Q2: Lesson 7 | Human in Society Flashcards
a lasting group of members who develop an organized pattern of relationship through interactions.
a voluntary association of individuals for common ends.
basic unit of society
an individual who forms a family, groups, a community, a nation, a world.
is a political society, an association of people who agree among themselves to surrender their natural rights to the sovereign government for their common protection.
A religious or political opinion accepted and considered true.
General feelings about the world and society. People with a common sentiment gives a strong sense of belongingness and close association with each other.
Social systems are formed to meet goals and objectives. Ex. Student Groups
goals and objectives
Commonly accepted behavior. A principle of right action that serves to guide, control, or regulate proper and acceptable behavior.
is the position one holds in society. Roles are the expected behavior determined by _____
is the power that one holds over other members in society.
helps to prevent conflict.
A form of punishment to help control members and ensure conformity to norms and laws.
A traditional social custom. A mode of thinking, feelings or acting common to a group.
A formal rule of conduct or prescribed action that is binding & enforced by authority (through punishment)
create opportunities for the development of a persons full potential.
shapes a person’s identity: values & character, culture & folkways, norms, and beliefs.
Before the existence of social contracts or political societies (state), man had complete freedom or a state of nature where anyone can do as they please. But when man lives within groups, this creates competing desires, conflict, and war. A social contract had to be made in order to rule this state of nature.
state of nature
Society came to exist out of people’s desire to have harmony in their community.
Social Contract Theory:
Society was established because of the agreement entered into by the individuals in the community to form a set of laws and rules to which they must conform and abide.
Social Contract Theory
implies that individuals in the community surrender some of the liberties & freedom in exchange for social order.
social contract
demands the government to secure the lives of the citizens and protect their remaining liberties and properties.
social contract
demands that a government be established to control and secure the lives of the citizens and protect their remaining liberties and properties.
social contract
is needed to control the ways of life of the “subjects” or people
totalitarian government
creates a strong political society with absolute power to secure peace in a society
totalitarian government
an institution to protect the people’s rights.
is made of the people, by the people, & for the people.
democratic government
resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them.
is a political society that unites all people for 2 purposes: to protect & defend a) the life & goods of each member; and b) the people’s liberty.
general will
AKA Tribal Society is characterized by animal hunting, fishing, and plant or fruit gathering. Nomadic = transfers from one place to another depending on availability of resources.
nomadic societies
Developed domestication of animals for a manageable food supply.
pastoral societies
Relies on the cultivation of plants, fruits, and vegetables. Emerged at the same time as pastoral societies. This society was aka mobile society as people tend to leave their territory the moment the supply of plants, vegetables and water and land resources became scarce.
The advancement in society was used to cultivate crops and raise farm animals. This was also called an agricultural revolution because the increase in food supplies led to a larger and bigger population. Trade and industry spread. Women became more subordinate.
As communities grew bigger, conflicts with the neighboring communities began to rise. This led to farmers to provide warriors with food in exchange for their safety and protection.
emerged with the invention of steam engines. Bigger communities began to invent mechanized factories for food production. With the increase in productivity, communities began improving their mode of transportation to facilitate trade and commerce. Industrialization paved the way for the emergence of larger cities. This period is also characterized by increased cultural diversity and social mobility
industrial society
The industrial revolution made way for a technology hungry world and “tech-based” society. More innovations and inventions were made to lessen human effort & suffering, and make life easier.
postindustrial societies
The internet and other technological advancements, makes possible the building of virtual societies based on electronic social media.
virtual society
The virtual world of humans is known as
is not constrained by territorial and geographical boundaries. It is very interactive. Because of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Yahoomail, Google etc. we are updated. Social media constantly reminds us that the world does not merely revolve around us.
virtual society
The ancient society had no concept of private property. Nobody owned anything.
People started to plant and own farm lands. Later all lands were grouped together into feudal kingdoms with 1 ruler and many workers. This society bred “bourgeouise” landlords who owned the lands and abused the proletariat workers.
Todays capitalist society exists with private ownership of businesses and industries for profit. The owners and bosses get more shares of the profits than the workers.
The idealist society of communism, like the ancient society, where there is no private property. Ideally everybody work short equal hours in businesses which everyone owns. Everything will be free, there will be no bills to pay. This ideal has not been met.
utopian society
Societies came to exist due to human’s natural capacity to associate with others. Being social animals enabled them to form groups that started with a small community (family) to a highly developed, systematized, and structured community (society).
man is a social animal
Society was established because of the agreement entered into by the individuals in the community to form a set of laws and rules to which they must conform and abide.
social contract theory
Society came to exist out of people’s desire to have harmony in their community.
social contract theory
implies that individuals in the community surrender some of the liberties & freedom in exchange for social order.
social contract
is needed to control the ways of life of the “subjects” or people.
totalitarian government
creates a strong political society with absolute power to secure peace in a society.
totalitarian government
was aka mobile society as people tend to leave their territory the moment the supply of plants, vegetables and water and land resources became scarce.
emerged with the invention of steam engines.
industrial scoiety
paved the way for the emergence of larger cities.
This period is also characterized by increased cultural diversity and social mobility.
industrial society
expected behavior determined by statys
expected behavior determined by statys