God’s children have the holy spirit
How can we receive the Holy Spirit?(Proverbs 1:23; Galatians 3:2;Acts 5:32; Luke 24:49; Luke 11:13)
Hint: hear the message ->?, change, Ask and repeat, Ascenscion, following orders
- Faith in JC (Gal 3:2) - Heard the message of salvation and believe in it
- Repentance of sin Luke 24:47, Acts 2:38,, Proverbs 1:23 (the H.S. cannot enter an unclean vessel)
- Asking in faith, and continuing to do so.- Luke 11:13
- Jesus sent the HS (He was made available after Jesus ascended to Heaven - He physically wouldn’t be hear so the Spirit is around fully available everywhere). Luke 24:49
- Walking in Obedience -> Holy Spirit (Acts 5:32) ex disciples in upper room.
How do we know we received the Holy Spirit?
Should we expect a visible sign to manifest in our
lives? (Acts 1:8; Acts 2:18; 2 Timothy 1:7)
Hints: fortelling from who? spread good news, strength, can do, new characteristics and mood.
Visible and inner signs.
* Visible - sons and daughters of God prophesying (speaking a message from God -fortelling) [Acts 2:18]
1. receive power and ability, able to witness to unbelievers everywhere (Acts 1:8)
2. New disposition - not fearful and cowardly, but powerful and loving, sound judgment, personal discipline (things you do -> calmness, and self control and discipline) [2 Timothy 1:7]
What do these scriptures teach about God? (Psalms
145:17; I Peter 5:7; I John 4:8; Psalm 89:14)
Hint: consistently doing good, set apart, unmerited, heart - lasts, His throne
- Consistently **righteous **(He is morally and ethnically right, acts in all ways to maintain this) ([Psalm 145:17]
- Holy in all his actions and gracious (shows undeserved favor) and kind, set apart from everything else [Psalm 145:17]
- **Cares about **our worries, concerns, anxieties, and wants us to bring them to Him. He watches over us attentively ( I Peter 5:7)
- God is love, He **created it **and it endures (1 John 4:8)
- His throne is built on rightoesuness and justice. He expresses lovingkindness (gracious affection for his creation) and truth (His divinewisdom and knowledge) [Psalm 89:14]
What is God’s judgment based on? (Romans 2:2)
Hint: opposite of a lie, opposite of corruption, opposite of fairness
is in accordance with **truth **and justice. No hyprocrisy nor inconsistency.
What is sin? (1 John 5:17; James 4:17; Romans
14:23; James 2:10)
Hint: not right, knowing it, not certainty, favoritism - own justice
- all wrongdoings (1John 5:17)
- Knowing what is the right thing to do and **purposefully doing wrong ** (James 4:17)
- Acting in doubt (doubting God, His wisdom, your salvation) and not faith (Romans 14:23)
- Discriminiation against others, and perform one part of God’s law and not another - you fail completely and are not perfect (James 2:10)
All though the judgment is severe, what does God
offer? (Romans 6:23; John 3:16)
Hint: Think of forgive outline, gift of what?, not perishing
God offers unconditional? L.O.V.E
1. Lasting fulfillment
2. Overwhelming acceptance
3. Value
4. Eternal life - God’s **gift **by his **grace **(unearned) -> eternal life in Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23), He dearly loves the world that he offered Jesus to be sacrifice so whoever has Faith in Jesus as their Savior -> no death, but **have E.T **(John 3:16)
According to this verse, how serious is sin? (Romans
Hint: not life as payment.
it is fatal, leads to **death **of your soul as payment.
When will God not hold your past against you?
According to this verse, what is your downfall?
Otherwise, what is it that brings you to destination
hell? Why do you think God is not to blame?
(Ezekiel 18:21-23, 28, 30-32
- When: When you weigh the consequences of your sins (28) turn away from your sins (repent), and **commit **to keeping God’s law, practice justice and righteousness and walking in spiritual integrity; by this your transgressions will not be remebered. (V21- 22, 28, 30)
- What: Our **sins (transgressions) ** that we have habitually committed -> God will judge -> hell (21,30,32)
- Why: God doesn’t take pleasure in condemning the wicked to death, but decrees all to repent. (V23 and 32)
If we do not accept God’s eternal life, where will we
go? (Revelations 20:10, 12-15)
Hint: book of what? lake of what? die, eternal separation, antagonist to christ, lying prophet.
if not in the book of life when judged by God (12) - >we will cast into the lake of fire (eternal separation from God, the second death) along with death, hell (14, 15) the devil, the beast (Antichrist) and the false prophet to be tormented day and night forever and ever (10).
What does this passage say about the last days?
What should it do for us? (1 Thess 4:15-18)
Last days - God will come down from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the Archangel (Michael), blasting the trumpet of God. **Believers who are dead with Christ will rise** and be taken simultaneously (rapture) with alive belivers into the clouds to be with Him forever (v16-17)
It should comfort us about the reunion with believers were dead, we will meet them, and we don’t have to endure the last days much. ( v18)
At the heart of salvation, what does it take someone
to be born spiritually, thus receive the Holy Spirit?
(John 1:12-13; Romans 10:9, 13, 17)
- Must hear preaching of the Gospel and believe and trust in it (faith) - Romans 10:17
- calling upon the name of Jesus in prayer (Romans 10:13) verbally confess Jesus is lord and savior (recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God, trust and believe in Him) [John 1:12, Romans 10:9). Believe completely in the resurrection (Romans 10:9) -> being born of God
How do you express and prove your faith in Jesus
Christ? (Luke 13:2-3; Acts 2:38-42
- Walking in repentance (turning from old way of thinking and acting, sin, living a changed life) (Luke 13:3)
- Being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins -> receive Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38)
- Continually and faithfully devoting yourself to the apostles instructions, fellowship, eating meals together and praying. (Acts 2:42)
If you have authentic faith in Christ and truly received God’s gift of eternal life, will you ever lose your salvation? Can you be certain of your
salvation? Why (John 10:28-29)
W/ authentic faith in Christ and true salvation will not lose salvation ever, never perish (John 10:28). Certainty - God will not let anyone steal you because He his greater and mightier than all, He gave us to Jesus. (v29)
If someone has truly been converted and believes in
Jesus, what will they do? (Matthew 7:21-25) Why?
Your will do the will of God and not your own. Build your foundation of beliefs, actions, wisdom on God, not yourself or the world to withstand tribulations in your walk. (V21,24-25)
Who gives you the ability to live a radical new life in
total surrender to God? (Acts 1:8)
The Holy Spirit - receive pwoer and ability, evangelize further places. We receive through repentance and faith in Jesus.
What is the main thing that God wants all people to
come to? Why? (II Peter 3:9)
He wants all people to come to repentance because He is patient and doesn’t want anyone to perish, but receive his Promise.
What is the ultimate sign of you believing and
following Jesus? (Mark 16:16; Acts 16:31-33)
Believing in Jesus as your Savior and trust in Him (faith) and be baptized.
Does baptism save you? (Ephesians 2:8-9; 1Peter 3:21)
No, God’s grace (his unmerited favor for us which draws us to Christ) and by having faith in Jesus (his gracious gift) we are saved from judgment and given eternal life not by our own actions of trying to be good people.
What does baptism represent and why do we do it?
(1 Peter 3:21)
Baptism (symbolizing the great flood that washed the earth of wickedness) it demonstrated the washing away of your sins and your new life arises in Christ. To be done with a clear conscience (honest) to show God that you have faith in Jesus, the promises of E.T and the Holy spirit and they are yours due the resurrections of JC.
How can we receive the Holy Spirit? (Acts
2:38;Proverbs 1:23;Galatians 3:2;Acts 5:32; Luke
11:13; Luke 24:49)
What are the fruits of someone who is filled and walking in the Spirit and following Christ?
(Galatians 5:22/John 13:35
From God’s presence in us, love (unselfish concern for others), joy, peace (inside), longsuffering (patience while waiting-the act), gentleness, goodness, faith.[Gal 5:22] Having love and unselfish care for other believers in Christ[John 13:55]
Jesus is the one who seals and baptizes us with the
Holy Spirit. If we believe in Jesus, when we receive
and are filled with God’s Spirit ** **signs
will follow (Mark 16:17
uuhh castinout demons and speaking in new tongues?
Although Prophetic utterance through tongues
seems to be the initial sign in the book of Acts of
people who received the Gift of the Holy Spirit,
what are some other gifts that God manifests in a
believers life through the Holy Spirit? (1 Cor 12:1-
- Word of wisdom - Power to speak the message of wisdom (from God)
- Word of knowledge - to express the word of knowledge and how it is understood
- Faith - that works wonders
- Healing - extraordinary acts
- Working of miracles - wonderful events beyond human capability-> showing God’s power and fulfill His purpose
- Prophesying - fortelling of future, speak God’s message to His people
- Discernment of Spirits - Distinguish God’s doctrine from deceptive doctrine by man-made religions and cults
- Diverse kind of unknown tongues
- Interpreter of the unknown tongues
Given from same spirit with diversity, distributed by God’s will