Psychology Flashcards
These are persistent disorders charac. by a relatively inflexible reaction to stress
Personality disorders
Type of personality disorder where psycho/sociopath acts out conflict w/o remorse or guilt & has difficulty following rules
Type of personality disorder where a person is self-centered, inflexible, & is a perfectionist
Type of personality disorder where the person is attention seeking, aggressive, seductive person who is unable to be deeply involved emotionally
Hysterical AKA Histrionic
Type of personality disorder where the person is attention seeking, regards no one else as important, strong admiration for self/ exhibitionist
Type of personality disorder where the person is sensitive, defensive, suspicion leading to aggression, unfounded beliefs that other want to harm him
Type of personality disorder where the person is taking aggressive actions in an indirect manner, argumentative
Passive Aggressive
Type of personality disorder where the person is introverted & withdrawn, emotionally cold & distant, avoids social interaction
These are unconscious strategies utilized to cope w/ reality
Defense mechanisms
Type of defense mechanism charac. by refusal to perceive unpleasant realities. Painful subject stems from external sources such as impulses or fantasies. M/C seen in alcoholics
Type of defense mechanism charac. by assigning a feeling or belief to another person, group, or to the outside world
Type of defense mechanism charac. by attributing one’s own unacceptable desires & impulses to someone else
Type of defense mechanism charac. by depressed, unacceptable behavior expressed in an exaggerated form of an opposite behavior
Reaction Formation
Type of defense mechanism charac. by a response to stress in which an individual reverts to a less developmentally mature stage
Type of defense mechanism charac. by unacceptable or unpleasant ideas/impulses are thrust out of consciousness
Type of defense mechanism charac. by redirecting one’s feelings (aggression or affection) from one person to another
A class of mental disorders involving distress
This neurosis includes panic attacks & hyperventilation
This neurosis includes emotional problems that unconsciously manifest themselves as somatic complaints
Conversion Hysteria AKA Conversion Reaction
This neurosis includes an exaggerated pre-occupation w/ bodily functions & fear that one is suffering from serious ds
This neurosis includes anxiety, phobia, obsession, compulsion, hysterical conversion & dissociative phenomena. Able to distinguish fantasy from reality & demonstrates inappropriate behavior such as ritualistic washing
This neurosis includes perfectionist, inflexible, uncontrollably entangled w/ details & highly repetitive activities. Persistent thoughts are obsessive while persistent actions are compulsive
An irrational or unrealistic fear of a situation, animal, person, or activity
Fear of public spaces
Fear of heights
Fear of thunder & lightening
Fear of stars or celestial space
Person experiences vague physical symptoms in response to mental/psychological stress
Severe fluctuation of mood or personality
Affective disorder
This ds is associated w/ delirium tremens & folate deficiency among other things
Voluntary starvation, excessive exercise, unreasonable fear of gaining weight
Anorexia Nervosa
Behavior alternates b/w mania & melancholia
Bipolar Affective disorder AKA Manic depressive
Binge eating w/ subsequent purging, body image distortion
Bulimia Nervosa
Assoc. w/ muscle inhibition
Mild chronic depression
Dysthymic Disorder
These are caused by a perception problem
A period of depression assoc. w/ menopause
Involutional Melancholia
Delusions, hallucinations, social withdrawal, daily function impairment, & bizarre behavior
A person who adopts the dress of the opposite sex; cross dressing
Type of therapy used to tx alcoholics by associating drinking w/ unpleasant consequences
Type of therapy where rewards/punishments are utilized to correct undesirable behavior. Emphasis on behavior not psych. cause
Conditioning AKA Behavior Modification Therapy
A form of desensitization for the tx of phobias & related disorders in which the pt is repeatedly exposed to emotionally distressing stimuli of high intensity
A behavior modification technique in which one is taught to imitate the desired behavior of another
Psychological testing using a series of inkblot images
Rorschach Test
A method of IQ testing
Wechster Scale
This guy developed all this stuff:
- Free association & dream analysis as a route of the unconscious mind
- Psychosexual stages of development
- Id, Ego, Superego
What are Freud’s psychosexual stages of development?
- Oral
- Anal
- Phallic
- Genital
What do the Id, Ego, Superego control?
Id = basic instincts Ego = reality & control Superego = guilt & consciousness
This person developed the collective unconscious of man; used for psychoanalysis
This person developed the hierarchy of human needs; physiology, safety, love, esteem, & self actualization
This person developed classical conditioning
This person developed operant conditioning (use of consequences to modify the occurrence & form the behavior)