Quiz 4 Last year Flashcards
programmed cell death as occurs during luteolysis
absence of estrous cycles or a period of sexual inactivity between two breeding seasons
Luteal phase
Stage of the estrous cycle when the corpus luteum is active and progesterone influence predominates
the site of follicular rupture on the Graafian follicle wall at ovulation
Zona Pellucida
a thick mucoprotein coat surrounding the oocyte
Degenerative changes undergone by unruptured follicles in the ovaries
There is a bidirectional communication between the oocyte and granulosa cells. Please describe and provide some examples of such communications
Gap junctions allow exchange of small molecules
example-transfer of amino acids to help development of the oocyte
Paracrine secretion
Example- granulosa cell releases growth factors and hormones needed for oocyte growth
Diagram the two-cell, two-gonadotrophin model of estrogen production in the ovary
How does one follicle become dominant during a follicular wave in the cow (what are the hormones involved)
Briefly describe how the oocyte is arrested during early oogenesis and how it resumes meiosis following LH surge
BONUS: what is the main enzyme responsible for thinning the follicular wall during ovulation and which factor activates it?