Psych Assessment Quiz Prpjet Flashcards
The research has found that child custody litigants often respond to MMPI-2 items in a defensive way that’s indicated by:
A. a higher than normal score on the F scale and lower scores on the L and K scales.
B. a lower than normal score on the S scale and higher scores on the F and L scales.
C. higher than normal scores on the L and K scales and a lower score on the F scale.
D. higher than normal scores on the S and F scales and lower scores on the L and K scales.
Answer C is correct. Even if you’re unfamiliar with research on the MMPI-2 scores of child custody litigants, you would have been able to identify answer C as the correct answer as long as you noticed that the question states that these individuals often respond to items in a defensive way and know that high scores on the L, K, and S scales suggest defensiveness (an attempt to “fake good”), while a high score on the F scale suggests an attempt to “fake bad.”
The three-point code known as the psychotic valley consists of which of the following?
A. elevated scores on scales 1 and 3 with a lower score on scale 2
B. elevated scores on scales 6 and 8 with a lower score on scale 7
C. elevated scores on scales 1, 2, and 3
D. elevated scores on scales 6, 7, and 8
Answer B is correct. The psychotic valley is also known as the psychotic V, and these names suggest that the code consists of two high scores and one lower score, which eliminates answers C and D. Answer A is the conversion V code which is associated with the expression of psychological symptoms as somatic complaints. Answer B (the correct answer) is the psychotic V code and is associated with delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, and disordered thought. Even if you’re unfamiliar with the psychotic V, knowing that the V refers to the presence of two high scores with a lower score and that scale 8 is the Schizophrenia scale would have helped you identify the correct answer to this question.
A 21-year-old man is extraverted and talkative and has a history of impulsive and criminal behaviors that began during his pre-adolescent years. He will most likely obtain elevated scores on which of the following MMPI-2 clinical scales? A. 1(Hs) and 3(Hy) B. 1(Hs) and 6(Pa) C. 0(Si) and 4(Pd) D. 4(Pd) and 9(Ma)
Answer D is correct. It makes sense that a person with a history of criminal behaviors will obtain an elevated score on scale 4, which is the Psychopathic Deviate (PD) scale. This narrows the choices to answers C and D: Answer C can be eliminated because scale 0 is the Social Introversion scale. A high score on this scale indicates social discomfort and withdrawal, but this young man is extraverted and talkative. That leaves answer D which is elevated scores on the Psychopathic Deviate and Hypomania scales. Individuals with high scores on these scales have antisocial tendencies and are manipulative, impulsive, and extraverted.
Theo, age 35, lost sensory and motor functioning in his left hand after being in a car accident that killed his best friend. His physician has found no medical explanation for Theo’s symptoms. On the MMPI-2, Theo is most likely to obtain which of the following?
A. elevated scores on scales 1 and 3 with a lower score on scale 2
B. elevated scores on scales 6 and 8 with a lower score on scale 7
C. elevated scores on scales 2, 4, and 7
D. elevated scores on scales 2, 7, and 8
Answer A is correct. The presence of neurological symptoms without a physical explanation for them is characteristic of conversion disorder and individuals with conversion disorder often obtain the conversion V pattern on the MMPI-2, which is the pattern described in Answer A. Answer B is the psychotic V pattern and is associated with delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, and disordered thought. Answer C is the pattern associated with alcohol and drug abuse, vague somatic complaints, and relationship- and work-related problems. It isn’t the best answer because Theo has a specific somatic complaint rather than vague somatic complaints and the question doesn’t indicate that he has an alcohol or drug problem or interpersonal- or work-related problems. And answer D is the pattern associated with chronic psychological maladjustment, anxiety, depression, internal conflict, and poor self-esteem.
A psychologist interviews 28-year-old Jack who was recently incarcerated. Jack is forthcoming during the interview and is willing to disclose the behaviors that led to his incarceration and other problematic behaviors, and he seems to have previously undiagnosed psychopathology. On the MMPI-2, Jack is most likely to obtain which of the following? A. high L and high K scale scores B. high F and low VRIN scale scores C. low F and low Fb scale scores D. high S and high TRIN scale scores
Answer B is correct. Of the answers given, answer B is the best answer: Individuals who have genuine psychopathology are likely to obtain the combination of a high F scale score and a low VRIN scale score. Answers A and D can be eliminated because high L and high K scale scores indicate an attempt to “fake good,” and a high S scale score similarly indicates denial or defensiveness – but the question indicates that Jack is willing to disclose his problems. Answer C can be eliminated because low F and low Fb scale scores do not indicate that an examinee has answered in a way that suggests actual or faked psychopathology.
Scoring the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) involves considering the hero’s: A. coping strategies. B. needs and press. C. self-concept. D. style of life.
Answer B is correct. Murray’s scoring system for the TAT involves identifying the story’s hero, the hero’s needs and press (internal and external causes of the hero’s behavior), and the outcomes for each story.
Murray’s system of human needs informed the development of which of the following? A. 16 PF and TAT B. EPPS and MBTI C. EPPS and TAT D. NEO-PI-3 and EPPS
Answer C is correct. The development of both the EPPS (Edwards Personal Preference Schedule) and the TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) was based on Murray’s theory of human needs.
The lexical strategy was used in the development of which of the following tests? A. MBTI and EPPS B. 16 PF and NEO-PI-3 C. TAT and MBTI D. 16 PF and EPPS
Answer B is correct. The lexical strategy is based on the assumption that important personality traits are encoded in language. It was used in the development of the 16 PF and the NEO-PI-3.
Confabulation on the Rorschach inkblot test is most likely indicative of: A. concrete thinking. B. impulsivity. C. brain injury. D. perseveration.
Answer C is correct. Confabulation refers to overgeneralizing a part of the inkblot to the whole inkblot and may indicate brain injury, cognitive impairment, or schizophrenia.
Jung’s personality theory was the basis for which of the following tests? A. MBTI B. EPPS C. NEO-PI-3 D. 16 PF
Answer A is correct. The MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is based on Jung’s personality typology.
A 10-year-old child who has received a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder will most likely receive the highest score on the WISC-V’s ________ Index and lowest score on the ________ Index.
A. Fluid Reasoning; Processing Speed
B. Fluid Reasoning; Working Memory
C. Verbal Comprehension; Working Memory
D. Verbal Comprehension; Processing Speed
Answer A is correct. The WISC-V Technical and Interpretive Manual provides scores obtained by several clinical groups, including individuals with autism spectrum disorder who obtained the highest score on the Fluid Reasoning Index and lowest score on the Processing Speed Index.
The WAIS-IV is appropriate for individuals \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ years of age. A. 2 through 90 B. 8 through 85 C. 16 through 90 D. 6 through 95
Answer C is correct. The WAIS-IV is a measure of intelligence for individuals 16 through 90 years of age.
A 68-year-old woman recently received a diagnosis of mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease. Most likely she will receive the highest score on the WAIS-IV’s __________ Index and lowest score on the __________ Index.
A. Verbal Comprehension; Perceptual Reasoning
B. Working Memory; Perceptual Reasoning
C. Verbal Comprehension; Processing Speed
D. Perceptual Reasoning; Processing Speed
Answer C is correct. For the exam, you want to be familiar with the WAIS-IV Indexes that have the lowest and highest scores for individuals in several clinical samples. Note that for many of these samples – including individuals with mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease – the highest index score is on the Verbal Comprehension Index and the lowest score is on the Processing Speed Index.
The Flynn effect refers to:
A. generational increases in IQ scores in the last century.
B. generational decreases in IQ scores in the last century.
C. individual increases in IQ scores over the lifespan in the last century.
D. individual decreases in IQ scores over the lifespan in the last century.
Answer A is correct. Because Flynn was the first to describe the increase in IQ scores from one generation to the next during the 20th century, this increase is referred to as the Flynn effect.
The Processing Speed Index of the WAIS-IV consists of which of the following subtests?
A. symbol search, digit span, and block design
B. symbol search, coding, and cancellation
C. digit span, coding, and cancellation
D. letter-number sequencing, block design, and coding
Answer B is correct. The Processing Speed Index consists of two core subtests (symbol search and coding) and one supplemental subtest (cancellation).
Research has found that:
A. crystallized and fluid intelligence both increase or remain stable until late adulthood.
B. crystallized and fluid intelligence both peak in early to middle adulthood.
C. crystallized intelligence peaks in early to middle adulthood, while fluid intelligence peaks in late adulthood.
D. crystallized intelligence peaks in late adulthood, while fluid intelligence peaks in early to middle adulthood.
Answer D is correct. Research has confirmed that crystallized and fluid intelligence increase during childhood and adolescence but that fluid intelligence peaks before crystallized intelligence does. The reported ages at which the two types of intelligence begin to decline vary somewhat from study to study, but there’s some consensus that fluid intelligence peaks between 30 and 40 years of age, while crystallized intelligence doesn’t peak until 60 or 70 years of age.
Which of the following SB5 subtests are used to determine the starting point for the other subtests?
A. Object Series/Matrices and Verbal Analogies
B. Object Series/Matrices and Vocabulary
C. Procedural Knowledge and Vocabulary
D. Procedural Knowledge and Verbal Analogies
Answer B is correct. Administration of the SB5 begins with two routing subtests: Object Series/Matrices and Vocabulary. Administration of the other subtests then begins at a level slightly below the level indicated by the routing subtests.
Which of the following evaluates the selective attention and recognition memory of infants three to 12 months of age? A. Bayley Scales B. Fagan Test C. Kaufman Assessment Battery D. Leiter-3
Answer B is correct. The Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence (FTII) evaluates an infant’s selective attention and recognition memory, and the infant’s score is determined by the amount of time he/she spends looking at novel stimuli.
The results of which of the following can be interpreted using the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) model of cognitive abilities? A. PPVT-4 B. KABC-II C. CAS2 D. Leiter-3
Answer B is correct. Results of the KABC-II can be interpreted using the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) model of cognitive abilities or Luria’s neuropsychological processing model.
To evaluate the general intellectual ability of a 26-year-old with limited English proficiency, you would use which of the following? A. KABC-II B. WPT-R C. Raven’s SPM D. Bayley-III
Answer C is correct. Raven’s SPM is a nonverbal measure of general intelligence (g) for individuals ages 6:0 and older. Because instructions are simple and can be pantomimed, it’s useful for examinees who have hearing or speech impairments, physical disabilities, or limited English proficiency.
To evaluate the general mental ability of job applicants to assist with hiring decisions, you would use which of the following? A. CogAT7 B. WPT-R C. Bayley-III D. Leiter-3
Answer B is correct. The WPT-R (Wonderlic Personnel Test – Revised) is a 12-minute test of general intelligence for adults and is used primarily to assist with hiring decisions.
The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is a measure of receptive vocabulary that can be used with children, adolescents, and adults who have motor or speech impairments. A. CAS2 B. CogAT7 C. KABC-II D. PPVT-4
Answer D is correct. The PPVT-4 is a measure of receptive vocabulary for individuals 2:6 to 90+ years of age. Because it does not require reading or writing, it’s useful for examinees who have speech or motor impairments.
A score of \_\_\_\_\_ on the Halstead Impairment Index indicates severe impairment. A. 0 B. .5 C. .9 D. -10.0
nswer C is correct. The Halstead Impairment Index is derived by dividing the total number of subtests that indicate impaired performance by the total number of subtests. It ranges from 0 to 1.0, with a score of 0 to 0.2 indicating normal functioning, 0.3 to 0.4 indicating mild impairment, 0.5 to 0.7 indicating moderate impairment, and 0.8 to 1.0 indicating severe impairment
Poor performance on the Stroop Word and Color Test or the Tower of London Test is most suggestive of damage to the area of the brain that mediates: A. short-term memory. B. executive functions. C. visual-motor integration. D. receptive language.
Answer B is correct. The Stroop Test and the Tower of London Test are both sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction, especially areas of the frontal lobe that are responsible for executive (higher-order cognitive) functions.
When administering the Bender-Gestalt II to a 72-year-old man who has just received a diagnosis of mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease, you will first ask the man to:
A. match a set of cards to four stimulus cards.
B. pick up a piece of paper in his right hand, fold it in half, and put it in his lap.
C. copy geometric designs depicted in a set of cards.
D. draw from memory the geometric designs depicted in a set of cards.
Answer C is correct. Administration of the Bender-Gestalt II involves two phases – the copy phase in which the examinee is shown each design and asked to copy it “as best as you can,” and the recall phase in which the examinee is asked to draw as many of the designs as possible from memory. Answer A describes the administration procedure for the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Answer B describes one of the tasks of the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE). And answer D describes the second phase of the administration of the Bender-Gestalt II.
Which of the following tests would be most useful for confirming a diagnosis of intellectual disability? A. Vineland-3 B. Stroop Test C. Benton Test D. MMSE
Answer A is correct. The DSM-5 diagnosis of intellectual disability requires deficits in intellectual functions and adaptive functioning, and the Vineland-3 is a measure of adaptive functioning.
A score of 23 or lower on the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) indicates: A. normal functioning. B. cognitive impairment. C. severe depression. D. a lack of responsiveness.
Answer B is correct. The maximum score on the MMSE is 30, and a score of 24 is usually used as the cutoff. Scores below 24 indicate cognitive impairment and, the lower the score, the greater the impairment.
Research has found that interest inventories are least predictive of which of the following? A. job persistence B. job performance C. job satisfaction D. job choice
Answer B is correct. Research investigating the predictive validity of interest inventories have generally found that they’re good predictors of job choice, satisfaction, and persistence but less accurate for predicting job success.
Empirical criterion keying was used in the development of which of the following Strong Interest Inventory scales?
A. Basic Interest Scales
B. Occupational Scales
C. Occupational Scales and General Occupational Themes
D. Basic Interest Scales and Occupational Scales
Answer B is correct. Empirical criterion keying was used to construct the Occupational Scales of the SII. It involved comparing the responses of people employed in various occupations to the responses of a general representative sample of employed adults.
Which of the following is NOT one of the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (KOIS) scales? A. Occupational Scales B. Vocational Interest Estimates C. Personal Styles Scales D. College Major Scales
Answer C is correct. The KOIS provides scores on Occupational Scales, College Major Scales, and Vocational Interest Estimates.
Which of the following provides scores on Holland’s six occupational themes? A. the SII B. the KOIS C. the SII and the KOIS D. neither the SII nor the KOIS
Answer A is correct. The General Occupational Themes scale of the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) provides scores on Holland’s six occupational themes.
The Kuder Occupational Interest Inventory (KOIS) provides ipsative scores, which means that scores indicate:
A. the degree of consistency of an examinee’s interests.
B. an examinee’s likelihood of success in different occupations.
C. the relative strength an examinee’s interests.
D. the absolute strength of an examinee’s interests.
Answer C is correct. Ipsative scores provide information on an examinee’s relative (rather than absolute) strengths with regard to the interests measured by the test.