Psychology Flashcards
What happens during the bargaining stage of grief?
During this stage, the grieving person attempts to avoid the loss by making some kind of “deal,” or wishing she had done so. Bargaining typically manifests before the loss has occurred.
What happens during anger stage of grief?
the grieving person might aim feelings of hostility at others, including health care staff, because they cannot cure the disease.
What happens during denial stage of grief?
the grieving person cannot or will not believe that the loss is happening or has happened.
What happens during depression stage of grief?
the reality of the situation takes hold, and the grieving person feels sad, lonely, and helpless. She might have feelings of regret and self-blame for not taking better care of herself or, in this case, not encouraging her brother to take better care of himself.
What are Erikson’s 8 stages of development?
Trust/mistrust (birth to 18 months), autonomy / shame and doubt(2-3 years) , initiative / guilt(3-6 years) industry / inferiority (7-12 years) identity/roll confusion (12-20), intimacy/isolation (20-35) generativity/stagnation(35-65) ego integrity / despair(65+).
What is the compensation defense mechanism
Balancing failure or inadequacy with an accomplishment
What is the conversion defense mechanism
Transformation from anxiety into physical symptoms that have no cause
What is the denial defense mechanism
Avoidance of unpleasant or anxiety provoking situations or ideas by rejecting them or ignoring their existence
What is a dissociation defense mechanism
Disconnection of emotional importance from ideas or events and put those emotions at different parts of awareness
What is the identification defense mechanism
Attributing someone else’s characteristics to yourself
What is the introjection defense mechanism
Adopting of the thoughts and feelings of others
referring to the relationship between and interplay of mental health and interpersonal relations
the concern for establishing and guiding the next generation that stems from a sense of optimism about humanity
the result of stopping progression or forward movement
Advance directives
a document that communicates a patients’s specific wishes for end-of-life care should the patient become unable to do so
Durable power of attorney for health care
a document in which patients designate someone to make healthcare decisions for them if they are unable to do so themselves
lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
a method of balancing a failure or inadequacy with an accomplishment
transformation of an anxiety into a physical symptoms that has no cause