quiz 2-11-15 Flashcards
Where is the cyanobacteria’s DNA contained
What is in the region of the cell called the nucleoid
Cyanobacteria are classified as bacteria and belong to what domain?
What is the Domain Bacteria
Cyanobacteria are classified into what Kingdom?
What is the Kingdom Monera
True or false? Cyanobacteria have a nucleus and other double membrane-bound organelles.
False- they are prokaryotic cells and they lack a nucleus
It’s where the Cyanobacteria derive their cellular energy from
Photosynthesis and utilization of chlorophyll a
They are the accessory pigments of the Cyanobacteria
What are phycobilins
Where can Cyanobacteria be found?
They can be found in the soil, freshwater and saltwater
Which bacteria are the most numerous ad varied than any other photosynthetic bacterial group?
What are the Cyanobacteria
What is the name of the toxin produced by the dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus?
What is Ciguatera toxin
How do Cyanobacteria help the environment?
they restore the nitrogen levels through the process of nitrogen fixation.
what is the reproductive structure of the cyanobacteria?
which characteristics of the Akinete distinguish it from the rest of the cells of the cyanobacteria?
it is 2 to 3 times larger than the average cell in the filamentous strand and has thicker walls and has a grainy appearance.
what is the thick walled cells of the cyanobacteria that are responsible for nitrogen fixation
they are known as the heterocyst
how much of our atmosphere is nitrogen in the form of N2?
what is the name of the enzyme produced by nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria?
what enzyme is inactivated by oxygen so that the thick-walled heterocysts can inhibit the diffusion of the oxygen
name the 5 structures of the cyanobacteria
- the Akinete
- the heterocyst
- the trichome
- the sheath
- the phycobilin
what is Anabaena classified as
what Kingdom is Algae classified
Plantae and some Protista
where can Algae be found
in freshwater, saltwater and in the soil.
how are Algae classified
- by their photosynthetic pigments
- forms of reproduction
- motility
- composition of their cell walls
True or False? All Algae contain chlorophyll b?
False all Algae contain chlorophyll a and may contain b,c or d
How do Algae move?
they can move by flagella, gliding motility or be non motile
how are Algae environmentally important?
they produce Oxygen as a by product of photosynthesis,
how are Algae economically important?
- they are the basis of food chains in their aquatic ecosystems as Plankton
- they are a food source for animals and people
- they can be used as an additive in foods and pharmalogical products
- Agar is a product of algae
what are the names of the Algae that have very distinctive elegant shells known as frustules
what are the names of the Algae that have very stiff, armor like wall structures called thecae?
What is the name of the Dinoflagellate that causes ciguatera fish poisoning?
Gambierdiscus toxicus
What is the name of the Dinoflagellate that causes neurological symptoms and bloody skin lesions on fish and humans that come in contact with the fish or the contaminated water?
Pfiesteria piscicida
what is the name of the one algae that is infectious on animal tissues
Prototheca- a photosynthetic alga associated with skin and sub Q infections in humans and animals
True or false? the Ciguatera toxin can be killed when properly cooking your fish?
False, it cannot be destroyed by cooking and their is no antidote.
What type of organism is spirogyra?
it is a filamentous Algae
what type of organism is peridinium
it is a dinoflagellate and is motile by using a flagella.
what are the single cells eukaryotic organisms called that are found in freshwater or saltwater?
How do Protozoans move?
they use different methods
- flagella
- cilia
- pseudopods
True or False? Protozoans have complex organells for feeding, reproduction and locomotion?
what is the clear outer layer of the protozoa cytoplasm that is responsible for locomotion, feeding and protection called?
what is the granular inner region of the protozoa that houses the nucleus, mitochondria, food and contractile vacuoles of the cytoplasm called?
what kingdom are protozoa classified in
Kingdom protista
what domain are protozoa classified in
Domain Eukarya
what type of movement is caused when the oxygen molecules collide with the organisms and make them move?
The Brownian movement
what is the best method of viewing motility of bacteria on a thick slide with a deep well, known as
the hanging drop method
how do most bacteria move?
they have flagella.
what is the phenomenon called that bacteria use to move and change directions quickly?
run and tumble
how many flagella do bacteria have?
they can have multiple or single
what is the name of the motile feeding stage of the protozoan, that requires ample food and moisture to remain active
what is the name of the dormant stage of the protozoan, when conditions aren’t favorable for growth and feeding
what is the stage called when the trophozoite rounds itself up into a sphere, the ectoplasm secretes a thick cuticle around the cell membrane.
what is the stage called when the mature cyst returns to favorable conditions and it is restored
what is used during microscopy to minimize light scattering while viewing a specimen?
oil immersion
what has the same refractive index as glass
oil immersion
what is the focusing of as much light as possible to add to the clarity of the image
why is immersion oil used?
to prevent the loss of light that results from refraction
what is the measurement of how greatly a substance slows the velocity of light
refractive index
what is the formula for resolving power
(RP= ^/2NA)
what does RP stand for
resolving power
what does the NA stand for
numerical aperture
what does the ^ lambda stand for
is the wave length of light
what is the NA for the scanning objective
what is the NA for the low power objective
what is the NA for the high power objective
what is the NA for the oil immersion objective
how do you measure the length of a light ray
it is measured between the two adjacent crests and two adjacent troughs of a wave
what wave length is used for observation
blue and violet
what is used to fix a specimen on a glass slide
heat or alcohol
what type of staining procedure utilizes a single dye and allows the observation of bacterial shapes and arrangements
simple stain
when creating a stained slide, what step comes after you apply and rinse off the stain, but before you look at it under the microscope?
blot it off with the bibulous paper
why do we use stains to view cells?
because they lack contrast and it allows us to view the cell shape and arrangement
what two basic dyes do we use most in our lab
methylene blue and safranin because they rinse away easier
name the 6 I’s procedure after collecting your speciment
inoculation incubation isolation inspection information gathering identification
what are the two key characteristics of a good microscope
magnification and resolving power
what is the name of the special lens called in the microscope that converges or focuses the rays of light to a single point on the object
the condenser
the objective forms the initial image of the specimen called the
real image
when the real image is projected to the plane of the eyepiece the ocular lens magnifies it to produce a second image called the
virtual image
to increase visibility and to make it possible to handle microbes in an artificial environment and to begin to analyze what the sample may contain is which process?
to promote multiplication and produce the actual culture and increase in microbe numbers will provide the higher quantities needed for further testing is which process?
to make additional cultures from single colonies to ensure they are pure, is what method?
to analyze the characteristics of the microbes in samples
to provide much specific data and generate an overall profile of the microbes
information gathering
this lays the groundwork for further research into the nature of the microbes.
the capacity of an optical system to distinguish two adjacent objects or points from one another is called
resolving power
what is the shortest visible wavelengths in the spectrum
violet-blue 400nm
a mathematical constant derived from the physical structures of the lens
numerical aperture NA