Ch 17 Fire Attack by kc Flashcards
4 levels of fire behavior in a structure
- Ignition 2. growth 3.fully developed 4. decay
The volume between inlet and exhaust. Moves from higher pressure to lower pressure areas. i.e. doors/windows/openings etc.
Flow Path
Name the 4 factors that distinguish modern from legacy dwellings.
- Larger homes 2. Open house geometry 3. Increased fuel load 4. New construction material
Its a basic tactical unit for emergency operations, with a fire officer in the role of a working officer in the role of a working supervisor.
A fire company
What are Lloyd Laymans 5 steps in the Size-up process?
FPSDP 1. Facts 2. Probabilities 3. Situation 4. Decision 5. Plan of operation
This plan is updated throughout the incident and reflects incident strategy & tactics and risk management.
I. A. P. (incident action plan)
1 in Lloyd layman’s 5 step process. Things that are known about the incident are
2 in Lloyd layman’s 5 step process. Things that are likely to happen or can be anticipated based on known facts.
3 in Lloyd layman’s 5 step process. This Size-up step has 3 considerations 1. resources on scene are insufficient 2. resources, on scene capabilities and Limititations in relation to the problem 3. resources on scene capabilities & limitations of personnel training and experience.
4 in Lloyd layman’s 5 step process. Requires specific judgement based on known facts & probabilities & situation evaluation.
5 in Lloyd layman’s 5 step process. Last step used to mitigate the incident.
Plan of Operation
What is Lloyd Layman’s
5 Step process?
- Facts
- Probabilities
- Situation
- Decision
- Plan of operation
Firfighters advance into buildings w/hose lines to extinguish & over power the fire.
Offensive Operstaion
When risks outweigh benefits, Firefighters not allowed in the structure
Defensive Operation
In the NFA’s Size-up process this phase considers what you know before the incident occurs
Pre-incident information
In the NFA’s Size-up process this phase begins on receipt of an alarm. Conditions present at the incident, 360 degree walk around
Phase 2:
Initial size up
- what do i have?
- where is it going?
- how do I control it?
In the NFA’s Size-up process:
This phase continuously evolves, evaluation of effectiveness of plan executed. Requires a constant flow of feedback.
Phase 3:
Ongoing size up
Its a key factor of size up when selecting the strategic mode. It dictates the degree of risk acceptable in a situation.
Benefit Analysis
Name the 3 Modes of Operation at a Fire scene?
- Offensive
- Defensive
- Transitional
This operation is changing or preparing to change.
Transitional Mode
Name the 2 major components of the IAP?
- Develop the Starategy
- Develop a Tactic to perform the strategy
* Strategies are general; same as goals
*Tactics are specific & general; objectives used to meet goals.
Name the 3 basic priorities for an IAP
- Life Safety
- Incident Stabilization
- 3.Property Conservation
Incident Action Plan
3 basic priorities
Priority 1
refers to people at risk
(includes public and FD personel)
Life Safety
This priority refers to keeping the
incident from getting worse.
i.e. protect exposures, prevent fire spread etc.
Incident Stabilization
Priority directed toward preventing
additional damage
i.e. venting smoke, salvage covers,
removing valuables
Property conservation
Lloyd Layman: 7 factors
To assist with developing an action plan.
- R- Rescue
- E- Exposures
- C- Confinement
- E- Extinguish
- O- Overhaul
- V- Ventilation
- S- Salvage
Layman’s RECEO VS
R stands for
Laymans Tactical Priorities:
Keeps an incident from getting bigger when not enough resources are available to extinguish a fully involved fire.
Laymans Tactical Priorities:
Removes products of combustion from an area and allows cool, fresh air to enter.
Laymans Tactical Priorities:
To mitigate the incident, can be accomplished by using offensive or defensive strategies.
pg. 349
Laymans tactical Priorities:
Makes sure the fire is completely out; no chance of rekindle.
Laymans Tactical Priorities:
Preventing fire spread to uninvolved areas in the same structure.
i.e. same room, same floor.
Laymans Tactical Priority:
Protecting or removing property that could be damaged by fire, smoke, water, or Firefighting operations.
Who developed the Size-up system that includes 3 phases:
- Pre-incident information
- Initial Size-up
- Ongoing Size-up
National Fire Academy
Systematic process of gathering & processing information to evaluate the situation
When supervising a single company, the Fire Officer must have?
4 things
- close supervision
- situational leadership
- Standardized actions (sog’s)
- command staff assignments (safety, pio, liason)
When it comes to scene safety, FF’s should wear High-visibility vests or jackets that comply with________.
ANSI 207
zones that identify the level of Hazard:
- Hot Zone - Highest Hazard
- Warm Zone - Mderate
- Cold zone - Minimum
Scene Safety: Name 3 situations which a crew may have to disrobe at the incident scene:
pg 350
- Asbestos components
- Drug Labs
- Chemical/Biological weapons
NFPA 1407
Crew of Firefighters assigned for Rapid Deployment to rescue lost or trapped members
Rapid intervention crew
*consists of 4 members
*RIC operation has priority over all other tactical functions
Term Used to indicate a FF is lost, missing or in danger.
A systematic method of accounting for all personnel at an emergency incident
Personnel Accountability Report
True or False
More civilian deaths occur in 1 and 2 family dwellings than in any other occupancy type in the US
True or False
Low Rise multifamily dwellings built since the 1980’s are often Type V construction with lightweight truss components in floors and walls.
True or False
Danny Hirsch likes to kiss boys and we are gonna smoke his ass on this test.