Q2: Lesson 8 | Life and Death Flashcards
discussed the different modes of “meaning” in his Philosophical Explanations.
robert nozick
He claimed that knowing these modes will help people know which sense of meaning is relevant to the search for the meaning of life.
robert nozick
one can form and stipulate what his or her life means, provided there is a clear notion of what these references are.
stipulative definition
guarantees the possibility that what is stipulated is the meaning of a word, provided that it is clear how the word will be used over time and that it is necessary to use it as stipulated.
stipulative definition
helps clarify semantics. In this, life is said to have meaning through the purpose and intent of why one person is alive. Hence, when it is about intention, life will have meaning based on the goals or sets of intentions a person intends to do.
Meaning as intention or purpose
This mode reveals that meaningfulness will actually be helped by establishing a
life plan
“Attempts to find meaning in life is to seek to transcend the limits of an individual life. The narrower the limits of life, the less meaningful it is.”
Meaning as transcending one’s limits
Meaning is dependent on the causal relationship that helps form life. You, for instance, exist because of the process of reproduction. This implies that a life’s meaning is anchored on the life that is causally connected with others either as antecedents or as consequent situations.
Meaning as external causal relationship
Life becomes meaningful when one draws out a referential relation between life and some symbols that would represent life.
Meaning as referential or semantic relationship
The stipulative definition guarantees the possibility that what is stipulated is the meaning of a word, provided that it is clear how the word will be used over time and that it is necessary to use it as stipulated.
Meaning as referential or semantic relationship
This mode reveals that meaningfulness will actually be helped by establishing a life plan, which one intends to do. The life plan is that which guides the person to actually achieve the intentions and goals he or she has set.
Meaning as intention or purpose
Drawing from the life plan, people wants that their life plans will have a positive lesson that others can learn from and will directly exemplify the life that they live.
Meaning as a lesson to be learned
It seems the reason why human beings would want to live a meaningful life is to leave a mark that after they die, they leave a legacy that will serve as a sign that they have lived once upon in life.
Meaning as personal significance or value
refers to the way you choose to transcend your limits, the particular package or pattern of external connections you successfully choose to exhibit
“the meaning you give to your life”
This concept then will make us relaize that the problem of meaning is a problem of limits.
Meaning as transcending one’s limits