class quizzes Flashcards
known as the father of modern oceanography
James Cook
layers of earth based on physical properties
inner core outer core mesosphere asthenosphere lithosphere
he first oriented maps
gave the world its first system of latitude and longitude
first full time oceanographer
matthew fontaine maury
main scientist that thought of plate tectonics
alfred wegner
what was the significance of the challenger expedition
it showed that science is profitable
the first professor of oceanography who was also the captain of the fram
Fridtjof Nansen
who made the number 4 chronometer
john harrison
which waves dont travel thru liquids
what percentage of water on earths surface is salt water
the scientifically accepted idea of how the solar system was created is known as the
nebular hypothesis
oceanographic institutions
woods hole
scripps institute
lamont doherty
joint oceanographic institute for deep earth sampling
the average depth of the oceans
12500 ft
a land occupies approximately what % of earth’s surface
the challenger deep is approximately
36,163 ft
a single depth measurement is known as a
what is the name of the vessel that went to the challenger deep first
bathymetry asks
how deep is the water
which occupies the most area of earth’s surface
ocean basin floors
a landmass from somewhere else is known as an accreted or
exotic terrain
the average elevation of land is
2800 ft
which of the following was one of the people to go to the challenger deep
don walsh
four forces that drive plate tectonics
slab pull
slab suction
ridge push
6 stages of the wilson cycle
embryonic juvenile mature declining terminal suturing
ways to sample sediments of sea floor
clam shell scoop
piston core
short core
what created the strange sea floor topography off the coast of Texas
salt domes
where do black smokers come from
mid ocean ridges
four types of sediment based on the source of sediment
windrows are caused by
langmuir circulation
what is the opposite condition of El Niño
La Niña
in terms of waves, fetch refers to
the distance wind is in contact with the water
the effect of ekman transport is that in general, water moves
90 degrees to the direction of the wind
constructive interference causes the resulting wave to
be larger
what triggers tsunamis
1) earthquakes
2) meteor impacts
3) landslides
4) volcanic eruptions
the word tsunami means
harbor wave
a wave train moves at …. the speed of an individual wave
the largest average wind waves occur in
west wind drift
4 things that will make waves
1) wind
2) landslides
3) earthquakes
4) earth’s rotation/ gravity
the longer the wavelength the … the speed
the faster
a wave thats much larger than other waves in the area is
a rogue wave
tides are created by
1) the sun
2) the moon
3) earths rotation
types of tide patterns
1) mixed
2) diurnal
3) semi-diurnal
occur when there is a full moon or a new moon
spring tides
diffraction causes
new waves to form
when water drains away from the coast
a tsunami is coming
increase beach erosion
beaches typically have more sand during the
which state has the highest percentage of critical erosion along its coastline
types of estuaries
1) Bar-built
2) tectonic
3) drowned river mouth
4) fjord
the coastline along California is mostly considered
features along submergent coastlines
1) barrier islands
2) lagoons
3) bay mouth bar
4) tombolo
3 types of deltas
1) river dominated
- -> Mississippi River
2) tide dominated
- -> Colorado River
3) wave dominated
- -> Nile River
marine primary productivity is high
:at the equator
:near coasts
:where upwelling occurs
or chemical components for life
:is a fact
:is observable in nature
:demonstrated in the fossil record
kingdoms of the linnean system of classification
which was the most severe mass extinction
End Permian
3 zones based on sunlight
deepest benthic zone
hadal zone
the theory of evolution is known as the
darwin-wallace theory of evolution