quiz 1 Flashcards
What happens during Respiration
oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged
What does Oxygen help sustain?
helps to sustain our body’s cells
How is air pressure measured as?
as the force exerted on a chamber by air molecules
What is the formula for pressure ?
Pressure = Force/Area; P = F/A
if A ↑ then P ↓ and if A ↓ then P ↑
When applied to the lungs this means that as the lungs expand (and their volume ↑) then the air pressure in the lungs ↓
If you increase the volume then the pressure will decrease
Piston Analogy
hypodermic needle
What happens if we decrease in pressure?
itll cause air to enter in the lungs to balance it out
in nature what is the spontaneous tendency we seek?
there exists a spontaneous tendency to seek equilibrium
What happens when the lungs expand?
as the lungs expand they create a difference in air pressure between the region internal and the region external to the lungs
then Air then rushes into the lungs in order to stabilize the difference in air pressure
Is where the lungs are situated and ribcage serve to protect and support them
What is the thorax consist of ?
he vertebrae/vertebral column from which the ribs extend and the sternum found anterior to the vertebrae
Where is the sternum found?
anterior to the vertebrae
What is anterior-superior boundary of the thorax
the first rib/clavicle
How many segments of bone the vertebral column has ?
33 segments of bone with 5 sections
What are the 5 sections of segments of bone in the vertebral?
Cervical (7) Thoracic (12) Lumbar (5) Sacral (5)* Coccyx (4 fused)*
How many segments of bone in the Cervical section?
How many segments of bone in the Thoracic section?
How many segments of bone in the Lumbar section?
How many segments of bone in the sacral section?
How many segments of bone in the coccyx section?
4 fused
What are Vertebrae separated by?
intervertebral discs
they are fatty disk to cushion the area. Articulating a meeting between bone
Where do Vertebrae fit together ?
at the articular facets
atlas; superior articulation with the skull, supports the skull
support the cranium
axis; provides pivot for the skull
Transverse foramina for vertebral artery
12 thoracic vertebrae
What are the thoracic vertebrae Characterized by?
Characterized by large spinous and transverse processes
Ribs 2-9 attach to 3 different regions
Lumbar Vertebrae
Lumbar Vertebrae
Larger vertebrae (L1-5) that provide attachment for abdominal and back mm, including the diaphragm
Saccral Vertebrae
Saccral Vertebrae
fused and are called the sacrum
fused vertebrae
what is the first rib?
The clavicle
What are the names of the first two vertebrae?
Atlas and Axis
atlas is the first one and axis is the second one
What is the posterior portion of the vertebrae called?
Spinous process
this is the sticky and bony part
What is the anterior portion of the vertebrae called?
this is the thick part
What is the lateral portion of the vertebrae called?
Transverse processes
What is the name of the hole in the vertebra that the spinal cord passes through ?
Vertebral Foraman
The name of the holes between the vertebrae that nerves exist?
Intervertebral foramina
Intervertebral discs
They separate the vertabrae
Articular facets
is where the vertebrae meet. like they are name something articualt facet ex superior articular facet but it indicades thats where the vertebrae meet
Transverse foraman
holes where the arteries travel. only the atlas and axis have it
Where bone meet
Odontoid process
it fits like a lock/key in the C1
Means related to the ribs so any where it says costal facet is where ribs attach
Articular facet
means when the superior vertebrae meets with other vertebrae
Pelvic girdle
provides structure for attachment of the lower appendages to the vertebral column
Components of the pelvic girdle
ilium, sacrum, pubic bone and ischium
ilium supports abdominal musculature
Sacrum articulates with L5
Bones that make up the pelvic girdle?
Why the cervical vertabrae important?
The are important because first 7 and they are the ones below the cranium
what way and to what do the ribs attach?
The ribs attach anteriorly to the sternum
Pectoral girdle
provides structure for attachment of the upper appendages to the vertebral column
Components of the pectoral girdle
scapula and clavicle