General Disease Flashcards
What are the normal temps for oral? rectal & tympanic? axilla?
Oral: 98.6
Rectal/Tympanic: 99.6
Axilla: 97.6
The CAGE questionaire is used to ask about alcoholism. What do the letters CAGE stand for?
C- Cutting down (felt the need to cut down)
A- Annoyed by others criticisms
G-Guilty feelings (felt guilty about drinking)
E-Eye openers (felt the need for a morning eye-opener drink)
What is the acceptable range for temp.?
96-99.5 F or 35-37.5 C
What are the normal pulse ranges in adults? Newborn? Elderly?
Adults: 60-100
Newborn: 120-160
Elderly: 70-80
What is the normal respiratory rate for an adult? Newborn?
Adult: 14-18
Newborn: 44
What is the normal BP range in adults?
What is the loss & reappearance of the pulsatile sound while listening w/ the stethescope during cuff deflation?
Auscultatory gap
Low pitched sounds produced by turbulent blood flow in arteries
Korotkoff Sounds
A difference of ______mmHg in systolic readings can indicate arterial occlusion such as subclavian steal syndrome on the side of the decreased value
What tests are used to determine vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency?
Barre-Lieou DeKleyn's Hallpike Hautant's Underberg
What test has the pt seated, examiner instructs the pt to rotate the head maximally form side to side. Done slowly at first then accelerated to pt tolerance.
What test has the pt supine, the examiner instructs the pt to rotate & ext. the head off the table then turn to each side for 15-45 secs. Dr can lend minimal support.
What test has the pt supine, head extended off the table. Examiner offers support for the skull. Examiner brings head into ext. rot. & lat. flex
What test has the pt seated, arms are ext. forward to shoulder level w/ the hands supinated. Maintain position for a few secs. Pt then closes the eyes, rot. & hyperext. the neck to one side. Repeated to opposite side.
What test has the pt. stand w/ eyes open, arms at side, feet close together. Pt. closes eyes, ext. arms & supinates hands, then pt. ext. & rot. head to one side. Then in this position pt is instructed to march in place.
Scaly eyebrows indicate what?
Loss of lat. 1/3rd of eyebrows indicates what?
Quantitative loss of eyebrows indicates what?
Normal w/ age
Drooping of the eyelid. Seen in Horner’s & Myasthenia Gravis
Lid lag/failure to cover the eyeball seen w/ Graves (bilateral) or tumor (unilateral)
Eye lid is turned outward & seen in the elderly
Eye lid is turned inward & seen in the elderly
Swelling around the eye seen w/ allergies, myxedema, & nephrotic syndrome
Periorbital Edema
Inflammation of the eye seen w/ seborrhea, staph infection, & inflammatory processes
Opacities seen in the lens that are commonly seen w/ diabetes & in the elderly. Also has an absent red light reflex
Grayish opaque ring around the cornea. Early 50 yoa = normal
Corneal arcus
Triangular thickening of the bulbar conjunctiva that grows across the cornea & is brought on by dry eyes
White sclera indicates what? Yellow sclera? Blue sclera?
White = normal Yellow = Jaundice Blue = Osteogenesis imperfecta
What does a pink conjunctiva indicate? Pale conjunctiva? Bright red conjunctiva?
Pink = Normal
Pale = Anemia
Bright Red = Infection
An infection of the sebaceous glands causing a pimple or boil on the eyelid
Hordoleum AKA sty
An infection of the meibomian gland cuasing a nodule which points inside the lid.
A yellowish triangular nodule in the bulbar conjunctiva that is harmless & indicates aging
Fatty plaques on the nasal surface of the eyelids that is normal or indicates hypercolesterolemia
Bilaterally small & irregular pupils that accommodate but don’t react to light. Seen w/ syphilis
Argyll Robertson
Dilated pupil w/ ptosis & lat. deviation. Doesn’t react to light or accommodation. Assoc. w/ MS
Internal ophthalmoplegia
Dilated & fixed pupils seen w/ anticholinergic drugs (atropine/mushrooms/death)