Quantification and Costing Flashcards
What is a SMM?
Is a document which outlines how works are quantified and priced.
What is DIN 276 and 277? What is the latest version?
Published by Deutsches Institute für Normung, DIN 276 and 277 is the commonly used SMM in Germany. 276 outlines what to measure, and 277 outlines how to measure. Latest version is 2018.
What are the common basis of cost/rates?
Tender returns, contract sum analysis, benchmarking, internal cost data, published price books, public cost data platforms ie, BCIS, subcontractor quotes
What are other SMM available? How would you determine which SMM to use?
The selection of SMM depends factors such as nature of work, level of detail, and stakeholder familiarity
NRM 1 - order of estimate and cost planning for building works
NRM 2 - detailed measurement for building works
NRM 3 - order of estimate and cost planning for maintainance works
CESMM4 - Civil engineering SMM
POMI - Principles of mesurement international
What are the pricing documents used?
Bill of quantites, activity schedule, schedule of rates
What is BoQ?
BoQ is an accurate picture of scope of works, typically based on quantities and unit rates, which aids in tender analysis, valuation of works and changes.
What are the typical components of a BoQ?
Preliminaries, measured works, provisional sums, dayworks
What is provisional sum? What is defined and undefined provisional sum?
Provisional sums are allowance for the works which cannot be priced certainly due to insufficient design information.
Defined provisional sums are provisional sums where design information is insufficient but it is enough to be be included in the overall programme.
Undefined provisional sums are provisional sums where design information is insufficient to be included in the overall programme.
What is a preamble?
Is an explanation documents found together with contracts, specification and BoQ which aids in interpretation of documents and outlines measurement procedures adopted.
What is dayworks?
Are works paid for specifically instructed works, where method of valuing is based on time spent on contractors’s labour, material, plant equipment.
What is SOR? And schedule of works?
Is a rate schedule where dayworks are typically valued from.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of having BoQ?
Advantages: which aids in tender analysis, valuation of works and changes.
Disadvantages: preparation time, discrepancies on tender documents may lead to confusion on precedences.
What is RICS code of measuring practice?
Is an RICS document outlining precise definition which permits accurate measurement of building and land.
How is RICS code of measuring practice relevant to IPMS?
IPMS is International Property Measurement Standards, where RICS code of measuring practice have been derived from.
What is meant by GEA, GIA and NIA?
Gross external area, Gross internal area, net internal area