Quiz 1 Handout Flashcards
muscle covers the lateral side of the trunk, functioning to twitch the skin
cutaneous trunci
Muscle that have an attachment to the body
extrinsic mm.
Muscles with both attachments on the thoracic limb
Intrinsic mm.
Muscles that stabilize the shoulder e.g. supraspinatus, infraspinatus
Shoulder mm
Grouped into flexors and extensors of the elbow
arm muscles: Brachium
Innervated by the radial n. they cross the extensor side of the elbow to insert on the olecranon
Extensors of the elbow
Cross the flexor side of the elbow
flexors of the elbow
divided into flexors and extensors of the carpus and digits
Forearm (ante brachial) muscles
located craniolaterally, they are innervated by the radial nerve
Extensors of the digits and carpus
Muscles located caudally
Flexors of the carpus and digits
insignificant m, except the interosseous m (suspensory ligament in horses)
Muscles of the manus and pes
Functioning in respiration, they are divided into inspiratory and expiratory muscles
Thoracic muscles
Arise cranial to the thorax and move the ribs cranially and laterally thus increasing the volume of the thorax , resulting in the air rushing into the thorax sue to decreased pressure
inspiratory mm
the major inspiratory muscle it retracts caudally to increase the size of the thorax, thus resulting in inspiration
arise caudal to the thorax and move the ribs caudally and medially, decreasing the volume and increasing the pressure, forcing air out
expiratory muscles
three lateral muscles and the rectus abdominis on the ventral abdomen
abdominal wall muscle
flat tendons of the lateral abdominal muscles that form a sheath around the rectus abdomens
the straight abdominal muscle on either side of the midline, running longitudinally
rectus adbominis
aponeuroses of the abdominal mm covering the rectus abdominis
external rectus sheath
the muscles located above the transverse processes of the vertebrae
Epaxial mm
muscles located below the transverse process of the vertebrae
hypaxal mm
hypaxial m. located ventral to the bodies of the cervical vertebrae
Longus Coli m.
arise from the sternum and the extend cranially on the ventral midline of the neck, just superficial to the trachea
strap mm
pass from ventral surface of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae to the hip bone and femur
Sublumbar mm
Muscle that extend the hip
Rump or gluteal muscles
the quadriceps femurs m. that extends the stifle, innervated by the femoral nerve
Cranial thigh muscles
the adductor group inneravted by the obturator n. They adduct the limb
Adductor/ medial thigh mm
Innervated by the sciatic n they extend the hip joint and have varied actions on the stifle and tarsus
caudal mm of the thigh/ hamstring mm
Craniolateral mm innervated by the common fibular nerve
Extensors of the digits, flexor of the tarsus
caudal mm of the crus innervated by the tibial nerve
flexors of the digits extensors of the tarsus
thin muscles of the face innervated by the facial nerve
muscles of facial expression
muscle of facial expression its sphincter fibers encircle the eye. innervated by the facial nerve
orbicularis oculi m
innervated by the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
muscles of mastication
connect the eye and the body, move the eye and are innervated by the 3rd and 4th, and 6th cranial nerve
extrinsic muscles of the eye
innervated by the hypoglossal n.
muscles of the tongue
deal with swallowing and are innervated cranial nerve 9 and 10
muscles of pharynx
joining of many ventral branches of the cervical nerves, supplying structures to the neck
cervical plexus
a network formed by ventral branches of the last few cervical nerves, and the first on or two thoracic nerves. supplies most muscles of thoracic limb
Brachial plexus
the ventral branches of the thoracic nerves do not form a plexus but pass in the intercostal spaces as inter coastal nerves
Intercostal nerves
the ventral branches of the lumbar and sacral nerves. supplies muscles and skin of the abdominal wall, pelvic limb, external genitalia, rump and perineum
D. lumbosacral plexus
an area of the skin supplied by a single spinal nerve
Fat filled peritoneal fold in the cranial end of the incision, extending from the umbilicus to the diaphragm and liver
Falciform ligament
lacy connecting peritoneum covering the small intestine
greater omentum
dark structure in the left abdomen that may cross the midline
located caudal end of the long abdominal incision
urinary bladder
organ just caudal to the liver
small intestinal continuation of the stomach on the right side of the abdomen
descending duodenum
peritoneum connecting the visceral peritoneum of the duodenum with parietal peritoneum
situated between the layers of the mesoduodenum
the coils of small intestine filling the the abdomen
blind ended, coiled first part of the large intestine
the last part of small intestine entering the colon, just caudal to the secum
the second part of the large intestine located cranial to the cecum
Ascending colon
the continuation of the ascending colon around the cranial side of the root of the mesentery from left to right
transverse colon
the last part of the colon that travels caudally from the transverse colon
Descending colon
the connecting peritoneum of the descending colon