Questions from Test#2 Flashcards
Moral and Ethical actions
How many times should the Fire Officer walk through the station during a shift?
Several times
Who believes Hostile work place complaints will shape workplace diversity
CO should walk around around the fire station how many times during a shift
The CO sets expectations that the Company will perform at the highest level possible in the role of?
An officer with 3-5 years NFPA certified FO III with Bachelor Degree
Administrative Fire Officer
The text of the comunication
is the Message
Who is responsible to capture and interpret the information
the Receiver
Who is responsible to ensure that the message was received and interpreted correctly
Both the sender and receiver
3 things that the FO should report to his Chief Officer
- Progress towards performance goals and project objectives
- matters that may cause controversy
- attitudes and morale
informal source of information
The Brain has difficulty processing more than how many input sources at a time
ONE (1)
Who is responsible for filling out NFIRS reports for each incident
the first arriving officer or the IC
who is responsible for reporting Exposures and injuries at a scene
The Incident Safety officer not Health and Safety
How many of the 406 FF’s who died in MVC’s between 1977 and 2007 died in their personal vehicles
A single unit IAP should include
- incident objectives
- activities to be completed
- Specific time frame of the operational period
who is responsible in determining when it is safe to reduce the level of PPE
IC and Incident Safety Officer
NFPA 1581
Requires an established Infection Control Program
Documentation of Exposures
- how it occurred
- Mode of transmission
- entry point
- use of PPE
- Medical follow up
US Navy HFACS stands for
Human Factors Analysis and Classifications System
HFACS levels
- Unsafe Acts
- Preconditions to unsafe acts
- Unsafe supervision
- Organization
Accident investigation 3 phases
- collection of physical evidence
- interview of witnesses
- written document
According to a 30 year study the number LODD’s declined how much
HFACS unsafe acts 2 catergories
- Errors- unintentional
2. Violations- intentional
HFACS Level 3 has (4) catergories
- inadequate supervision
- allowing inappropriate operations
- failure to correct known problems (near miss event)
- supervisory violations
HFACS level that is most difficult to analyze
Level 4
Fire Officer must fulfill 4 roles so EGH
- identify the hazard
- mitigate
- train
- model safe behavior
Heart attacks acct for what percentage of LODD’s
What is the tactical level management unit that provides for medical tx including monitoring, food and fluid replenishment and relief from climatic conditions
Incident scene Rehab
Single unit IAP specifies what
Incident strategies
Four borders of the Fire Officers Human Resources Arena
- Federal laws
- Union contract
- city regulations
- Departmental policies
Who perform experiments called Time and Motion studies?
Frederick Taylor
Henry Fords Model T factory was model after who’s 4 principles?
Frederick Taylor
Who is responsible for theory x and y
who is responsible the Human creativity theory
who is responsible for The Managerial Grid Model
Blake and Mouton
5 behavioral models of an officer
- indifferent
- controlling
- accomidating
- status quo
- sound
Person that believes an inherent contradiction between concern for results and people
Status Quo
Task of managing people using Physical financial and time assets
Human Resource Management
All activities to train and educate employees
Human resource development
Motivational Theory that people act in a manner that they believe will lead to an outcome that they value.
Expectancy theory
Who updated French and Ravens Power Theory
control over information
informational power
control over the environment
ecological power
effective leadership style when dealing with experienced FF’s when their is little personal hazard
Initial Communications Report (when arriving to a scene)
- ID your Company on scene
- description of incident situation
- obvious conditions
- brief description of actions to take
- declaration of strategy to be used i.e. offensive/defensive
- obvious safety concerns
- assumption and location of command
- request or release resources
Who created the Motivational Hygiene Theory
Frederick Herzberg
Herzberg’s 2 factors
Someone please shorten this one up!
- Hygiene is External-outside factors- pay and work conditions
- Motivational is internal- desire for recognition, achievement, responsibility, advancement
motivating the crew to set goals
Goal Setting theory
When one employee evaluates the outcomes they receive for the input they put in and compare them with other people
equity theory
Hands on practice
Training a group
5 step approach to decision making
- clear your mind
- list the options
- weigh the outcomes
- make a choice
- evaluate your decision
what is #4 in the decision making process
- make a choice
Automatic skills are at what level of the competency scale
Unconsciously Competent
The 4 step method of developing training program
- Prepare
- Presentation
- Application
- Evaluation
Suspension usually issued by
Batt Chief or higher
Psychomotor skill levels
- Initial
- Plateau
- latency
- mastery
review Training action plan pg 150
pg 150
New member OJT 4 things required
pg 147
- Bloodborn pathogens
- Haz Mat awareness
- SCBA fit test
- NIMS directive 5
Instructor 2 (5) steps required
- recognize need for training
- est. objectives
- develop the training
- deliver the training
- evaluate the outcome
Annual Evaluation steps
- Fill out eval form
- Suborninate reviews it
- Face to face feedback
- est. goals
Employee should be advised at least ? weeks prior to eval if they have deficiencies
10 weeks
7 evaluation factors
- leniency or severity
- personal bias
- recency
- central tendency
- frame of reference
- Halo or horn
- Contrast effect
Conflict Management template 1st phase
Obtain as much information as possible
What should be the function of the Fire Officer during a brainstorming session?
Types of problems classified in 4 Broad catergories
- In house issues
- internal dept. issues- outside the fire house
- external issues - outside the dept.
- High profile- administration gets involved
When handling ext. issues
notify your supervisor early
Lloyd Layman’s 5 step decision making process
F-Facts P-Probabilities S-situation D-Decision P-Plan of operation
The informal Authority to lead is derived through
Social Competence requires knowing how to speak to people ____________.
3 Respect competences
- Personal
- Technical
- Social
Gary Klein
Cognitive Psychologist studied decision making under pressure
Dupont’s Dirty dozen. Reasons that human beings make mistakes
Note: all of the odd #s are Lacks
- Lack of communication
- complacency
- lack of knowledge
- distraction
- lack of teamwork
- fatigue
- lack of resources
- pressure
- lack of assertiveness
- stress
- lack of awareness
- norms
Crew Resource Management
recognition primed decision making process
commanders can recognize a plausible plan of action