Q&A Radiology Flashcards
What is the picture taken by a radiographic machine called
Radiograph or film, not an X-Ray
Why isn’t x-ray an appropriate term for a radiograph/film
Cant see X-Rays
What is evaluated in a radiograph
Shape and Density
What can eliminate needing to think about the inverse square rule
Using standard distances for different techniques (technique chart) eliminates distance as a variable
How do you minimize the distortion of divergence in radiology
Always place the part/ side of interest against the cassette so it will sharp and close to actual size
How do the five different radiograph densities appear on film
Air= black, Fat= black, water= shades of gray, bone=white, and metal=white
What are the five B’s that aid the remembering density differences
Bubbles, blubber,blood, bone, and bullet= air, fat, water, bone, and metal
What is required to see structures in a radiograph that touch each other
Differences in density between them
How is fat a friend when reading radiographs
more radiolucent= contrast soft tissues
Define A. increase opacity B. Decrease opacity C.Radiolucent D.Radiopaque E.Increase radiolucency
A. Whiter shadow than expected caused by an increased subject density or size
B. Darker shadow than expected, due to a decrease in the subject density or size
C.Dark, a structure allowing most of the X-Rays to pass through it, resulting in a dark shadow
D.White, a structure that blocks most of the X-rays to pass through it, resulting in a dark shadow
E.Darker, caused by a decreased density of size of a subject
What is the general rule in preparing the animal to take a good radiograph
minimal amount of movement
Discuss minimal amount of movement when taking radiographs
Varies with type of radiograph: from minimal Restraint, to sedation, or anesthetized
What does and does not lead protect against in relationship to radiology
does: scatter; doesn’t: primary beam
What is often imagined in radiographs but can’t be seen as it is a 2-dementionalimage
do not try to read or see depth
How are radiograph views named
where the beam enters and exits the body/part
Describe how the beam enters and exits the body in the following views:
A.Right and left lateral projections of major body cavities (abdomen thorax)
B.DV/ dorsoventral and VD ventraldorsal
C.Carinalcasudal/ anteriorposterior
D.DP dorsalpalmer (dorsalplantar pD) palmarodorsal projection
A. Named for the surface closet to the cassette
B.DV: beam enters the dorsal surface and exits the ventral VD: enters the ventral and exits the dorsal
C:Beam enters the carinal/anterior side and exits the caudal/posterior side of the limb above the caps and tarsus
D.DP shot from the “front to back” dorsal to the plamar side below the proximal end of the carpus (tarsus); PD beam through the palmar/plantar side and out the dorsal side below the proximal end of the carpus (tarsus)
What are the L and R markers indicate on the radiograph
Patients side placed on the film/ “down”, side of the body in VD and DV films, or which limb if there is only one limb in the film
What should always be used to check if the markers on the film are correct
Anatomical landmarks
What side of the body or limbs are the following anatomical landmark? A. Apex of the heart B.Gas bubble in the funds of the stomach C.Descending colon D. Cranial Kidney, Caudal Kidney E.Anticlinal vertebra-vertical vertebrae F. Head of the humerus G. Radius H.Olecranon I:Distal end of the ulna J:Accessory carpal bone K: Dew claw L: Patella M:Fibula N:Calcaneus
A.left B.Left C.Left D.Right, left E.usually T11 in dogs F: Caudal G:Cranial H: Caudal I: lateral and caudal J: Lateral and palmar K:Medial L: Cranial M: Lateral N: Lateral Plantar
What is the survival law when reading radiographs
read in a systemic manner
What helps you orient the views and indicate the direction of the beam
anatomical landmarks
what view silhouettes lateral and medial limb structures
craniocaudally, dorsopalmar, ordorsoventral
Since the radiograph is in two dimensional representation of a three dimensional object, how is the third dimension extrapolated
at least two radiographs must be taken at 90 deg to each other
The different views _____ different sides of the bones
Highlight/ silhouette
what does the lateral view silhouette
cranial and caudal surfaces of the bone
is the cartilage seen radiographically
No, only inferred
Since cartilage can’t be seen radiographically, how is it evaluated
check the subchondral bone
What is the space between the bone seen in a radiograph
joint space and articular cartilage
What is the composition of most long bones at birth
Bone capped at both ends with articular cartilage, 2 cartilaginous discs between the diaphysis and the 2 epiphyses
What are the cartilaginous discs between the diaphysis and the epiphyses
Epiphyseal side of the metaphyseal, or growth plates
Where does the lengthening of the bone occur
Epiphyseal side of the metaphyseal plate
What should not be mistaken for fractures radiographically
Physeal lines or sesamoid bones
What is a normal remnant of the closed physis
physeal scar