Quiz 11 - Laterals, Rhotics, Voice quality Flashcards
T or F : Laterals aren’t similar to nasals
Featured characteristics about laterals
Air flows out over the sides of the tongue
T or F: only nasals have a side branch cavity
F, laterals have one
Where is the side branch for laterals
The small [okcet of air on top of tongue
Where do antiformants come from?
the side branch cavity
T or F : antiformants will or won’t resemble the other formants
Wont follow the exact pattern
WHy do laterals usually have a lower f1 than predicted
Because the tube DIAMETER in front of constriction is more narrow than the one behind
Around what frequency for laterals is a antiformant meant to be around
T or F : nasals have a longer tube which means that they have higher frequencies than laterals
First part is true, but nasals have a lower frequency than laterals
t or F : rhotics typically follow the same relative PHONOLOGICAL pattern
Similarity between different rhotics
lowered R3
Rhotics are often grouped as a phonetic/phonological class
Explain using the perturbation theory why the F3 is lowered a LOT in rhotics
Because using the theory, a formant is lowered if there’s a constriction around an antinode
In general for rhotics, we care most about the F3
Name the three general types of voicing (hint : cmb)
Creaky, modal, breathy