Questionares Flashcards
What is a self report technique?
Any method in which a person is asked to state or explain their own feelings, opinion, behaviors etc. related to a given topic
What is a Questionnaire?
A type of self report technique with a set of written questions used to assess a person’s thoughts and experiences
What are Open Questions?
Questions where there is no fixed choice of response to an answer from
What are Closed Questions?
Questions where there is a fixed choice of response to an answer like Yes or No or using a scale
What is Acquiescence Bias?
The tendency to agree with items on a questionnaire regardless of the content of the question
What is Social Desirability Bias?
A tendency for respondents to lie in order to present themselves in a better light
What may a Questionnaire be used to asses?
The DV
What type of data do Close Questions provide?
Quantitative Data
What type of data do Open Questions provide?
Qualitative Data
What is a pro and a con of an Open Question?
Pro: Rich in detail and in-depth with a wide range of responses
Con: Difficult to analyse and to interpret
What is a pro and a con off Closed Questions?
Pro: Easy to analyse - numerical data
Con: Lacks depth and detail
What are the three scales for a Closed Question?
- A Likert scale
- A rating Scale
- A Fixed choice
What is a Likert scale?
Respondent indicates their agreement with a statement using a scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree
What is a Rating scale?
Gets respondents to identify a value that represents their strength of feeling about a topic
What is a fixed choice option?
Includes a list of possible options and respondents are required to indicate those which apply to them
What are the three common errors in question design?
- Overuse of Jargon
- Emotive Language and leading questions
- Double barreled questions and Double Negatives
What is Overuse of Jargon?
Jargon refers to technical terms that are only familiar to those within a specialised field of area
What is Emotive Language and leading questions?
The author’s attitudes toward a topic can sometimes be apparent through the way the question i phrased - It guides the respondent toward a desired answer
What are Double Barreled and Double Negative questions?
Contains two questions in one, the issue is that the respondent may agree with one half of the question but not the other half. Double Negative example - “Was the room not untidy?”
What is a pro and a con for Questionaries?
Pro: Reduces the effort involved as the researcher does not have to be present
Con: Can’t look for bias or lies if the researcher is not present