Question from S 10 Flashcards
Official exam question - will be on 2024 exam
12 month old child presents to paeds assessment unit with 4 day history of fever, coryza, SOB, inflamed pharynx and conjunctivita, maculopapular rash
What 3 tests would you send?
Oral fluid swab -
- Rubella IgM/ IgG/ RNA
- Measles IgM/ IgG/ RNA
Nose/throat combination swab in VTM
- extended viral respiratory PCR
Clotted blood sample for serology
- Rubella IgM/ IgG
- Measles IgM/ IgG
- Parvo B19 IgM/ IgG
- CMV IgM/ IgG
- EBV IgM/ IgG
Consider if travel history:
Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya
exam question - will be on exam
Measles RNA testing
What is the target of RNA testing?
Measles H gene - haemagglutinin
Wild-type measles viruses have been divided into eight clades containing 24 genotypes based on the nucleotide sequences of their hemagglutinin (H) and nucleoprotein (N) genes, which are the most variable genes in the viral genome.
exam question - will be on exam
Case 1
IgG 5
C/O 13
IgM 3.9
C/O >1
Oral fluid swab H gene PCR
CT 26
C/O 35
MS2 Bacteriophage DNA
CT 24
C/O 35
Human Ribonuclease P gene
CT 23
C/O 35
What is the importance of MS2 bacteriophage
MS2 bacteriophage DNA is used to spike the sample, and act as an internal control.
It ensures there is efficient nucleic acid extraction, and no PCR inhibition
exam question - will be on exam
Case 1
IgG 5
C/O 13
IgM 3.9
C/O >1
Oral fluid swab H gene PCR
CT 26
C/O 35
MS2 Bacteriophage DNA
CT 24
C/O 35
Human Ribonuclease P gene
CT 23
C/O 35
What is the importance of Human Ribonuclease P gene
Human Ribonuclease P gene is a host target. This is used to control for adequate host material in the initial sample
exam question - will be on exam
Case 1
IgG 5
C/O 13
IgM 3.9
C/O >1
Oral fluid swab H gene PCR
CT 26
C/O 35
MS2 Bacteriophage DNA
CT 24
C/O 35
Human Ribonuclease P gene
CT 23
C/O 35
What are the possible clinical interpretations of these results?
MS2 Bacteriophage detected - passed
Human Ribonuclease P detected - passed
controls accepted
IgM detected
IgG not detected
RNA detected
consistent with an acute Measles infection
Measles definitely be on exam
Case 1
IgG 5
C/O 13
IgM 3.9
C/O >1
Oral fluid swab H gene PCR
CT 26
C/O 35
MS2 Bacteriophage DNA
CT 24
C/O 35
Human Ribonuclease P gene
CT 23
C/O 35
What further information would you like?
MMR history - recent vaccine may give similar picture, and can cause a Measles-like illness
Exposure - any close contacts with a rash
Foreign travel
exam question - will be on exam
Case 1
IgG 5
C/O 13
IgM 3.9
C/O >1
Oral fluid swab H gene PCR
CT 26
C/O 35
MS2 Bacteriophage DNA
CT 24
C/O 35
Human Ribonuclease P gene
CT 23
C/O 35
What is the initial management of this patient?
Notify IPC -
Admit to negative pressure side room
FFP3 mask/ gown/ visor/ gloves
Notify public health for contact tracing
Notify occupational health for staff tracing
Vitamin A 2x doses for all children admitted with severe Measles
exam question - will be on exam
Case 2 - 2 year old child
IgG >300
C/O 13
IgM 0.98
C/O >1
Oral fluid swab H gene PCR
CT 37
C/O 35
MS2 Bacteriophage DNA
CT 25
C/O 35
Human Ribonuclease P gene
CT 23
C/O 28
What are the possible clinical interpretations of these results?
What further testing would you order?
MS2 Bacteriophage detected - passed
Human Ribonuclease P detected - passed
controls accepted
IgM equivocal
IgG detected - strongly positive
RNA detected - very low level
- recent immunisation
- recent breakthrough infection - child has only had 1xMMR dose. So could develop an infection. Send PCR testing to Colindale for Measles typing
- answer could be obtained through further history:
- any recent immunisation
- any recent travel/ epidemiological link to infection
When do children get their MMR vaccines?
1 year
3 years and 4 months
exam question - will be on exam
Case 3
Oral fluid swab H gene PCR
CT 40
C/O 35
MS2 Bacteriophage DNA
CT 25
C/O 35
Human Ribonuclease P gene
CT 40
C/O 28
What are the possible clinical interpretations of these results?
MS2 Bacteriophage detected - passed
Human Ribonuclease P not detected - failed
controls failed
Cannot reliably exclude a Measles infection, as the PCR was not successful due to inadequate sample quality.
Low level Measles RNA could be because of poor sample quality, but could also be due to an early infection
Suggest getting a repeat sample
exam question - will be on exam
Assessing Measles contacts
What are the important parts of the history?
Infectious period is 4 days before rash, to 4 days after rash
Face-face (<2M)
Same room 15 mins
Large room for prolonged time e.g hospital bay
MMR history - age born before 1970 assume immune
Infants <12 months old
In what decade of birth should we assume that patients are immune to Measles?
If born before 19070 assume immune
exam question - will be on exam
Immunosuppressed Measles contact
What categories do we divide patients in to?
What are examples?
Group A
- those who are should develop and maintain adequate antibody response from past exposure or vaccination
Group B
- those who lose or may not maintain adequate antibody response
e.g BMt, leukaemia
exam question - will be on exam
Immunosuppressed Measles contact
Group A
What is the management?
All ages
Born before 1970
Born between 1970-1990
Born after 1990
Previous Measles IgG pos - assume immune
Previous Measles infection - assume immune
Born before 1970 (without Measles IgG result), and history of Measles infection - assume immune
Born before 1970 (without Measles IgG result), and no history of Measles infection - check IgG
Born between 1970 and 1990 (without Measles IgG result), and history of Measles infection - check IgG
Born between 1970 and 1990 (without Measles IgG result), and no history of Measles infection or vaccination - check IgG
Born after 1990 (without Measles IgG result), and history of 2xMeasles vaccines - check IgG
Born after 1990 (without Measles IgG result), and history of 1xMeasles vaccines - check IgG
Born after 1990 (without Measles IgG result), and history of no Measles vaccines - give IVIG page 28
exam question - will be on exam
Immunosuppressed Measles contact
When does HNIG need to be given?
Give within 72 hours, up to 6 days
incubation period Measles is 7 days