Observations Flashcards
What is Social Desirability Bias?
When participants lie to make themselves look better
What are the 3 categories of Observations?
Naturalistic vs Controlled
Covert vs Overt
Participant vs Non-participant
What is a Naturalistic Observation?
Watching and recording behavior in the setting within which it would normally occur
What is a Controlled Observation?
Watching an recording behavior within a structured environment where variables are managed
What is a Covert Observation?
Participant is unaware their behavior is being watched and recorded
What is a Overt Observation?
Participant is aware their behavior is being watched and recorded
What is a Participant Observation?
When the researched becomes a member in the group whose behavior is being watched and recorded
What is a Non-participant Observation?
When the researched remains outside of the group whose behavior is being watched and recorded
Name a pro and con of Naturalist Observations.
Pro: There is higher external validity as findings can be generalized to everyday life
Con: The lack of control of the situation makes replication more difficult
Name a pro and con of Controlled Observations.
Pro: Confounding and Extraneous variables may be less of a factor so replication is easier
Con: Findings produced cannot be as readily applied to everyday life
Name a pro and con of Covert Observations.
Pro: It removes the problem of demand characteristics and ensures any behavior will be natural
Con: The ethics is questioned as participants can’t consent to being observed
Name a pro and con of Overt Observations.
Pro: More ethically acceptable as participants can consent to being observed
Con: By participants being knowledgeable of being observed they may change their behavior which reduces the validity as there is a greater chance of demand characteristics
Name a pro and con of Participant Observations.
Pro: There is increased insight into the lives of the people being studied which may increase the external validity of findings
Con: Researcher may come to identify too strongly with those they are studying and loose objectivity
Name a pro and con of Non-participant Observations.
Pro: Research can remains objective because of the psychological distance from the participants which increases the validity of the results
Con: Validity may be lowered as the researcher is too far removed from the people and the behavior they are studying and ,therefore, do not have an accurate point of view