Communication from God (The Bible) Flashcards
Write your answers out and include at least one scripture reference if provided, before flipping.
How does God communicate with us?
You can’t get the holy spirit if you don’t know about God, how did those who know about Him learn about Him?
The Bible
What is the Bible?
- It contains Old testament in the beginning. The O. T. stands for a covenant made between God and the nation of Israel. It contains the story of creation, humanity, the origin of different nations, and etc. The different writings include: The LAw, Historical books, Poetical books, Major Prophets and Minor PropheC.
- The second part of the Bible is the New Testament which means a new covenant was made with the entire world through Jesus Christ. Here all the promises of the O.T. are fulfilled, teaching from and about Jesus Christ and the disciples of Christ. The 4 types of books it contains are the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, letters and a book of prophecy
- The bible is God’s redemption and salvation of human kind. The O.T predicts God’s salvation (conceals it), the N.T. fulfills salvation through JC (reveals it).
It impacts our lives by providing absolute truth, identifying sins, telling we are reconciled with God through Jesus Christ and how to be saved and walk a life in God’s grace.
Why is the bible important?
Scripture references: John 20:31, Psalm 119:9,11. Hebrews 4:12, 1 Peter 2:2
It is important because the word of God, became human (flesh), dwelt among us as Jesus Christ, defeated death by his resurrection and lives eternal with the Father in heaven. The purpose is to have a personal relationship with God. It is a two way relationsip in which we talk and spend time with Him and He does the same. It is our foundation for our faith. You us the scripture to pray, meditate and receive direction.
Why is CHRIST’S principle regarding the Communication from God?
The bible is the word of God and is imperative to build a personal relationship with God. Every believer in Jesus should spend time daily reading the Bible because it gives the believer life. The Bible directs me to Jesus and in him, I have life.
Are all portions of the Bible from God?
scripture reference: 2 Timothy 3:16, 17
Yes, all of scripture was divinely inspired, meaning God breathed it into them by His Holy Spirit. The purpose of the scripture is beneficial for instruction, conviction of sin (a), correction of erros to restore you to obedience, and to train into righteousness (you learn who to live according to God’s will, anywhere and anytime). By this every believer will be completed, proficient, and well equipped and to perform good works to glorify God.
(a) - formally declared guilty of sin, strongly held belief of sin
Why was the gospel written?
Scripture reference: John 20:31
The gospel was written so you can see the miracles Jesus performed which and the fulfillment of the prophecy for the Messiah so that you will acknowledge He is the Messiah, Anointed One, the Son of God. Trust in his authority, power, promises and rely on Him to receive spiritual life and freedom in the name of Jesus.
Where did Moses get the words to write in the Bible?
Scripture reference: Exodus 34:27
It was inspired by God because God directly spoke to Moses to write down the ten commandments.
V28 helps.
According to 2 Peter 1:20 -21, What are we to understand about the prophesy of the scripture?
Hint: chapter is about the Rise of False Prophets
- Just a before in the OT there will be false prophets rising in the body of Christ. These false prophets were saved from the corruption of the world their knowledge of Jesus Christ but are then overcome again by it, making their final spiritual state worst than before. It’s better if they didn’t know how to continue in God’s grace than to know it and turn their back.
- Importance: distruction awaits their future because they openly reject and God, revel in their desception of other saints, lust after sin, despise authority and live selfishly and tempt unstable souls to join in their damnation. They will be punished on the Judgement day and God has not forgot and it is coming.
The while chapter really helps.
What happens when we read and follow the word of God?
Scripture reference: Psalm 199:130
When we read the word of God it gives light, Jesus is the Light of the world therefore it gives us instruction and correction which lead to righteousness an internal life when we follow it because the Holy Spirit gives you a natural response to continue in God’s grace, which means you keep the commands, you continue in the process of sanctification. God’s instruction is simple enough that a child could understand it.
Does it really make a difference if we follow God’s word or not? Why or why not?
Scripture reference: Proverbs 19:16
It makes a difference because if you keep God’s commandments, which mean you eagerly strive to walk in the way of Jesus Christ then you acheive righteousness and perfection in God’s eyes, and eternal life, basically your soul is saved from the punishment of sin which is hell. If don’t keep God’s word then you lose you soul because you are being careless in all your thoughts and actions, trying to save your soul while living in sin and reject the free gift of eternal life through Jesus christ.
there is a scripture he who tries to save his soul will lose it.
Can we trust the Bible and why?
Scripture reference: Psalm 119:160, 89:34
We can trust the Bible because God does not lie, contradict Himself, nor unable to fufill His promises. When He makes a covenant with a person or nation He will keep it even if they don’t (v30 -34). King David expressed in psalm 119 His awe for the character of God one being that His word is truth because it contains all his doctrines, and they last through trials forever. Therefore the Bible which is written by men who were inspired by God’s word, it will last forever, and doesn’t contradicts itself.
The words that Jesus preached, do they still exist for us to follow? Why?
Scripture reference: 1 Peter 1:25, Matthew 24:35
Yes, Jesus words still exist because He is the living revelation of God’s word which endures forever. The world and Heaven as it is now may pass away but God’s word lives on forever. The reason for this is because Judgement day cannot come until all the signs and wonder prophecied come to pass (Matt 24:34)
Who else is the word of God?
Scripture reference: John 1:1, 14
Jesus is the word of God. The word of God existed before the foundation of the earth and time. He existed in union with God because He is God, and expression of Himself. He then became fleshed and lived amongst people so people could see His glory as the one and only begotten Son of God (only one of His Kind, unique) and free of sin.
What does Jesus say about Himself?
Scripture reference: John 14:6*, Romans 3:23; 1 John 2:12,24
Jesus said He is the way (only way to God, the narrow path to heaven - Acts 4:12, Ephesians 2:8), the truth (that is the real truth - what is right and wrong in God’s eyes, telling the reality that we all have sinned and separated ourselves from God, and He is the embodiment of God’s word which isn’t false - Romans 3:23; John 1:1-2, 5:19) and the life (you cannot receive eternal life except by acknowledging, and relying on Jesus, -1 John 2:12,24)
If you need instruction or help, where should you turn and why?
Scripture reference: Romans 15:4
Go to the bible the scriptures, because what was written in the past is for instruction so that by our endurance and its encouragement we can have hope and overflowing confidence in God’s promises, which is eternal life though repentance, being reconciled by Jesus christ, openly confessing He is our lord and savior, trusting in what He is done, belieiving in what He will do and relying on him instead ourselves to receive eternal life.