Psychodynamics (22 & 23) Flashcards
What is the fundemental hypothesis of psychoanalytic theory?
Psychic determination–> every event/ symptom has meaning
What are the stages of development and what ages are they present?
Oral: Birth- 1.5 yrs Anal: 1.5- 3 yrs Phallic: 3- 6 yrs Latency: 6- Adolescence Genital: Adolescence, adults
What is the id and when is it present?
Present from birth
Fun, gratification
“I want now”
What is the superego and when is it present?
From age 5 on
Consience, rules, morals, values
“Thou shall not”
What does the superego develop from?
Parents, teachers, religious authority, societal/ legal norms
What is the ego and when is it present?
Always growing and evolving
Deals with internal and external reality
What happens when the ego is under stress?
What are the level 1 defenses?
Delusional projection
Psychotic denial
Describe the purpose of level I defenses?
“Psychotic mechanisms”
Common in healthy individuals before age 5
Common in adult dreams and fantasy
Define delusional projection:
Frank delusions about external reality, usually a persecutory type
Perception of one’s feelings in another and acting on it
Perception of other people or their feelings literally inside oneself
Define Psychotic denial:
denial of external reality
Define distortion:
Grossly reshaping external reality to suit inner needs
Hallucinations, denial of personal responsibility for ones behavior
Describe level II defense mechanisms:
Immature mechanisms
Common in healthy individuals ages 3015
Also seen in personality disorders
Name the Level II defnese mechanisms
Acting out
Define projection:
Attributing ones own unacknowledged feelings to others
Examples: severe prejudice, rejections of intimacy, hypervigillance to external damage
What personality disorder is associated with projection?
Paranoid personality
Define somatization:
Turning an unacceptable impulse or feeling into complaints of pain or somatic illness
Why does somatization develop in some people?
Permits an individual to belabor other with his own pain or discomfort in leu of direct demands
Define acting out:
direct expression of an unconscious wish or impulse in order to avoid being conscious of the affect that accompanies it
Done to avoid being aware of ones feelins
What personality disorder is seen with acting out?
Antisocial personality disorder
Define splitting:
Seeing people and events as ALL good or ALL bad
What personality disorder is seen with splitting?
Borderline personality disorder
Describe the level III defense mechanisms:
Neurotic defenses
Common in healthy individuals ages 3-90
Name the level III defense mechanisms:
Isolation of affect
Reaction formation
Define denial:
unable to accept intolerable facts about reality
Define displacement:
Redirection of feelings toward a relatively less cared for object than the person or situation arousing the feeling
Define dissociation:
Temporary but dramatic modification of one’s character or of ones sense of personal identity to avoid emotional distress
When is dissociation seen?
Acute reaction to trauma and multiple personality disorder
Define identification:
Unconscious patterning of ones behavior after a powerful influential person
Define intellectualization:
Thinking about instinctual wishes in formal, affectively bland terms and not acting on them
Who is intellectualization seen in?
OCD patients
How is intellectualization manifested?
Isolation, rationalization, ritual, undoing, magical thinking
Define isolation of affect:
Intellectual knowledge and understanding of a negative event without experiencing the feelings
Define rationalization:
Providing superficially reasonable accounts to explain away negative events feelings, actions
Define reaction formation:
Behavior in a fashion dramatically opposed to an unacceptable instinctual impulse
Overtly caring for someone when one wishes to be cared for himself
Define regression:
Appearance of child-like behavior during periods of stress
Define undoing:
Protecting against a negative past event by acceptable “corrective” behavior
Describe level IV defense mechanisms:
Mature mechanisms
Commonly in “healthy” individuals ages 12-90
Name the level IV defenses:
Define altruism:
Vicarious but constructive and instinctually gratifying service to others
Define sublimation:
Indirect or attenuated expression of instincts w/o either adverse consequences or marked loss of pleasure
Define anticipation:
Realistic anticipation of or planning for future inner discomfort
Includes goal- directed but overly careful planning or worrying
Define suppression:
Conscious or semiconscious decision to postpone paying attention to a conscious impulse or conflict
Define humor:
Overt expression or ideas and feelings w/o individual discomfort or immobilization and w/o unpleseant effects on others