Data management Flashcards
What is data management?
Process of collecting, validating, storing, protecting, and ensuring accessbility, reliability of data to users.
What are benefits of effective data management?
Efficiency, consistency, integrity, accessiblity, privacy, securing, and recovery
What steps have you undertaken to promote effective data management?
Proper taxonomy, consistent file naming convention, project registry, document sharing protocol
What level of care have you been mindful when using data within and around the business?
In managing sources,
- Ensure confidentiality
- Obtain permission when sharing non-public information
- Ensure PC is locked when not there
What is confidentiality?
When information is provided with confidence and not shared without permission.
What is Non-Disclosure Agreement?
Agreements used to protect against disclosure or sharing any confidential data.
How long are data should be stored in a project?
Check the contract if stated. If not, typically 6 years (contract), 12 years (deed)
What is Data Protection Act of 1998?
The latest version is 2018. It is the UK legislation for the implementation of EU’s GDPR
What is GDPR?
General Data Protection Regulations
What are the individual rights under GDPR?
Right to be informed, access, rectify, erase, restrict, portability, to object
What are the sources of data being used typically?
Previous tenders/projects, cost plans, pricing books, market information, RICS guidance notes, BCIS/BKI (Baukosteninformationszentrum)
What is EDMS? Give examples
Electronic Document Management Systems. Aconex, Sharepoint,
What are the advantages and disadvantages of EDMS?
Advantages - backed up, accessible online, cheaper, environmental friendly, synchronized filing
Disadvantage - higher level of IT involvement
What processes and procedures should a company establish to manage and protect data?
Secure storage, backup, procedures for sharing confidential documents, standardised formatting of files/reports, procedures for sharing data