PZR transmitters Flashcards
LT-460 controls?
14.4% cuts off heaters in auto or on, shuts LCV-460A/B
LT-459 controls?
- Charging pump speed based on PZR lvl
- Gives HI an LO lvl alarms +/-5% from program
- +5% level turns on B/U heaters anticipating insurge
- 14.4% cuts off heaters in auto, also shuts LCV-460A/B
LT-461 controls?
Can be selected to perfrom either LT-459 or LT-460 functions
Level in pressurizer compared to power and temp
0% power - 22.2% lvl - 547°F Tavg
100% power - 53.3%lvl - 575.9°F Tavg
High Level Alarm
High Level trip 2/3
91% above P7
If one detector sees this then alarm in control room
How many protection channels and what are they?
How many Control channels?
PT-455/456/457 do what at what pressures?
2376 - Hi pressure Rx trip
2000 - Allows blocking of low Pressure SI, auto unblocks, closes PORVs when in auto
1844 - Low pressure Rx trip
1715 - SI signal
all 2/3
PT-444 does what?
- Provides Pressure indicatino on RTGB and MDAFW room
- Signals to PC-444J
- Opens PCV-455C (PORV @ 2340)
PT-445 does what?
- PZR Hi and Lo alarm (2310/2185)
- Opens PCV-456 ( PORV @ 2335)
- Indication on RTGB