FINAL - HINTS Flashcards
referred pain
source derived from same embryonic segment as site of pain, we call segments DERMATOMES
stress - cortisol
substance P = enhances pain
massage reduces levels of cortisol & substance P
5 cardinal signs of inflammation (PRISH)
loss of use/ dysfunction
-released from platelets & mast cells
-occurs quickly, lasts less than 30min
-makes gaps in endothelial lining
-released from plasma
-slower reaction than histamine
-accounts for pain felt in inflammation
compliment system - activated in cascade: 3 ways
- classical pathway
- alternative pathway
- lectin pathway
lead to membrane attack complex (MAC)
arachidonic acid dervatives
-lipoxygenases: leukotrienes
-cyclooxygenases: prostaglandins
wound healing
-events that occur after skin injury
-CT cells: produce scar tissue (myofibroblasts, angioblasts, fibroblasts)
infectious diseases caused by…
microorganisms invading the body
1st, 2nd, 3rd line of defence
1st: mechanical barriers- integrity of epithelial surfaces
2nd: inflammation
3rd: acquired immune response (adaptive)
ENDOGENOUS (sources of infection)
from source WITHIN body
(normally existing yeast/ fungus/ bacteria)
EXOGENOUS (sources of infection)
from source OUTSIDE of body
(influenza virus/ smoke/ asbestos)
opportunistic infection
results from an impaired immune system
(AIDS/ HIV patients)
“new growth”
-malignant or benign
study of malignant cancer
6 unique characteristics of cancer
- anaplasia
- anchorage independent
- lack of contact inhibition
- immortality
- angiogenesis
- genetic instability
cells become undifferentiated
anchorage independent
cells detach from bottom of culture flask
lack of contact inhibition
continue to grow & pile up on each other
reverse shortening of telomeres
develop vascular network to bring O2 & nutrients for growth
genetic instability
cells divide continuously, cause genetic damage
-limited growth
-good prognosis
-uncontrollable growth
-will eventually kill host
-less O2 needed
malignant tumor
-no function other than to reproduce
-lack a capsule
-different than original cell
-morbid sadness
-different from grief
bipolar disorder
-cyclical mood swings
-Tx: lithium
seasonal affective disorder
“winter depression”
-related to less sunlight
-Tx: light therapy
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
-emotional state of fear & apprehension
-recurring thoughts & compulsion
panic disorder
emotional state of fear & apprehension
-anxiety disorder
-develops after extremely traumatic event
-abnormally low weight
-intense fear of gaining weight
-distorted perception of own body
-interpret reality differently
-hearing voices
reduction in quantity & quality of RBCs
-iron deficient = most common
-hemolytic anemia
-genetic disorder that impairs clotting
-mutation in gene
-dysfunctional WBCs
-spread via lymph nodes & bloodstream
lyme disease
-bulls eye rash
-tick bite
-neurological/ arthritic symptoms, mm weakness, paralysis
-Tx: antibiotics
bacterial syphilis
-sexually transmitted through infected fluids, open wounds, trans placental
-primary, secondary, latent, tertiary
-tertiary = most severe stage
-Tx: antibiotics
herpes virus
hides in dosal root ganglia
herpes simplex 1
“cold sores” / oral lesions
herpes simplex 2
-genital lesions
-sexually transmitted
-no cure
varicella zoster/ shingles
-after chicken pox, virus lays dormant in peripheral nervous system in dorsal root ganglia of spine
-torso, along sensory nerve dermatome
HPV - genital warts
-over 40 types
-sexually transmitted
-skin lesions
-leads to cervical cancer
-no cure
-affects GI
-may affect respiratory & nervous system
poliomyelitis (polio)
once ingested travels to anterior horn of spinal cord
influenza virus
-infection of upper respiratory tract, can extend into lower
“common cold”
-upper respiratory tract infection
-mucosa of nose & throat
-highly contagious
-ear, sinus, lung infection
fungal pneumonia (pneumyocystic carinii)
-occurs in immunocompromised
-found in lungs of healthy people with no symptoms
yeast infection (candidiasis)
-normal in GI tract, mouth, genital areas & skin
-overgrowth of candida
-bacterial infection
-group A & B
-group A = most common
pharyngitis - strep throat
-caused by group A strep
-sore through in children & teens
-if untreated = glomerulonephritis, kidney inflammation, rheumatic fever
rheumatic fever
-untreated infection of group A streptococcal
-affects children between 5-15 yrs
-affects heart & valves, vegetations form on valves
necrotizing fasciitis
-caused by group A strep
-flesh eating disease
streptococcus pneumoniae
-occurs in upper respiratory tract flora
-in susceptible people may cause pneumonia
-spreads by direct person to person contact, droplets
gonococcus (gonorrhea)
“the clap”
-sexually transmitted infection of urogenital tract
bacterial meningococcal infections
inflammation of fluid & membranes of meninges
cornyebacterium diptheria
-affects mucous membranes, respiratory tract, ears, eyes, genital areas, skin
-grey, thick pseudomembranes forms over throat & tonsils
yersinia pestis
“the plague”
-transmitted by fleas on rats
-50% mortality rate
clostridium botulinum
-bacteria found to cause severe food poisoning with paralyzing effects
-caused by home canned foods low in acid
-found in water, soil, vegetation, feces
-E-coli = virulent strain, causes gastroenteritis & urinary tract infections
coliforms - cholera
-causes watery diarrhea leading to severe dehydration
-rare in north america
-contagious bacterial lung infection
-affects lungs, lymph nodes, other organs
-latent (inactive), active (contagious & symptomatic)
-causes necrosis
-more common in children & mostly in africa/ asia
-takes 3-5 years for symptoms to show
-most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection (last decade increased 143% in canada)
-“silent STD”
-sexually transmitted protozoal (parasite)
-co infected with gonorrhea
TYPE I (hypersensitivity reaction)
-immediate release of histamine
-anaphylactic or atopic reactions
EX: hay fever, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma
TYPE II (hypersensitivity reaction)
-cytotoxic antibody mediated reaction
EX: hemolytic anemia, goodpasture’s syndrome, graves disease, myasthenia gravis
TYPE III (hypersensitivity reaction)
-immune complex mediated reaction
EX: lupus, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, polyarteritis nodosa
TYPE IV (hypersensitivity reaction)
cell mediated or delayed type reaction
EX: contact dermatitis, transplant rejection, TB, fungi, syphilis, Crohn’s sarcoidosis, leprosy
hay fever - TYPE I
-allergic rhinitis
-seasonal allergy, not normally pathological
-inhaled pollens trigger release of histamine
anaphylactic shock - TYPE I
massive release of histamine
goodpasture’s syndrome - TYPE II
-autoimmune disease affecting kidneys & lungs
-antibodies produced attack component of collagen
-affects alveoli of lungs & glomerulus of kidneys
hyperthyroidism - graves (TYPE II)
-autoimmune disease
-thyroid gland
-resultant goiter
-weight loss, fatigue, tachycardia, hair loss, protrusion of eyeballs (exophthalmos)
myasthenia gravis
impaired impulse transmission of motor neurons caused by antibodies that attack & destroy acetylcholine receptors at NMJ
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) - TYPE III
malfunctioning T cells activate B cells that secrete antibodies
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
-sexually transmitted, mother to child, sharing needles
-if left untreated develops into acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
-caused by HIV
-may be life threatening
-no cure
-amyloid builds up in organs
-interferes with normal function
infection & inflammation of lymphatic vessels
accumulation of fluid in interstitial spaces
-abnormal chronic accumulation of fluid in interstitial space, dysfunction of lymphatic system
-swelling local/ systemic
-pitting & non-pitting
-cancer of lymph nodes, spreads to other lymphatic tissues
HODGKIN’S lymphoma
starts at one single lymph node (often in neck) then progresses to others close by & tissues like spleen, liver or bone marrow – two peak incidences:
20’s & 30’s & again in 60’s and 70’s – Reed-Sternberg (RS) cells
NON-HODGKIN’S lymphoma
mostly from B Cells, more common, also more common in men than women, similar to Hodgkin’s but more widespread & metastasizes early, well advanced at diagnosis – no RS cells
infection mononucleosis - epstein-barr virus
“kissing disease”
-can cause mono
myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) - chronic fatigue syndrome
extreme fatigue for longer than 6 months that can not be explained
bullous impetigo
bacterial infection of skin, blisters, very contagious
non-bullos impetigo
bacterial infection on skin, NO blisters
deeper form of impetigo, can scar
-inflammation of lower layers of skin
-swollen, red & warm to touch, margins NOT elevated
-cause: staph or strep
-Tx: antibiotics
inflammation of upper layer (dermis) of skin
infection causing inflammation of hair follicle forming a pustule
hidradenitis suppurative
chronic inflammation of hair follicle
fungal - tinia infections
group of infectious fungi invade epidermis & live off keratin
pediculosis - lice
tiny insects live in skin with hair & feed off blood
mites / scabies
tiny mites live in epidermis/ skin for 30 days
viral molluscum contagiousum
viral infection of skin causing benign, round firm bumps or warts
viral common warts
small, grainy skin growth often on fingers/ hands
acne vulgaris
hair follicle accompanying sebaceous glands obstructed/ clogged with sebum & dead skin
acne rosacea
-skin irritation with erythema
-facial redness, small pustules & telangiectasis (spider veins) over cheek
pseudofolliculitis barbae (shaving rash/ razor bumps)
inflammation reaction of facial hair from just shaved hair growing backawards
-in beard/ neck regions
hair loss
rash with itchy, scaly patches
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
severe reaction to medications with flu like symptoms followed by rash
primary irritant contact (contact dermatitis)
-inflammation of skin
-causes edema
-response to irritant (jewelry, soaps, detergents)
atopic - eczema
chronic skin irritation, begins in early childhood
allergic contact (dermatitis)
from exposure to an allergen
nummular dermatitis
coin shaped rash, type of eczema
skin cancer - malignant melanoma (ABCDE)
A: asymmetrical shape
B: borders irregular
C: changes in colour
D: diameter, larger than 6mm
E: evolving, changes over time
cutaneous papilloma (skin tag/ acrochordon)
noncancerous skin tag or benign growth
cancer - sebaceous gland neoplasm
cancer of sebaceous gland of skin (surrounding hair follicle)
urticaria - hives
swollen, pale red, bumps, welts/ plaques, on skin, itchy, usually form in batches
corns & calluses
corns: hard thickened area on feet
calluses: larger than corns
bony bump that forms at base of MTP of big toe
ichthyosis (vulgaris)
-genetic disorder
-dry, thickened scaly skin due to dead skin cells accumulating on skin’s surface
skin loses pigment cells called melanocytes resulting in discoloured patches of skin, hair & mucous membranes
open wounds, ulcers & sores
-break in skin barrier
-risk of infection
fibrous tissue replaces normal skin tissue after injury & after normal process of wound healing
KELOID: larger than original wound
HYPERTROPHIC: same size as original wound
sinusitis (sinus infection)
-chronic (12 weeks) or acute (4 weeks)
-inflammation of mucosa of nasal sinuses
-upper respiratory tract infection
-inflammation of larynx (voice box)
-symptoms from something else like cold, flu, pneumonia
laryngeal cancer
malignant cells form in larynx
pleurisy (pleuritis)
-inflammation of pleural membranes surrounding lungs
-burning/ stabbing pain during inspiration
-collapsed lung
-air leaks into space between lungs & chest wall
pleural effusion
build up of excess fluid between layers of pleura lining the lungs
pulmonary arterial hypertension
high BP that affects arteries in lungs
pulmonary edema
excess fluid in lungs collecting in air sacs, making it difficult to breath due to lack of O2
respiratory failure - TYPE 1 & 2
TYPE 1: hypoxemic, impaired at alveolar level
TYPE 2: hypercapnic, respiratory pump failure
lung cancer
-cancerous growth in lungs
-tobacco smoke is cause of 80-90%
chronic bronchitis (COPD)
-inflammation of bronchial mucosa causing swelling & hypersecretion of mucus
“blue bloater”
emphysema (COPD)
-destruction of alveolar walls
“pink puffer”
-interstitial lung disease by irritating dust particle inhalation
irreversible dilation of bronchi
-viral lung infection in children & infants, rare in adults
-causes inflammation & congestion in bronchioles
cystic fibrosis (CF)
-genetic disorder, faulty transport of salt in & out of cells
-mucus, saliva & digestive juices
-thick & sticky mucous
obstructive sleep apnea
temporary cessation of breathing (lasting 15 seconds)
pulmonary edema
-excess amounts of fluid in lungs
-most common cause is congestive heart failure
pulmonary embolism
-blood clot occludes pulmonary artery partially or completely
-90% of emboli originate as thrombi from leg veins called DVT
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
life threatening condition of widespread inflammation in lungs causing fluid build-up & respiratory failure
angina pectoris
-chest pain
-reduced blow flow to myocardium
-Tx: nitroglycerine
myocardial ischemia
blood flow to heart is reduced causing myocardial tissue to be depleted of oxygen
myocardial infarction (heart attack)
-death of myocardial tissue from interrupted blood supply
-tissue dies in 20 minutes & does not regenerate
arrhythmias or dysrhythmias
damage to conduction system of heart from scar tissue
congestive heart failure
inability of heart to pump blood to meet body’s demands
LEFT: blood backs up into lungs
RIGHT: blood backs up in body’s veins
rheumatic heart disease
-occurs after rheumatic fever infection
-can manifest in all 3 layers of heart
-disease of heart mm
-may lead to heart failue
cor pulmonale
-right ventricle of heart becomes enlarged & dysfunctional due to pulmonary artery hypertension
-causes right ventricular failure
inflammation of heart mm / myocardium caused by infection of viruses/ parasites
inflammation of pericardium surrounding heart
mitral stenosis (bicuspid valve stenosis)
narrowing of bicuspid valve, causing abnormal opening & blocking of blood flow from left atrium to left ventricle
aortic stenosis
narrowing of aortic valve, preventing valve from opening fully/ blocking blood flow into aorta & onward to rest of body
cardiac arrest
heart stops, loss of consciousness, sudden collapse
formation of blood clot in arterial wall
embolus = any floating matter in bloodstream
-occludes/ blocks vessel
arteriosclerosis - artherosclerosis
-“hardening” of smaller arteries
-most common from of arteriosclerosis = atherosclerosis, deposits made of plaque/ fats
coronary artery disease
atherosclerosis in coronary arteries
peripheral artery disease (PAD)
atherosclerosis of peripheral artery
hypertension - high BP
normal = 120/80
over 140 = hypertension
hypotension - low BP
below 90/60 = hypotension
-often asymptomatic, fainting, light-headedness, blurred vision
-can lead to shock
blood vessel wall weakness that forms pouch outward, enlarging artery
cerebrovascular accident - CVA / stroke
disruption of blood flow to brain, causing infarction of brain tissue within minutes
orthostatic hypotension - postural hypotension
-low BP or sudden drop causing light headedness & loss of balance
-from sitting/ standing after laying down for long time
Raynaud’s disease
-arterial vasospasm in superficial tissues of fingers & toes
-periodic & temporary
thromboangiitis obliterans (TAO) or Buerger’s disease
-rare, inflammation of small to medium sized arteries in extremities
-mostly in men before age 35
-Tx: quit smoking
inflammation of vein, causing poor circulation
thrombophlebitis (DVT)
piece of thrombus may break off forming embolus which may occlude an artery
-commonly may lodge in pulmonary artery causing pulmonary embolism
varicose veins
veins become dilated & twisted because of damaged walls & incompetent valves
circulatory shock
-heart & vessels unable to pump enough blood & O2 to meet body’s demands
-lack of urine, loss of consiousness
edema - cardiac
-left ventricle is overworked & unable to pump out enough blood
-holds excess amount of fluid (blood) which causes it to swell
infective arteritis
-giant cell temporal
-polyarteritis nodosa
decompression illness
-nitrogen dissolved in blood & tissue by high pressure forms bubbles as pressure decreases
-bubbles act as embolisms, blocking/ obstructing arteries
decubitus ulcers - bed sores
-open wound where pressure from body weight presses skin against firm surface
-limited blood flow causes necrosis & death on skin tissue
-autoimmune disease
-immune cells attack walls of blood vessels causing inflammation & narrowing
diabetic microangiopathy
thickening & weakening of basement membrane in capillaries
most commonly caused by gallstones & alcohol abuse (80% of cases)
pancreatic cancer
highest mortality rate of all cancers: 92% die within 5 years
diabetes type 1
-pancreatic beta cells or islets of langerhans are damaged/ destoryed creating lack of insulin
-glucose cannot enter cell
-inject insulin
type 2 diabetes
-90% of all cases
-cause unknown, obesity & sedentary lifestyle
pancreatic insufficiency
inability to properly digest food due to lack of digestive enzymes made by pancreas
Cushing’s syndrome
-due to pituitary tumour
-excessive production of ACTH
-adrenal glands over produce cortisol
-excess production & secretion of growth hormone (GH) from pituitary gland
-during childhood, mainly in long bones
-overproduction & secretion of growth hormone (GH) by pituitary gland
-adult years, hands/ feet/ face
hypopituitary disorders
decrease in production & secretion of pituitary hormones
pituitary tumours
abnormal growth that develop in pituitary gland
empty sella syndrome (ESS)
-enlargement/ malformation of sella turcica
-causes build up of cerebrospinal fluid that squishes pituitary gland (function not affected)
Addison’s disease
adrenal gland does not produce enough cortisol “adrenal insufficiency”
-antibodies attack adrenal cortex killing cortisol producing cells
Conn’s syndrome
tumour in adrenal cortex of adrenal glands causing overproduction of aldosterone
-underactive thyroid gland leading to deficiency of thyroid hormone secretion (T3 & T4)
-develops slowly over months/ years
Hashimoto’s disease
-autoimmune disease, thyroid gland attacked causing inflammation & damage
-bouts of hypothyroidism & hyperthyroidism
-overproduction of parathyroid hormone from parathyroid gland
-maintain levels of calcium in blood, causes imbalance of calcium metabolism
-elevated blood calcium levels, mm weakness, fatigue, hypertension