I (Identity in Christ) - CHRIST'S Flashcards
Write your answers out and include at least one scripture reference if provided, before flipping.
If knowing or posessing who we are in Christ is half the battle, what is the other?
Applying - abilities, having no fea, walking with the guarantee you will over obstacles
According to 1 John 4:4 why are you able to
overcome every obstacle and feat?
What does it mean to be the salt and light of the
world (Matthew 5:13-16)?
What does Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 8:34, Acts 1:8
say about your calling?
According to 2 Timothy 1:7 what are the qualities of
the Spirit you now possess as a believer?
How do strongholds come into our
lives and survive?
By willingly opening a door to it through your fleshly desire and emotions or spiritual and mental decption. It survives by appealing to our weaknesses or need in our life. It can come like a surrounding force, using intimidation and manipulation to break down the barriers to your heart and mind, to make you feel powerless, doubt your faith and the power of Christ.
How do strongholds gain their foothold?
Through covenants and agreements, mainly verbal but can be nonverbal. Can be made by the things you take, accept, who you associate with, the places you go and choose to work at, what you eat, watch, and embrace in your life.
why it is important to reflect God in everything
When do strongholds come?
At believers who are breaking out away from their sphere of influence (Radical, Inspired, Holy Spirit led/filled Christians), basically accelerating in their faith and are then going to tell their deceptions to the (evangelize) unbelievers and lost -> and lead others to salvation and away from their control and influence.
What do they want from you? Why don’t they
just leave you alone?
They want to take the territory you have physically and spiritually by gaining control of your mind, will, and emotions to use you for their agenda (waring against God and His law). We allow it to survive, search your heart honestly.
ex of stronghold: media like TV, ads, radio etc -> influence mind
What are the 5 Rs to Removing Strongholds and Being Set Free?
- Recognition
- Removal
- Renounce
- Restitution
- Relish
What does it be to have recognition of a stronghold?
- Ask God to reveal it to u
- Allow the bible to be your mirror to see where it at (ex character scriptures)
- Honestly ask yourself what has a strong hold on you
- Ask/Allow a believer who truly knows you (ex mentor) to tell you about your strongholds/weaknesses in your life
What does it be to have restitution of a stronghold?
Christ is and was sufficient but the strongholds will try to come back to control you through guilt -> do what it takes to make it right with the other party(s) in a godly and authentic manner. If the party requests and unethical repayment - repeat your apology and tell them you can’t, ask for forgiveness and leave! And rejoice you have done what you can.
What does it be to have removal of a stronghold?
Break away from anyone and anything bringing you into agreement with the stronhold ex: relationships, communication, employement.
What does it be to renounce a stronghold(s)?
Willingly and verbally reject the stronghold and confess Jesus as your authority and stronghold (savior of sins, giving freedom, His sacrifice was sufficient) and declare the covenant you are aking with Jesus and surrender to his authority through the Holy Spirit. Request JC to come into your life and receive.
What does it be to relish the removal of a stronghold(s)?
Fill your life/lifestyle after Jesus, Bible, apostles teachings, things of God and Holy Spirit, and other believers, especially the same sex.
What does 2 Corinthians 5:17 infer about your past?
What does 2 Corinthians 5:20 say ambassadors do?
What does 1 Peter 2:9 say that you are?
What does Ephesians 2:19 mean for you?
What does 1 John 2:12 mean for you?
Maybe use.
What do Romans 8:37 and 1 John 5:4 imply for your