Muscles of Scalp and Face Flashcards
Origin of Occipitofrontalis - Front belly
Epicranial aponeurosis
Insertion of Occipitofrontalis - Front belly
Skin and subcutaneous tissue of eyebrows and forehead
Action of Occipitofrontalis - Front belly
Elevates eyebrows and wrinkles skin of forehead; protracts scalp (indicating surprise or curiosity)
Innervation of Occipitofrontalis - Front belly
Facial Nerve (CN VII), temporal branch of partoid pelxus
Origin of Occipitofrontalis - Occipital belly
Lateral two thirds of superior nuchal line
Insertion of Occipitofrontalis - Occipital belly
Epicranial aponeurosis
Action of Occipitofrontalis - Occipital belly
Retracts scalp; increasing effectiveness of frontal belly
Innervation of Occipitofrontalis - Occipital belly
Facial Nerve (CN VII), posterior auricular branch
Origin of Orbicularis Oculi (Orbital sphincter)
Medial orbital margin; medial palpebral ligament; lacrimal bone
Insertion of of Orbicularis Oculi (Orbital sphincter)
Skin around margin of orbit; superior and inferior tarsal plates
Action of of Orbicularis Oculi (Orbital sphincter)
Closes eyelids: palpebral part does so gently; orbital part tightly (winking)
Innervation of Orbicularis Oculi (Orbital sphincter)
Facial Nerve (CN VII), temporal and zygomatic branch of parotid plexus
Origin of Procerus plus transverse part of nasalis
Fascia aponeurosis covering nasal bone and lateral nasal cartilage
Insertion of Procerus plus transverse part of nasalis
Skin of inferior forehead, between eyebrows
Actions of Procerus plus transverse part of nasalis
Depresses medial end of eyebrow; wrinkles skin over dorsum of nose (conveying disdain or dislike)
Innervation of Procerus plus transverse part of nasalis
Facial Nerve (CN VII). buccal branch parotid plexus
Origin of Orbicularis Oris (Oral Sphincter)
Medial maxilla and mandible; deep surface of peri-oral skin; angle of mouth (modiolus)
Insertion of Orbicularis Oris (Oral Sphincter)
Mucous membrane of lips
Action of Orbicularis Oris (Oral Sphincter)
Tonus closes oral fissure; phasic contraction compresses and protrudes lips (kissing) or resists distension (when blowing)
Innervation of Orbicularis Oris (Oral Sphincter)
Facial Nerve (CN VII), buccal branch parotid plexus
Origin of Levator Labii Superioris
Infra-orbital margin (Maxilla)
Insertion of Levator Labii Superioris
Skin of upper lip
Action of of Levator Labii Superioris
Part of dilators of mouth; retract (elevate) and/or evert upper lip; deepen nasolabial sulcus (showing sadness)
Innervation of Levator Labii Superioris
Facial Nerve (CN VII), buccal branch of parotid plexus
Origin of Zygomaticus minor
Anterior aspect, zygomatic bone
Insertion of Zygomaticus minor
Skin of upper lip
Action of Zygomaticus minor
Part of dilators of mouth; retract (elevate) and/or evert upper lip; deepen nasolabial sulcus (showing sadness)
Innervation of zygomaticus minor
Facial Nerve (CN VII), buccal branch of parotid plexus
Origin of Buccinator
Mandible, alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible, pterygomandibular raphe
Insertion of of Buccinator
Angle of mouth (modiolus); orbicularis oris
Action of Buccinator
Presses cheek against molar teeth; works with tongue to keep food between occlusal surfaces and out of oral vestibule; resists distension (when blowing)
Innervation of Buccinator
Facial Nerve (CN VII), buccal branch of parotid plexus
Origin of Zygomaticus Major
Lateral aspect of zygomatic bone
Insertion of of Zygomaticus Major
Angle of mouth (modiolus)
Action of Zygomaticus Major
Part of dilators of mouth; elevate labial commissure-bilaterally to smile (happiness); unilaterally to sneer (disdain)
Innervation of Zygomaticus Major
Facial Nerve (CN VII), buccal branch of parotid plexus
Origin of Levator anguli oris
Infra-orbital maxilla (canine fossa)
Insertion of Levator anguli oris
Angle of mouth (modiolus)
Action of Levator anguli oris
Part of dilators of mouth; widens oral fissure, as when grinning or grimacing
Innervation of Levator anguli oris
Facial nerve (CN VII), buccal branch of parotid plexus
Origin of Risorius
Parotid fascia and buccal skin (highly vascularized)
Insertion of Risorius
Angle of mouth (modiolus)
Action of of Risorius
Part of dilators of mouth; depresses labial commisure bilaterally to frown (sadness)
Innervation of of Risorius
Facial nerve (CN VII), buccal branch of parotid plexus
Origin of Depressor anguli oris
Anterolateral base of mandible
Insertion of Depressor anguli oris
Angle of mouth (modiolus)
Action of Depressor anguli oris
Part of dilators of mouth; depresses labial commisure bilaterally to frown (sadness)
Innervation of Depressor anguli oris
Facial nerve (CN VII), marginal mandibular branch of parotid plexus
Origin of Depressor labii inferioris
Platysma and anterolateral body of mandible
Insertion of Depressor labii inferioris
Skin of lower lip
Action of Depressor labii inferioris
Part of dilators of mouth; retracts (depresses) and/or everts lower lip (pouting, sadness)
Innervation of Depressor labii inferioris
Facial nerve (CN VII), marginal mandibular branch of parotid plexus
Origin of Mentalis
Body of mandible (anterior to roots of inferior incisors)
Insertion of Mentalis
Skin of chin (mentolabial sulcus)
Action of Mentalis
Elevates and protrudes lower lip; elevates skin of chin (showing doubt)
Innervation of Mentalis
Facial nerve (CN VII), marginal mandibular branch of parotid plexus
Origin of Platysma
Subcutaneous tissue of infraclavicular and supraclavicular regions
Insertion of Platysma
Base of mandible; skin of cheek and lower lip; angle of mouth (modiolus); orbicularis oris
Action of Platysma
Depresses mandible (against resistance); tenses skin of inferior face and neck (conveying tension and stress)
Innervation of Platysma
Facial nerve (CN VII), cervical branches of parotid plexus
Origin of Levator palpebrae superioris
Lesser wing of sphenoid bone, superior and anterior to optic canal
Insertion of Levator palpebrae superioris
Superior tarsus and skin of superior eyelid
Innervation of Levator palpebrae superioris
Oculomotor nerve (CN III) Deep layer (superior tarsal muscle) is supplied by sympathetic fibers
Action of Levator palpebrae superioris
Elevates superior eyelid
Origin of Superior Oblique
Body of sphenoid bone
Insertion of Superior Oblique
Its tendon passes through a fibrous ring or trochlea, changes its direction, and inserts into sclera deep to superior rectus muslce
Innervation of Superior Oblique
Trochlear nerve (CN IV)
Main Action of Superior Oblique
Abducts, depresses, and medially rotates eyeball
Origin of Inferior oblique
Anterior part of floor of orbit
Insertion of Inferior oblique
Sclera deep to lateral rectus muscle
Innervation of Inferior oblique
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Action of Inferior oblique
Abducts, elevates, and laterally rotates eyeball
Origin of Superior rectus, Inferior rectus, medial rectus, and Lateral rectus
Common tendinous ring
Insertion of Superior rectus, Inferior rectus, medial rectus, and Lateral rectus
Sclera just posterior to corneoscleral junction
Innervation of Inferior rectus
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Action of Superior Rectus
Elevates, adducts, and rotates eyeball medially
Innervation of Superior Rectus
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Action of Inferior rectus
Depresses, adducts and rotates eyeball laterally
Innervation of Medial rectus
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Action of Medial rectus
Adducts eyebell
Innervation of Lateral Rectus
Abducent nerve (CN VI)
Action of Lateral Rectus
Abducts eyeball
Superior Attachment of Platysma
Inferior border of mandible, skin, and subcutaneous tissues of lower face
Inferior Attachment of Platysma
Fascia covering superior parts of pectoralis major and deltoid muscles
Platysma main action
Draws corner of mouth inferiorly and widens it as in expressionf of sadness and fright; draws skin of neck superiorly when teeth are clench
Superior attachment of Sternocleidomastoid
Lateral surface of mastoid process of temporal bone and lateral half of superior nuchal line
Inferior attachment of Sternocleidomastoid
Sternal Head: Anterior surface of manubrium of sternum Clavicular Head: Superior surface of medial third of clavicle
Actions of Sternocleidomastoid
Unilateral Contraction: Tilts head to same side (i.e. Laterally flexes neck) and rotates it so face is turned superiorly toward opposite side
Bilateral Contraction: - Extends neck at atlanto-occipital joints - Flexes cervical vertebrae so that chin approaches manubrium -Extends superior cervical vertebrae while flexing inferior vertebrae so chin is thrust forward with head kept level
With cervical vertebrae fixed, may elevate manubrium and medial ends of clavicles, assisting pump-handle action of deep respiration
Innervation of Sternocleidomastoid
Spinal Accessory nerve (CN XI) for motor C2 and C3 nerves for pain and proprioception
Superior attachment of Trapezius
Medial third of superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, nuchal ligament, spinous processes of C7-T12 vertebrae, and lumbar and sacral spinous processes
Inferior Attachment of Trapezius
Lateral third of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula
Innervation of Trapezius
Spinal Accessory nerve (CN XI) for motor C2 and C3 nerves for pain and proprioception
Actions of Trapezius
Elevates, retracts and rotates scapulae superiorly -Descending (superior) fibers: elevate scapulae/shoulders, maintain level of shoulders against gravity -Transverse (Middle) fibers: retract scapulae -Ascending (Inferior) FIbers: depress scapulae -Descending and ascending fibers together: rotate spinous process of scapulae superiorly With shoulders fixed, bilateral contraction extends neck; unilateral contraction produces lateral flexion to same side
What are the muscles of mastication?
Temporalis, masster, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid
Proximal attachment of Temporalis
Triangular muscle with broad attachment to floor of temporal fossa and deep surface of temporal fossa
Innervation of temporalis
Anterior trunk of mandibular nerve (CN V3) via deep temporal branches
Action of Temporalis
Elevates mandible, closing jaws; posterior, more horizontal fibers are primary retractors of mandible
Innervation of Masseter
Anterior trunk of mandibular nerve (CN V3) via masseteric nerve
Action of Masseter
Elevates mandible, closing jaws; superficial fibers make limited contribution to protrusion of mandible
Innervation of Lateral pterygoid
Anterior trunk of mandibular nerve (CN V3) via lateral pterygoid nerve
Action of Lateral pterygoid
Acting bilaterally, protracts mandible and depresses chin Acting unilaterally, swings jaw toward contralateral side; alternate unilatteral contraction produces larger lateral chewing movements
Innervation of medial pterygoid
Anterior trunk of mandibular nerve (CN V3) via medial pterygoid nerve
Action of Medial pterygoid
acts synergistically with masseter to elevate mandible; contributes to protrusion; alternate unilateral activity produces smaller grinding movements
What are the Suprahyoid muscles? What are they’re actions?
Digastric, Stylohyoid, Mylohyoid, Geniohyoid They depress the mandible against resistance when infrahyoid muscles fix or depress hyoid bone
Innervation of Digastric Muslce
Facial and mandibular nerves
Innervation of Stylohyoid Muscle
Facial nerve
Innervation of Mylohyoid Muslce
Mandibular Nerve
Innervation of Geniohyoid muscle
Nerve to geniohyoid (C1-C2)
What are the Infrahyoid muscles? What are they’re actions?
Omohyoid, Sternohyoid, Sternothyroid, Thyrohyoid They fix or depress the hyoid bone
Innervation of Omohyoid, Sternohyoid, Sternothyroid?
Ansa cervicalis from cervical plexus (C1-C3)
Innervation of Thyrohyoid
C1 via hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Innervation of Splenius capitis
Posterior rami of middle cervical spinal nerves
Action of Splenius capitis
Laterally flexes and rotates head and neck to same side Acting bilaterally extends head and neck
Innervation of Levator scapulae
Dorsal scapular nerve C5 and cervical spnal nerves C3 and C4
Action of Levator Scapulae
Downward rotation of scapula and tilts its gelnoid cavity inferiorly by rotating scapula
Innervation of Cricothyroid muscle
External laryngeal nerve (From CN X)
Action of Cricothyroid muscle
Stretches and tenses vocal ligament
Innervation of Thyro-arytenoid, posterior crico-arytenoid, and lateral crioc-arytenoid muscles
Inferior laryngeal nerve (terminal part of recurrent laryngeal nerve, from CN X)
Action of Thyro-arytenoid muscle
Relaxes vocal ligament
Action of posterior crico-arytenoid muscle
abducts vocal folds
Action of lateral crioc-arytenoid muscle
Adducts vocal folds (interligamentous portion)