quiz #2 - TYPES of infections & disease Flashcards
HERPES virus
family of DNA virus that cause infections:
Virus hides in dorsal root ganglia of spinal cord & appears when body is stressed
5 different herpes viruses
Herpes simplex 1 (oral lesions)
Herpes simplex 2 (genital lesions)
Varicella- Zoster virus (shingles)
Epstein-Barr virus
man is only natural host, spread by contact
-affects skin/ mucous membranes
-often asymptomatic, most common cause of “cold sores” or oral lesions (painful blisters)
sexually transmitted via genital, oral or anal contact, via placenta at birth
-life long infection, chronic, incurable with outbreaks & remissions
-outbreaks: physical, hormonal, immunological stressors
-cold sores, fever, vaginal discharge, dysuria
LYME DISEASE - transmission
injected in body by tick bite from deer (blacklegged tick)
LEPROSY - transmission
-spread with close & repeated contact with nose & mouth droplets of someone who is infected
-takes 3-5 years for symptoms to show, affects mostly skin & peripheral nerves
TB - transmission
caused by inhaled, airborne droplets that establish in lungs causing caseous granulomas
*leading cause of infection in the WORLD
BLACK PLAGUE - transmission
transmitted by fleas on rats → fleas bite humans & other mammals & transmit bacteria
-also via human to human inhaling droplets
CANDIDIASIS - transmission
yeast infection, candida albican, is normal in our GI tract, mouth, genital areas & on skin
-infection = overgrowth of candida that cause symptoms
-IMBALANCE of candida causing pathology
RHINOVIRUS - transmission
over 200 strains that are spread through airborne droplets or from fomites
-highly contagious, often leads to ear, sinus, lung infections
INFLUENZA - transmission
by infected droplets/ touching fomites then touching mouth or nose
GONORRHEA - characteristics
STI of urogenital tract – may also infect pharynx, eyes, rectum
-occurs mostly through sexual activity/ from pregnant women
-epithelial damage
-fever, chills, joint pain, swelling, skin rash, may be asymptomatic
-men: penile discharge, swollen testicles, dysuria, sore throat
-women: thick vaginal discharge, local burning & itching dysuria
CHLAMYDIA - characteristics
most common STI
-infection in urogenital tract (urinary & genital)
-called “silent STD” → symptoms minor/ absent so transmission occurs unknowingly
-most common cause of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) & ectopic pregnancy
-often accompanied by gonorrhea/ syphilis (20-30%)
-transmitted via genital, anal, oral contact, may transmit from mother to baby
-burning & itching with thick discharge, dysuria, painful intercourse
PAPILLOMAVIRUS (HPV) - characteristics
STI causing skin lesions – lesions soft & clustered in groups often in genitalia, perineal or perianal regions
-may develop in mouth/ throat
-pregnancy increases growth & spread, may spread to baby
-may lead to cervical cancer
-most common STD (70% adults)
-causes gentital warts & may also cause warts located on other parts of body
SYPHILIS - characteristics
STI – transmitted by contact with infected body fluid
-Bacteria “treponema pallidum” invaded & causes tissue to fibrose & die causing necrosis – tissue forms “gummas” which act like tumors, growing & taking resources → invaded sensitive tissue causing many systemic symptoms
SYPHILIS - 4 stages if untreated
PRIMARY: 3wks after exposure, painless lesion = chancre
SECONDARY: 6wks after chancre, rash
LATENT: rash
TERTIARY: cardiovascular & neurological symptoms
bacterial infection that attacks & destroys skin, fat, CT (superficial fascia) over mm, also called “flesh eating” disease – may be serious & fatal
-may spread with direct contact, spreads quickly along fascial planes, common in extremities
ENTEROVIRUS - characteristics
affects GI tract & may cause respiratory/ nervous system infections
virus enters through mouth via fecel-oral route – replicates submucosal tissues of GI tract (peyer’s patches), they migrate to different systems & damage tissues
-flu like symptoms, rash, blisters, motor neuron damage & mm weakness lead to paralysis in poliomyelitis
POLIOMYELITIS - characteristics
“polio” – once ingested travels to anterior horn of spinal cord, multiplies & damages motor neurons causing mm weakness & flaccid paralysis
RHINOVIRUS - characteristics
attacks upper respiratory tracts, attaches to & replicates in epithelial cell on lining – leads to immune response to infection causing inflammation & destruction of epithelial cells
-runny nose, coughing, watery eyes, yellow discharge
the plague (YERSINIA PESTIS) - characteristics
in bloodstream, avoidance of phagocytes & other immune cells allow it to replicate uncontrollably & cause inflammation & cell destruction
-enlarged lymph nodes, fever, headache, bloody/ watery cough
bacteria lives on skin & in mucosal tissues → if bacteria enters bloodstream, joints, bones, lungs, or heart, can be life threatening
Inflammation of fluid & membranes of meninges
-affects pia & arachnoid layers that swell due to inflammation, pus forms around brain
-headaches, hyperextended stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, rash, organ failure, shock, chills, fever, rash
when in bloodstream → bacteria produces dangerous toxins that block nerve functions & lead to respiratory / muscular paralysis
-nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, weakness & paralysis, mm weakness → starts in mm supplied by cranial nerves
type C difficile
type C tetani
type C botulinum
GROUP A strep infection (streptococcus pyogenes) - symptoms & complications
strep throat, fever, cellulitis, impetigo, necrotizing fasciitis) – can be suppurative (pus) or non suppurative → transmission via contact, droplets, food borne
-Strep throat - pharyngitis
-Localized skin infection - impetigo
-Rheumatic fever
-Necrotizing fasciitis / flesh eating disease
*sensitive to penicillin
number of organisms & time they take to start infection process in a new host