Psychological Disorders Flashcards
sickness or disorder of the mind; psychological disorder
factors that contribute to the development of a disorder
Criteria for determining psychopathology
- do actions deviate from cultural norms
- is the behavior maladaptive
- is the behavior self-destructive
- does the behavior cause discomfort and concern to others
Manual for psychological disorders
Categorical approach
a person is either in a category or not
DSM-5 uses this approach
Dimensional Approach
psychological disorders exist along a continuum
many psychological disorders occur together
Your predisposition to psychological disorders. A high p is associated with more life impairment, suicide, criminal behaviors ,etc.
Research Domain Criteria (RDoC)
a method that defines basic aspects of functioning and considers them across multiple levels of analysis, from genes to brain systems to behavior
- the purpose is to guide research rather than classify disorders
Types of Assessment
self - reports
psychological testing
neuropsychological testing
Diathesis-stress model
a diagnostic model that proposes that a disorder may develop when an underlying vulnerability is coupled with a precipitating event
Anxiety Disorders
psychological disorders characterized by excessive fear and anxiety in the absence of true danger
1 in 4 Amerians
Specific Phobia
excessive fear of one thing
Social anxiety disorder
fear of being negatively evaluated by others, tends to develop along with other disorders
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
a diffuse state of constant anxiety not associated with any specific object or event, constant anxiety, your fight or flight system is almost always active
Panic Disorder
an anxiety disorder that consists of sudden, overwhelming attacks of terror, does not necessarily come from a specific trigger
fear of being in situations in which escape may be difficult or impossible
Development of anxiety disorders
biased thinking = negative thinking
learning = observing others’ anxious responses
biological factor = temperament style, brain chemistry
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
a disorder characterized by frequent intrusive thoughts and compulsive actions
recurrent, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts or ideas and mental images that increase anxiety
particular acts that the OCD patient feels driven to perform over and over that reduce anxiety
OCD causes
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
a disorder that involved frequent nightmares, intrusive thoughts, and flashbacks related to an earlier trauma
Major depressive disorder
a disorder characterized by severe negative moods or lack of interest in normally pleasurable activities