Quiz 1 Flashcards
***what is the deepest point in the ocean
Challenger deep (Mariana trench)
***what percent of total water is salt water
***what is the tallest mountain
***defines how far north or south we are from the equator
Latitude –> equator
***Defines how Far East and West from Prime meridian
Longitude –> Prime Meridian
the number 4 chronometer was made by who
John Harrison
this was a storehouse for ships logs
library of Alexandria
who created a modern system of Latitude and longitude
Who oriented maps (North is up)
Claudius Ptolemy
they colonized islands in the pacific
they were able to look at shapes of waves and know where islands were located
they discovered america
they created a central rudder system and watertight compartments
they were the first to develop a compass
they had huge ships
He was the “Navigator of Portugal”
–> sent ships out to map out new areas
Prince Henry
he was looking for a shorter route to Asia but discovered america
Christopher Columbus
He had the first voyage around the world
Ferdinand Megellan
This was published in 1507
It was the first map to name America and show new world as separate from Asia
Waldseemiller Map
***Father of Modern Oceanography
Killed by Hawaiians on Feb 14
charted New Zealand and Great Barrier Reef
Captain Cook
Had a 4yr voyage for US Navy
19 volume report formed core of Smithsonian Collection
Lt Charles Wilkes
First “full time” oceanographyer
compiled marine charts and weather charts into a reference for mariners
charts have wind and current directions
Matthew Fontaine Maury
***First map to show a current
current: Golf Stream
shortened time from Europe to America
Franklin and Folger map
***Expedition w/ Murray and Thomson Purely scientific showed life below 1800 ft was abundant discovered 4717 new species Murray wrote a 50 volume set
Challenger Expedition
***Challenger Expedition was important because
it showed that scientific work is profitable
In 1892 wrote a book :The Influence of Sea Power upon History (1660-1783)
Landmark book for developing naval power and strategy
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Had the polar exploration
first professor of oceanography
captained the “fram”
–>ship designed to withstand polar ice
–> proved no northern continent existed
stuck in ice for 4 yrs
Fridtjof Nansen
Joint Oceanographic Institute for Deep Earth Sampling
***Oceanographic Institutions
Woods Hole
Scripps Institute
Lamont Doherty
***collection of dust and gas in space
form when a star explodes
***Mass coming together to form a larger mass
***believes that gravity pulls dust and gas from nebula and create new stars and planets (solar system)
Nebular Hypothesis
***believes that a Mars sized structure struck the earth and created the moon
giant impact hypothesis
***structure of earth based on composition
core –> mantle –> crust
***density of continental crust
2.7 g/cm3
***density of oceanic crust
2.9 g/cm3
defined as heavier material sinking
***defined as lighter materials floating
***bigger base created to support heavier load (sinks)
load that doesnt move
load of earth pushes crust down
isostatic load
***earth’s structure by physical properties
1) inner core
2) outer core
3) MESOsphere
4) ASTHENOsphere
5) LITHOsphere
***Primary and compressional
travel thru liquids and solids
P waves
***Secondary and shear waves
travel thru solids
S waves
***who is assoc with original lines of evidence (continental drift)
Alfred Wegener
***5 Modern Day Lines of Evidence (Continental Drift)
1) seismic evidence- earthquake locations
2) structural evidence- ridges and trenches
3) magnetic evidence- stripes on the seafloor
4) age of seafloor- DSDP
5) Presence of hot spots
***Ma definition
Mega Annum (million years)
***oldest ocean crust
about 180 Ma
Conversion Plate Boundaries
continental crust vs. oceanic crust are found in
Conversion Plate Boundaries
oceanic crust vs. oceanic crust is found in
Conversion Plate Boundaries
continental crust vs continental crust is found in
Divergent Plate Boundaries
continental vs continental found in
East African Rift
divergent plate boundaries
oceanic crust vs oceanic crust found in
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
transform plate boundaries are….
and found in…
are 2 plates moving past each other
found in: San Andreas