Q7: Mycorrhizae &Lichens Flashcards
Crustose lichens.
Lichens that are flattened and fused very tightly to their substrate, often found on rocks or bark.
The fungal component of a lichen.
Foliose lichens.
Leaf like in shape and tend to be flattened.
Cyanobacteria provide the mycobiont with _____.
Carbohydrates and nitrogen.
Lichens that are leaf like in shape and tend to be flattened.
Foliose lichens.
What characteristics do plant families that do not form arbuscular mycorrhizae tend to have in common?
Weedy species that colonize disturbed areas, not needing the nutrients that mycorrhizae provide.
(T/F) Lichens always reproduce with their photobionts.
False; some mycobionts reproduce as fungi usually would and must reform relationships with free-living photobionts.
Powdery to granular structures without cortex that contain both the mycobiont and photobiont.
What types of plant species are most likely to form ectomycorrhizae.
Woody perennials, mostly in temperate forests (some tropical)
The site of nutrient transfers between the host and the fungus in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
Extraradical hyphae.
External hyphae that extend out from the root into the soil.
Minute, finger-like or globular projections covered with cortex containing both the mycobiont and photobiont that can be dispersed by wind, rain, or animals.
The algal and bacterial component of a lichen.
Arbuscular mycorrhizae belong to which group?
The Glomeromycota.
Powdery to granular structures without cortex that contain both the mycobiont and photobiont.
A “sheath” of hyphae produced by ectomycorrhizae that wraps around the surface of small roots, resulting in a swollen appearance.
A “sheath” of hyphae produced by ectomycorrhizae that wraps around the surface of small roots, resulting in a swollen appearance.
The mass of woven hyphae that provides much of the structure of the lichen.
(T/F) Lichenized fungi are a small portion of described fungi.
False, they make up the largest portion.
What are the two types of extraradical hyphae and what are their functions?
Finely branched hyphae are adapted to soil pore exploration, while larger runner hyphae extend away from the root and may initiate secondary colonization of other plant roots.
Minute, finger-like or globular projections covered with cortex containing both the mycobiont and photobiont that can be dispersed by wind, rain, or animals.
Most ectomycorrhizal fungi belong to which group?
Basidiomycota; Ascomycota to a lesser degree.
Lichens that are erect or pendent (hanging down) and cylindrical, with distinct 3D structure.
Ericoid mycorrhizae are limited to plants in the ______.
Ericaceae (blueberry family).
____% of the world’s plants form ectomycorrhizae.
(T/F) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can be parasitic.
True, although generally not killing their hosts (obligate biotrophs).
The three main growth forms of lichens.
(1) Foliose, (2) fruticose, and (3) crustose.
What are the main nutrients mycorrhizal fungi enhance uptake of?
N & P
In what type of lichens are the photobionts scattered throughout the thallus rather than being confined to a defined layer?
Crustose, but also some foliose/fruticose.
(T/F) The photobionts are just as diverse as the mycobionts.
False, only ~100 species described.
What do the photobionts gain from the mycobiont?
Protection from the environment. Assumed that they receive water/nutrients, but this is unsupported by evidence.
Fruticose lichens.
Lichens that are erect or pendent (hanging down) and cylindrical, with distinct 3D structure.
A common group of epiparasites with highly specialized species that are mycorrhizal with only a single ectomycorrhizal species of fungi
Lichens that are flattened and fused very tightly to their substrate, often found on rocks or bark.
Crustose lichens.
The hyphal growth of ectomycorrhizae within plant roots is (inter/intra)cellular.
Intercellular; does not penetrate individual root cells.
What is ecologically unique about ericoid mycorrhizal fungi?
They can extract nutrients from OM in highly acidic settings.
How do newly germinated hyphae detect and grow towards plant roots.
The use of lichens in geological/archeological dating.
The algal and bacterial component of a lichen.