Define Cultural Relativism
The view that behaviour cannot be judged properly unless it is viewed in the context of the culture in which it originates
What is psychopathology?
The scientific study of psychological disorders (‘pathology’ is the study of disease). In the case of psychological disorders, the issuer is how do we identify when someone is ‘ill’ - in what way does their behaviour differ from what is normal, i.e. is it abnormal?
Define ‘Deviation from social norms’
Explain how deviation from social norms can be used to define abnormality
Abnormal behaviour is seen as a deviation from unstated rules about how one ‘ought’ to behave. Anything that violates these rules is considered abnormal
Define ‘Statistical Infrequency’
Explain how statistical infrequency can be used to define abnormality
Abnormality is defined as those behaviours that are extremely rare, i.e. any behaviour that is found in very few people is regarded as abnormal
Define ‘Deviation from Ideal Mental Health’
Explain how deviation from ideal mental health can be used to define abnormality
Abnormality is defined in terms of mental health, behaviours that are associated with competence and happiness. Ideal mental health would include a positive attitude towards the self, resistance to stress and an accurate perception of reality (Jahoda, 1958)
Define ‘Failure to Function Adequately’
Explain how failure to function adequately can be used to define abnormality
People are judged on their ability to go about daily life. If they can’t do this and are also experiencing distress (or others are distressed by their behaviour) then it is considered a sign of abnormality
What is Jahoda’s (1958) criteria for ideal mental health?
- Self-attitudes: having high self esteem and strong sense of identity
- Personal growth and Self-Actualisation
- Integration: ability to cope with stressful situations
- Autonomy: independence and self-regulation
- Having an accurate perception of reality
- Mastery of the environment: ability to love, function at work + in interpersonal relationships
Define Depression
A mood disorder where an individual feels sad and/or lacks interest in their usual activities. Further characteristics include irrational negative thoughts, raised or lowered activity levels and difficulties with concentration, sleep and eating
Define Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
An anxiety disorder where anxiety arises from both obsession (persistent thoughts) and compulsions (behaviours that are repeated over and over again). Compulsions are a response to obsessions and the person believes the compulsions with reduce anxiety
Define Phobias
A group of mental disorders characterised by high levels of anxiety in response to a particular stimulus or group of stimuli. The anxiety interferes with normal living
Outline the emotional characteristics of phobias
- Persistent, marked fear
- Emotional response - UNREASONABLE/IRRATIONAL
Outline the behavioural characteristics of phobias
- Panic: e.g. crying, screaming, running (children may freeze or have a tantrum)
- Avoidance: sufferers may avoid contact with phobic stimulus
- Endurance: sufferers may remain in presence of phobic stimulus but have increased anxiety
Outline the cognitive characteristics of phobias
- Selective attention to phobic stimulus: hard to look away
- Irrational beliefs: e.g. social phobias involve beliefs like ‘I must always sound intelligent’ Pressure
- Cognitive distortion: an ophidiophobic may see snakes as aliens + aggressive
Outline the emotional characteristics of depression
- Decreased mood
- Decreased self-esteem
- Anger (increase in negative emotion)
Anger —> aggression —> self-harm
Outline the behavioural characteristics of depression
- Decreased energy (LETHARGIC) OR Increased energy (PSYCHOMOTOR AGITATION)
- Insomnia OR Hypersomnia
- Increased OR Decreased appetite
- Aggression
- Self-harm
Outline the cognitive characteristics of depression
- Decreased concentration (can’t stick to a task + struggles with work)
- Dwelling on negatives (glass half empty, recalls more unhappy events)
- Abnormal thinking (black + white thinking)
Outline the emotional characteristics of OCD
- Anxiety + Distress: obsessive thoughts are unpleasant + frightening. Urge to repeat behaviours creates anxiety
- Accompanying depression: OCD is often accompanies by depression —> anxiety accompanied by low mood + lack of enjoyment
- Guilt and disgust: OCD may involve other negative emotions such as irrational guilt (e.g. over minor issues)
^- or disgust (e.g. dirt on the self)
Outline the behavioural characteristics of OCD
- Compulsions: Repetitive - compelled to repeat behaviour (e.g. hand washing, counting, tidying)
Reduce anxiety - compulsive behaviours performed to manage anxiety - Avoidance: reduce anxiety by avoiding triggering situations (sufferers who compulsively wash avoid germs)
Outline the cognitive characteristics of OCD
- Obsessive thoughts: 90% of sufferers have these
- Strategies to deal w/ obsession: e.g. a religious person tormented by obsessive guilt may pray
- Insight into irrationality: sufferers are aware of obsessions + compulsions are irrational
Outline the two-process model as an explanation of phobias
- Mowrer (1960)
- A theory that explains the two processes that lead to the development of phobias
- Acquired through classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning
- A neutral stimulus (NS) that originally produced no response is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) that produced the unconditioned response (UCR) of fear
- After the pairing, the NS now has the same properties as the UCS and produces fear which is now the conditioned response (CR)
- The NS is now the conditioned
- The likelihood of a behaviour r being repeated is increased if the outcome is rewarding (positive reinforcement)
- The avoidance of the phobia reduces fear, which is reinforcing (it removes the unpleasant variable in the situation)
Outline Little Albert/Watson and Rayner (1920)
- ‘Subject’ was 11-month-old boy called ‘Little Albert’
- At first, Albert showed no fear response to white furry objects (white rat, white rabbit, white cotton wool - NS)
- Watson and Rayner created a conditioned response to these objects by using 4 ft steel bar
- Albert reached for the rat they struck the bar with a hammer behind his head to startle him
- Repeated three time and did the same a week later
- After, when shown the rat + other furry white objects, he began to cry
What is systematic desensitisation?
A form of behavioural therapy used to treat phobias and other anxiety disorders. A client is gradually exposed to (or imagines) the threatening situation under relaxed conditions until the anxiety reaction is extinguished