Lower Limbs Flashcards
What creates the medial longitudinal arch?
Tibialis Posterior Muscle
“Spring” ligament
What maintains the medial longitudinal arch?
Plantar Fascia
What does the medial longitudinal arc hof the foot do:?
Provides a “spring” and reduces trauma from weight-bearing activities (walking, running, standing, etc…).
What is plantar fasciitis?
Inflammation of the plantar fascia, usually at the heal of the foot, usually caused by acute stress on the arch.
What can happen from chronic plantar fascitis?
Calcaneal spur
What does chronic stress on the medial longitudinal arch cause?
“Pes Planus”
Flat Foot
What are chronic stresses on the medial longitudinal arch?
Gradual weight gain.
Reduction of tibialis posterior contraction
What does pes planus cause?
Knee pain on the medial side of the knee
Anserine bursitis
Where does the lumbar plexus develop from?
The ventral rami of L1-L4
What are the divisions are in the lumbar plexus?
Anterior & Posterior
What innervates the skin of the lateral thigh?
Lateral Cutaneous Nerve
What division does the lateral cutaneous nerve stem from?
The Posterior Division
What division does the femoral nerve stem from?
The Posterior Division
What division does the obturator nerve stem from:?
The Anterior Division
What innervates the muscles of the anterior portion of the thigh?
Branches from the femoral nerve.
What is the saphenous nerve?
The end of the femoral nerve.
What does the femoral nerve innervate cutaneously?
Anterior thigh
Medial half of the leg (via the saphenous nerve)
What muscles does the obturator nerve innervate?
Muscles of the medial aspect of the thigh.
What innervates the skin of the medial thigh?
obturator nerve
What does the obturator nerve innervate?
The muscles on the medial aspect of the thigh and the skin of the medial thigh.
Where does the sacral plexus come from?
The ventral rami of L4-S1
What are the nerves of the lumbar plexus?
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
Femoral Nerve (Saphenous Nerve)
Obturator Nerve
What are the divisions of teh sacral plexus?
Anterior and Posterior
What are the nerves of the sacral plexus?
Superior Gluteal Nerve Inferior Gluteal Nerve Piriformis Nerve Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Sciatic Nerve Pudendal Nerve Nerve to the Pelvic Floor
What innervates the muscles of the gluteal region?
Superior Gluteal Nerve
Inferior Gluteal Nerve
Piriformis Nerve
What innervates the skin of the posterior thigh?
Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
What is clinically relevant about the piriformis muscle?
The sciatic nerve runs right underneath it.