Preliminary Lesson: Jesus' Doctrine - A Believer's Response Flashcards
Write your answers out and include at least one scripture reference if provided, before flipping.
Does God force us to have our lives transformed and become righteous
Short answer please
No He doesn’t force us, He yields to our free will because He wants us to come to Him with a genuine heart.
What was Jesus first message?
Mark 1:14
His first message was preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God, in this specific time is fulfilled (from the scriptures), the Kingdom of God is close by and everyone needs to repent, and believe in the gospel (v15)
V15 is very helpful.
Repent: change your inner self - your old way of thinking, regret your past sins, live you life in a way that proves repentance*; seek God’s purpose for your life. The gospel - regarding salvation in Jesus Christ.
What are real disciples of Jesus going to become if they follow Jesus?
Mark 1:17, Matthew 13:47-50
They are going to become “fishers of men.”The will go out into the world and preach to the gospel to people from different walks of life, nations, and cultures so they can receive the gospel of the Kingdom of heacen and salvation in the name of Jesus. The kingdom of God is the net they are throwing our and they will collect (reach) the just (those who want to be saved) and the wicked ones. They will be just will be seaparted from the wicked by angels during the end of the world and the wicked will be cast into Hell where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
What are we to continue in? Why is this important
Acts 13:43, Ephesians 2:5,8
We are to continue in the grace of God. For by grace we are saved through faith and not by our works. God’s unmerited and undeserved favor for us was brought through by Jesus Christ and having faith in who Jesus is, his sacrifice, the promises of salvation we are saved.
How did the original disciples respond to Jesus’ message, what in their lives did they give up for Jesus?
Mark 1:16-20 and 16&20 (for you)
The left their jobs, families, homes, their self-pleasing desires, possibly fame because they are to deny themselves in order to walk with Jesus.
What is the foundation of the Spirit and Power of Jesus’ doctrine?
John 12:36
As long as we are on the earth the Light (Holy Spirit) is available fore use to receive by trusting, holding on to for reliance to the gospel of Jesus Christ which brings salvation. When once accepts, trusts and follows the gospel the same Light is instilled in them making them children of Light (God’s adopted children seen as justified and acknowledged by Him).
V35 is helpful
What happens to you if you live for pleasure, wealth, and desires of this life (save your life)?
Mark 8:35-37
You will lose it due to your foolery. If you try to save your life by performing actions according to the law, instead of seeking God’s grace through have faith in Jesus Christ, you will lose it; it will perish in Hell. There is nothing on this earth worthy enough to be exchanged for your soul and promise of eternal life in the KIngdom of God.
How are should our lifestyle and words look like as a believer in a sinful generation? What happens if you are ashamed of Jesus and His words?
Mark 8:38, 2 Tim 2:21, Matthew 25:23
We are to faithfully stay in the grace of God by having Faith in the salvation of Jesus Christ which justifed and sanctified us by the Holy spirit. we are to make ourselves available to God as his honorable vessels, so we can be prepared for his perfect will (Tim). We should not be ashamed of God by our words nor actions. If we are while on earth then Jesus will be ashamed of you when its before God and his angels. At this point he testifies whether you are a Child of God, a true and faithful servant (Matthew).
what scriptures are considered the Bread and Butter (foundational scriptures) that will shape your Christian life?
John 12:46, Mark 1:14-20, and Mark 8:34-37.
What does it mean to be a follower of Christ?
Mark 8:34
To be a follow of Christ we are to follow Him (conform to his image and lifestyle), deny oneself (set aside your selfish interests) and take up their cross (endure what is to come from following and believing in Jesus, possibly martyrdom, or persecution)
What is the O stand for in the FORGIVEness model
What is the mneumonic device to remember the O in the FORGIVEness model, explain each letter?
1. Lasting fulfillment
2. Overwhelming Acceptance
3. Value
4. Eternal life anf forgiveness.