E (Encounter) - FORGIVE Flashcards
Write your answers out and include at least one scripture reference if provided, before flipping.
What is the transition from V (Vehicle) to E?
Would you like to accept the **love, healing, forgiveness **and new life that Jesus has to offer?
What is the acronym for E?
Hint: Lying breaks away the bonds of _ between people.
What does the letter T mean in the acronym for Encounter?
Tell them how to receive God’s love and forgiveness.
Vehicle’s acronym helps here (ACTY): Accepting Jesus and His love by faith, Calling upon Him, Trusting in His love by following Him, (Y = your testimony)
What does the letter R mean in the acronym for Encounter?
Repentance and Receiving prayers
What does the letter U mean in the acronym for Encounter?
Uplift them in prayer and through scripture.
What does the letter S mean in the acronym for Encounter?
Schedule them to attend Bible Studies, Church, and receive, baptism
This is like the Invitational sharing in Friendship.
Remember the times of sharing from Friendship was Invitational, Visitation, Team, Street preaching, and Personal. Reality also gives Key points for Team and Visitation sharing
What does the letter T mean in the acronym for Encounter?
Teach them the importance of discipleship and Telling Others.
Someone may give rebuttals to sharing their faith like in G (God) - reply in the manner you have learned and the Holy Spirit will guide you.