Quizes Flashcards
The word that means toward the nose is:
The plantar surface is:
located distal to the tarsus on the back of the hind limb
What divides the ventral body cavity into the cranial throacic cavity and the caudal abdominal cavity?
the stomach
This tissue is composed of a variety of nonliving intercellular substances?
This tissue transmits information around the body and controls body functions?
If the body is to maintain homeostatis, the following must operate normally?
fluid balance, hormone levels, acid-base balance
the entire animal body is made up of this many basic tissues?
4 - epithelial, nervous, muscle, connective
In a dorsoventral radiographic view, the animal is lying on its side when the picture is taken. T or F
F - on its stomach
Smooth muscles move the bones of the skeleton and are under conscious control.
F - moves the food - GI tract - unconscious control
Which layer of skin provides nutrition to the epidermis?
Cells in this layer begin to fill with keratohyaline and lamellated granules that lead to the degeneration of nuclei and other organelles and ultimate cell death.
statum granulosum
These are found in the papillary layer of the dermis
blood vessels, nerve endings, temperature-sensitive receptors
These glands are found in the paw pads of many animals.
eccrine sweat glands
These hairs have a large blood sinus in the connective tissue portion of the follicle
The corium of a claw and hoof is characterized by:
a rich supply of nerves and blood vessels, firm attachment to the periosteum of the distal phalanx
In adult horned animals, horn is hollow and communicates directly with the:
frontal sinus
The horse walks only on this digit: