Questions From (Some) Readings Flashcards
How are head injuries related to death in the US?
10% of all deaths in the US are caused by head injuries, and approximately half of traumatic deaths involve the brain
What are neuralgias
characterized by severe throbbing or stabbing pain in the course of a nerve caused by a demyelinating lesion
What causes a black eye?
Example: Injury to superciliary arches
Fluid and blood that accumulate in surrounding connective tissue gravitates toward the superior eyelid and around the eye
What is malar flush?
Redness of skin covering cheeks(zygomatic process)
Associated with fevers in diseases such as TB and SLE
What are the names for factures of the maxillae?
Le Forte I (fracture so of maxillae)
Le Forte II (entire central part of face is separated from cranium)
Le Forte III ( zygomatic arches separate from rest of cranium)
How do fractures of the mandible generally occur?
Generally involves two fractures
What happens to alveolar bone following a tooth extraction?
It resorbs in the affected region. Tooth sockets begin to fill with bone.
In the mandible, the mental foramen lies near the superior border of the body of the mandible
What will hard blows to the calvaria usually result in?
Depressed factures:
Linear occur at point of impact
comminuted the bone is broken in several pieces
contercoup facture occurs on oppo side
Surgical access to the cranial cavity and brain by elevating or removing a brain flap
anterior fontanelle
largest, diamond shaped; bounded by the halves of the frontal bone anteriorly. Future site of bregma
posterior fontanelle
triangular, future lambda suture
Primary craniosynotosis
premature closure of cranial sutures, resulting in several cranial malformations
premature closure of sagittal suture
long, narrow, wedge-shaped cranium
premature closure of coronal or lambdoid suture
cranium is twisted and asymmetrical
Oxycephaly (turricephaly)
premature closure of the coronal suture
high tower like cranium
Process of deformed auricle
i.e. Cauliflower/ Boxer’s Ear
Bleeding within auricle produces hematoma between perichondrium and auricular cartilage. It compromises blood supply to the cartilage, if untreated fibrosis develops in the overlying skin
Otitis externa
inflammation of the external acoustic meatus
Swimmers ear, bacterial infection
Perforation of the tympanic membrane is one of several causes of…
middle ear deafness
large ruptures usually require surgical repair
incision in tympanic membrane to release pus form middle ear abscesses
Inflammation of the mastoid process
Motion sickness results from
discordance between vestibular and visual stimulation
Injuries to the peripheral auditory system cause these three major symptoms:
hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss
resulting from anything in the external or middle ear that interfere with conduction or movement of the oval or round windows