Chapter 5 S & R management Flashcards
The third most frequent category of firefighter fatalities include___ & ___.
Asphyxiation and Burns
_____ ______ is the identification and analysis of exposure to hazards with respect to the health and safety of members.
Risk Management
What is the Second leading cause of Firefighter fatalities?
Traumatic injuries
As an occupational group what are FF’s much more likely to die of than other US workers? (test Q)
Heart Attack
The most frequently reported injuries are
Test Q
- Sprain, strain or muscle pain 50.7%
- Wound, cut, bleeding 14.5%
- Thermal stress 6.9%
- Burns 6.2%
In the PIA who provides a written report for the Dept. that includes pertinent info relating to Safety and Health issues involved with the scene.
Incident Safety Officer
The FO must understand the 3 Basic Principles of an investigation
- Identification and Collection of physical evidence.
- Interviews and Witnesses
- Written Documentation
(look up later pg 105)
The Fire Officer must fulfill 4 things to provide a safe environment for the Fire Company to ensure that everyone goes home.
- Identify unsafe conditions
- Mitigate or reduce as many problems as possible
- Train and prepare for the remaining hazard
- Model safe behavior
Who is responsible to ensure that all required Federal, State and Local documentation is complete and accurate.
The Fire Officer
Any unexpected event that interrupts or interferes with the orderly progress of Fire Department operations.
An Accident
Who is charged with ensuring that all injuries, illnesses, exposures, fatalities and other potentially hazardous conditions are thoroughly investigated?
Health and Safety Officer
Who should be immediately notified after an exposure incident has occurred?
Infection Control Officer
Standard that provides specific info on establishing an infection control program.
NFPA 1581
What solution is typically used to disinfect equipment other than Bunker gear?
1% Bleach solution
What 2 officers at a scene are responsible to determine if it is safe to reduce the level of PPE that will be used at any given time?
Incident Commander and Incident Safety Officer
What injuries are the leading type of Firefighter injuries?
Sprains and Strains
Who is considered to be “on the front line” regarding Safety Policies?
the Fire Officer
What is the highest priority of a Fire Officer?
Everyone Goes Home
The reality is that for every Firefighter Death nearly how many are injured?
The process of providing rest, rehydration, nourishment and medical evaluation to members involved in strenuous or extended-duration incident scene operations.
Assistant Safety Officers can be assigned to subdivide usually at a large incident for different areas and or functions. Combined this group can be named
Safety Unit
General required knowledge of a Safety Officer
- Safety and Health hazards involved in Emergency Operations
- Building Construction
- Local Fire Department personnel accountability system
- Incident command system
According to NFPA 1521 The Incident Safety Officer must be a FD Officer with what minimum qualifications?
Must meet the minimum qualifications for Fire Officer I as outlined in NFPA 1021 ( the standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications)
NFPA Standard that outlines criteria for Incident Safety Officer
NFPA 1521
Who should the Safety Officer inform immediately when a Hazardous situation is identified?
Incident Command IC
Who has the authority to suspend or alter activities when a situation creates an imminent Hazard
Incident Safety Officer
Primary responsibility of the Incident Safety Officer
Indentifying Hazardous situations and dangerous conditions and recommending appropriate safety measures
The exchange of info between Safety and IC should be conducted
pg 93
At the command post
Who initiates the Incident Command System
Initial Arriving Company Officer
Who can relieve an IC
pg 93
Higher Ranking Officer
The Standard structure that is used to manage assigned resources so as to accomplish the stated objectives for an incident.
Incident Command System
The Safety Officer is a key component of what system
incident command system
What NFPA standards require FD’s to have an SOP that defines criteria for the appointment or response of an Incident Safety Officer
NFPA 1500
and NFPA 1521
The Safety Officer reports directly to whom
The IC (incident Commander)
Duties and responsibilities of the Safety Officer are defined in what NFPA Standard
NFPA 1521
If an Employee threatens to “ass rape” another employees wife. This is an example of
a. immediately actionable incident
b. employee needs a hug
c. justifiable workplace homicide
d. employee is full of crap and wants 6 months off on EAP leave
What should continue to be updated as progress updates are received by crews or when command staff observes changes in conditions
Incident Action Plan
Incorporates the overall incident strategy, tactics, risk management evaluation and organization structure for the particular situation
Incident Action Plan
You have a feeling that your officer after recently being dumped after a marriage proposal has murdered his Hermaphrodite lover and buried her in the rose garden. appropriate action would be to
a. ignore the incident
b. ask him to go with you for a night time stroll on a deserted beach
c. call him into the office and say “ WTF Bro you’ve got to tone it down for a while.
d. tell him that you’ve always wanted a sex change and you need a place to stay.
TQ-pg 92
While operating at a scene the Fire Officer reviews the Pre-incident Plan and makes observations about Current Conditions these 2 inputs are combined to create
the IAP by the IC
A written document that provides information that can be used to determine the appropriate actions in the event of an emergency at a specific Facility is known as
Pre-Incident Plan
_______ incorporates a process to move from Strategy and Tactics to Tasks in an organized fashion
NIMS stands for
National IMS
Provides a framework for commanding high risk tasks under a dynamically changing environment
A simplified description of the Risk vs. Benefit process and must be approached in a structured and metered manner
“Risk a little to save a little/
Risk a lot to save a lot”
A paramount goal
part of LIP
Life Safety
includes civilians and FF’s
A hazard and situation assessment that weighs the risk involved in a certain course of action against the benefits to be gained
Risk/Benefit analysis
Maintains situational awareness by staying oriented, making observations, providing and receiving regular updates within the ICS, listening to foreground radio communications and continually performing risk/benefit analysis sums up the responsibilities of
Fire Officer
At least one member of the fire crew must have
a radio
Every team member must have Full PPE including
SCBA and Pass device
Minimum size of an interior attack team
2 members
The OSHA rule exception that allows for crews to over ride the 2 in 2 out rule to initiate operations in an IDLH when there is a chance that a victim will
be rescued alive
Air consumption time is a based on a standard rate for an individual that is
at rest
not the rate of consumption typically needed during FF ops.
Air consumption is time rated while
at Rest
Communication that takes place when entering IDLH also after a sudden change in operating conditions, after a flashover or collapse or when moving from offensive to defensive fire attack.
The NFPA standard requiring use of an accountability system
NFPA 1500
Personnel Accountability System
- ensures that the RIC can recognize in a timely manner that a firefighter is missing
- tracks the identity, location and assignment of all firefighters at a scene
How many FF’s will be assigned from the initial attack crew to be the initial RIC until RIC is deployed.
RIC crew should consist of how many
The 2 in 2 out rule lead to the requirement for
a RIC must have
- A designated FO
- at least 2 fire firefighters enter IDLH are together and remain in visual or voice contact with each other at all times while wearing SCBA
- 2 properly equipped and trained FF’s who must
a. be positioned outside the IDLH
b. account for the interior team
c. Remain capable of the rescue of the team
IAP consists of 5 key items
1- 2 way communication maintained throughout the chain of command
2- Adequate backup lines must be in place; safe exit path maintained
3- RIC established
4- Air supplies monitored
5- everyone is responsible to watch, recognize and report signs of building collapse
Pg 89
Requirements established for FF’s operating in an IDLH environment have been established by these 2 entities
NFPA 1500 and OSHA
Standard for Operations and training for Technical search and rescue incidents. Defines IDLH as any immediate or delayed threat to life, anything that will cause irreversible health effects or interfere with the abilitlty to escape unaided from a hazardous environment.
NFPA 1670
What organization established that FD members are required to where SCBA in IDLH
NIOSH has established that the lack of what system commonly contributes to firefighter deaths
an Incident Management System
the NFPA reports that from 2007-2011 FF Line of duty deaths due to Heart attacks account for what percentage
What organization investigates FF LODD as part of its fatality assessment and control evaluation program
When operating in a building what are the 2 prime factors that contribute to death
Burns and Asphyxiation
How many FF fatalities could be prevented by seat belts every year
8 - 12
Largest percentage of FF deaths are caused by
Collisions-MVC’s (almost 40% died in their personal vehicles)
A personal priority and an expression of leadership should be
Standard for anything related to the development of Health related fitness programs
NFPA 1583
The NFFF established that a disproportionate amount of FD members die of heart attack over the age of
49 Y/O
Program based on the Aviation Safety Reporting system since 1976
In august 2005 who launched a website to report FF near misses?
International Association of Fire Chiefs
Under the direction of the IC every company must operate within the parameters of
the IAP
Incident Action Plan
To prevent LODD the NFFF(national fallen firefighters foundation) established what program
EGH- Everyone Goes Home
4 agencies or organizations that track info on LODD
Understanding firefighter injuries and deaths is important because it is the first step in developing _________
an IAP
By addressing and minimizing the chances of injury or death to crew members the FO develops
an IAP
What does HFACS stand for and what is it used for?
Human Factors Analysis and Classification System;
It’s used to analyze near miss reports
Name the 4 levels in Human Factors Analysis and Classification System ( HFACS)
Level 1: unsafe acts
Level 2: precondition to unsafe acts
Level 3: unsafe supervision
Level 4: organization influences
Which of the 4 HFACS level is the most difficult level to analyze in a near miss report?
HFACS Level 4: organizational influences
Because the culture of the fire dept is as significant to the near miss as the individual action
Gordon Graham (a risk management expert) he advocates that EMS concentrate on what type of events?
(Graham Rules for Enhancing F/F Safety; GREFS)
High-risk / low-frequency events
A single unit IAP includes the following basic elements
- specifies the incident objectives
- states the activities to be completed
- covers a specified time frame, known as an operational period
Post incident analysis: provides a written report for the dept that includes pertinent info relating to safety and health issues involved with the incident
The Incident Safety Officer
According to the graph on page 102, what is the % of sudden cardiac death?
Firefighter deaths by nature of injury
According to the graph on page 102, what is the % of over exertion/ stress/ medical
Firefighter deaths by cause of injury
The system used to analyze Near Miss reports
Human Factors Analysis and Classification Systems (HFACS)
How many levels does the HFACS systems consist of?
Name the levels
4 Levels
Level 1: unsafe acts
Level 2: preconditions to unsafe acts
Level 3: unsafe supervision
Level 4: organization influences
The tactical-level management unit that provides for medical evaluation, treatment, monitoring, fluid and food replenishment, mental rest and relief from climatic conditions of an incident
Incident scene rehabilitation