Quantification and Costing Flashcards
What is a SMM?
Is a document which outlines how works are quantified and priced.
What is DIN 276 and 277? What is the latest version?
Published by Deutsches Institute für Normung, DIN 276 and 277 is the commonly used SMM in Germany. 276 outlines what to measure, and 277 outlines how to measure. Latest version is 2018.
What are the common basis of cost/rates?
Tender returns, contract sum analysis, benchmarking, internal cost data, published price books, public cost data platforms ie, BCIS, subcontractor quotes
What are other SMM available? How would you determine which SMM to use?
The selection of SMM depends factors such as nature of work, level of detail, and stakeholder familiarity
NRM 1 - order of estimate and cost planning for building works
NRM 2 - detailed measurement for building works
NRM 3 - order of estimate and cost planning for maintainance works
CESMM4 - Civil engineering SMM
POMI - Principles of mesurement international
What are the pricing documents used?
Bill of quantites, activity schedule, schedule of rates
What is BoQ?
BoQ is an accurate picture of scope of works, typically based on quantities and unit rates, which aids in tender analysis, valuation of works and changes.
What are the typical components of a BoQ?
Preliminaries, measured works, provisional sums, dayworks
What is provisional sum? What is defined and undefined provisional sum?
Provisional sums are allowance for the works which cannot be priced certainly due to insufficient design information.
Defined provisional sums are provisional sums where design information is insufficient but it is enough to be be included in the overall programme.
Undefined provisional sums are provisional sums where design information is insufficient to be included in the overall programme.
What is a preamble?
Is an explanation documents found together with contracts, specification and BoQ which aids in interpretation of documents and outlines measurement procedures adopted.
What is dayworks?
Are works paid for specifically instructed works, where method of valuing is based on time spent on contractors’s labour, material, plant equipment.
What is SOR? And schedule of works?
Is a rate schedule where dayworks are typically valued from.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of having BoQ?
Advantages: which aids in tender analysis, valuation of works and changes.
Disadvantages: preparation time, discrepancies on tender documents may lead to confusion on precedences.
What is RICS code of measuring practice?
Is an RICS document outlining precise definition which permits accurate measurement of building and land.
How is RICS code of measuring practice relevant to IPMS?
IPMS is International Property Measurement Standards, where RICS code of measuring practice have been derived from.
What is meant by GEA, GIA and NIA?
Gross external area, Gross internal area, net internal area
How is RICS code of measuring practice referenced in NRM?
GIFA in NRM is equivalent to GIA in RICS code of measuring practice
How did you prepare an initial budget estimate in proposed admin building of a data facility in Germany?
During initial feasibility estimate,
- Coordinate with design and client team to acquire initial information available, i.e. basic floor plans, number of desks .
- I analysed and measured the BGF and number desk required.
- I generated rate/m2 of the building per elements based from internal benchmarking data with similar asset
- I prepared list of assumptions and exclusions that encompass the estimate value
- Requested for peer review from colleague and senior members of the organization
- Issue the estimate
How did you prepare for DD cost plan and PTE in Shaura Island P4?
During both DD design and tender design phase,
- Coordinate with design and project team to acquire information of work scope.
- Conduct quantification of works based on information available at that stage.
- Price the works based on previous benchmarks, rate per m2 of a function, special considerations as outline in design info.
- Conduct checks with colleague and senior member of firm
- Highlight design inefficiencies such as cost drivers, wall floor ratio, net/gross floor area
- Highlight cost movements from DD stage to the TD stage.
- Send cost plan report and update timely
How did you track the cost movement from cost plan NRM1 and PTE POMI?
Due to difference of BoQ and cost plan structure, I arranged the work items to enable elemental comparison.
- I analysed the elements and subelements with big differences and reported it to the client and design team, to verify and acknowledge those changes.
How did you measure substructure, superstructure, building envelope and finishes according to POMI?
I followed the structure provided under POMI such as Section B for siteworks, Section C for concrete works, considering the elemental usage, for better analysis
How can 3D information be utilised in takeoff?
With 5D BIM information, the models at a certain stage can be used to better visualize and analysed the building components. It could also aid in acquiring quantity takeoff generated from the models for better efficiency.
How did you determine the bill and cost plan structure?
I would coordinate with the design and project team regarding phasing requirement or structure Requirements
- I will consider separating them per assets for better Analysis on assets
- Present the proposed structure to client and project team to Ensure deliveries and Understanding are aligned.
Why is it important to adhere with the DIN 276 and 277?
It gives consistent definition on how the works are measured and priced. DIN 276 and 277 is the most common SMM used in Germany.
Which project did you offer guidance to follow CESMM?
Road improvement work projects under Ministry of Works in Bahrain.
Why did you recommended CESMM?
The works are civil engineering and infrastructure in nature therefore CESMM caters better features in the work components.
Why is consistency of allocation on work items important?
To ensure all the works are in place appropriately and avoid missed or duplicated work items.
What is dewatering? What are temporary works?
Dewatering is the process where water from the ground is removed to attain suitability for work commencement. Temporary works are works essential to be executed during construction but is not permanently part of the building components (i.e. scaffolding, temporary platforms)
How you measure and price dewatering and temporary works?
According to POMI, temporary works including dewatering is measured as an item, stating the nature of works to be executed.