Ethics Quiz Prpjet Flashcards
Dr. Schneider’s new clients are a single mother and her two daughters, ages 13 and 15. The family moved to the United States from Venezuela six years ago and they were referred to therapy by the high school counselor because the girls are having problems with their peers and teachers. Although both daughters are fluent in English, the mother is not, and the oldest daughter has volunteered to translate for her mother since Dr. Schneider does not speak Spanish. Having the daughter act as a translator:
A. is acceptable since she’s receiving therapy with her mother.
B. is acceptable as long as the daughter is fluent in both Spanish and English.
C. is acceptable as long as Dr. Schneider has had experience working with a translator.
D. is not acceptable.
Answer D is correct. Standard 2.05 requires psychologists to avoid delegating work to others “who have a multiple relationship with those being served that would likely lead to exploitation or loss of objectivity.” Having the daughter act as translator may affect the therapeutic relationship between the therapist and family members, and the daughter’s translations may be biased because of her relationship with her mother.
The receptionist at the mental health clinic where you work tells you she’s concerned about the behavior of another psychologist who works at the clinic. When she describes the behavior to you, you believe it violates ethical requirements. You:
A. may ignore the violation if you believe it hasn’t caused or is not likely to cause substantial harm.
B. may ignore the violation if you believe it’s not likely to occur again.
C. should discuss the matter with the involved client(s) to confirm that an ethical violation has actually occurred.
D. should attempt to resolve the situation informally by talking to the psychologist if it seems appropriate to do so.
Answer D is correct. Standards 1.04 and 1.05 of APA’s Ethics Code state that, when psychologists believe another psychologist has acted unethically, they attempt to resolve the problem. This requires first considering the confidentiality rights of the involved parties and, if confidentiality is not an issue, addressing the issue informally by discussing the situation with the psychologist when appropriate or reporting the violation to the appropriate authorities. Since none of the answers address confidentiality, this is the best answer.
You receive a request for information about a former client of yours from the APA’s Ethics Committee which it needs for its investigation of a complaint the client has filed against you. You:
A. can refuse to provide the information if doing so will violate your right against self-incrimination.
B. can refuse to provide the information if doing so is likely to be harmful to the client.
C. must cooperate with the request as long as the client has signed an authorization to release confidential information.
D. must cooperate with the request whether or not the client has signed an authorization to release confidential information.
Answer C is correct. This situation is addressed in Standard 1.06 of the APA’s Ethics Code. It requires psychologists to cooperate with investigations and proceedings of the APA and affiliated state psychological associations to which they belong but also states that, before doing so, psychologists must “address any confidentiality issues.” The latter requirement includes ensuring that the client who filed the complaint has signed an authorization to release confidential information.
When psychologists think their own personal problems may impair their ability to provide therapy in a competent manner, the best course of action is to:
A. obtain the professional help they need to resolve their personal problems.
B. suspend their work activities until their personal problems have been resolved.
C. seek consultation to determine whether to limit or suspend their work-related activities.
D. monitor their effectiveness by seeking feedback from clients about their satisfaction with therapy.
Answer C is correct. This answer is most consistent with Standard 2.06(b) of the Ethics Code. It states that, “when psychologists become aware of personal problems that may interfere with their performing work-related duties adequately, they take appropriate measures, such as obtaining professional consultation or assistance, and determine whether they should limit, suspend, or terminate their work-related duties.” Seeking professional help for a personal problem may be beneficial (answer A), but it would not address any immediate problems related to competence when working with clients.
You’ve just been asked to provide mental health services to residents of a small town who have been traumatized by a shooting at the elementary school. To be consistent with ethical requirements, you should provide the requested services:
A. only if you have relevant training and experience.
B. even if you don’t have relevant training and experience as long as you’re able to obtain appropriate consultation while providing the services.
C. even if you don’t have relevant training and experience as long as alternative services are unavailable and you inform clients of their options during the informed consent process.
D. even if you don’t have relevant training and experience as long as alternative services are unavailable and you discontinue providing services when the emergency ends or appropriate services become available.
Answer D is correct. This answer is most consistent with the requirements of Standard 2.02 of APA’s Ethics Code. It states that psychologists may provide services in emergency situations when they do not have the necessary training if alternative mental health services are unavailable and “the services are discontinued as soon as the emergency has ended or appropriate services are available.”
____________ are the standards used in the APA’s Ethics Code to define sexual harassment.
A. Quid pro quo and reasonable woman
B. Hostile environment and reasonable person
C. Quid pro quo and hostile environment
D. Tangible detriment and reasonable person
Answer B is correct. Standard 3.02 of APA’s Ethics Code distinguishes between two types of behavior that constitute sexual harassment: behaviors that create a hostile work environment and behaviors that are sufficiently severe or intense “to be abusive to a reasonable person.”
When consulting with a colleague about a client who’s not responding to treatment, you:
A. must get authorization from the client before doing so.
B. must get authorization from the client before doing so if you cannot disguise her identity while discussing the situation with the colleague.
C. do not need to get authorization from the client as long as you disclose only confidential information that’s pertinent to the purpose of the consultation.
D. do not need to get authorization from the client as long as the colleague is a licensed mental health professional.
Answer B is correct. This answer is most consistent with Standard 4.06 of APA’s Ethics Code. It states that, when consulting with a colleague about a client, psychologists do not disclose confidential information “that reasonably could lead to the identification of a client/patient … unless they have obtained the prior consent of the person.”
Which of the following is true about privilege?
A. It can be claimed and waived only by the client.
B. It can be claimed by the client and the client’s legal representative but waived only by the court.
C. It can be claimed and waived by the client, the client’s legal representative, and the therapist.
D. It can be claimed and waived by the client and the client’s legal representative and claimed by the therapist on behalf of the client.
Answer D is correct. The client or the client’s legal representative is the holder of the privilege, which means that the client or his/her representative decides when to claim or waive the privilege. However, psychologists may claim the privilege on behalf of a client when asked to disclose confidential client information in a legal proceeding.
Dr. Bharara, a licensed psychologist, saw Mr. and Mrs. D’Andrea and their two children in therapy for four months before the parents suddenly decided to get a divorce and stopped coming to therapy. One month later, Dr. Bharara receives a phone call from Mrs. D’Andrea who asks if he would be willing to conduct a custody evaluation of the children. As an ethical psychologist, Dr. Bharara:
A. should agree to do so only with the permission of both Mrs. and Mr. D’Andrea.
B. should agree to do so only if he believes his previous therapeutic relationship with the family will not interfere with his objectivity.
C. should agree to do so as long as he’s able to evaluate all family members.
D. should not agree to do so and provide Mrs. D’Andrea with an appropriate referral.
Answer D is correct. Multiple relationships are addressed in Standard 3.05 of APA’s Ethics Code and Paragraph II.7 of APA’s Guidelines for Child Custody Evaluations in Family Law Proceedings. Both prohibit psychologists from becoming involved in a multiple relationship that might impair their objectivity, competence, or effectiveness, and the Guidelines identifies conducting a child custody evaluation with current or former therapy clients as a multiple relationship that should be avoided.
Psychologists delivering mental health services in military settings should keep in mind that members of the military:
A. have the same confidentiality rights as other therapy clients.
B. have the same confidentiality rights as other therapy clients only when they were self-referred for therapy.
C. should be informed at the beginning of therapy about the military’s disclosure policies that affect confidentiality.
D. do not have any of the ethical or legal protections regarding confidentiality that other therapy clients have.
Answer C is correct. Client confidentiality is not handled in exactly the same way in the military as it is elsewhere because psychologists providing therapy to members of the military must adhere to Department of Defense rules that limit the confidentiality of mental health information. Informing members of the military about these limitations is consistent with the requirements of Standard 4.02 of APA’s Ethics Code. Note that answer D is incorrect because members of the military have some confidentiality rights – e.g., they have the right to be told about the limits of confidentiality.
Dr. Horowitz learns that a current therapy client has started dating one of Dr. Horowitz’s close friends. To be consistent with ethical guidelines, Dr. Horowitz should:
A. reduce her interactions with her best friend.
B. discuss the situation with her client to help determine the best course of action.
C. do nothing unless she notices that the situation is affecting her effectiveness as a therapist.
D. say nothing to the client or friend but take special precautions to protect the client’s confidentiality.
Answer B is correct. This answer is most consistent with Standard 3.05(b) of APA’s Ethics Code. It states that when, “due to unforeseen factors, a potentially harmful multiple relationship has arisen, the psychologist takes reasonable steps to resolve it with due regard for the best interests of the affected person and maximal compliance with the Ethics Code.” Of the answers given, the most reasonable step would be to discuss the situation with the client to help determine the best course of action.
You receive a written request from a colleague asking you to forward a copy of the file of a former client of yours who is now seeing him in therapy. To expedite receiving the file, the colleague asks you to send it to him as an attachment to an email. The colleague’s request is accompanied by an authorization to release information signed by the client. You should send the colleague the file as an attachment to an email:
A. since the client has signed an authorization.
B. after confirming that you have the correct email address for the colleague.
C. only if you are able to remove all information that identifies the client from the electronic copy of the file.
D. only if you’re able to clearly label each page of the record “confidential.”
nswer C is correct. Of the answers given, this is the best one because it’s most consistent with the requirements of Standard 6.02(b) of the Ethics Code. It states that, “if confidential information concerning recipients of psychological services is entered into databases or systems of records available to persons whose access has not been consented to by the recipient, psychologists use coding or other techniques to avoid the inclusion of personal identifiers.” When information is faxed or otherwise transferred electronically, it’s not possible to guarantee that it will not be accessed by unauthorized individuals. Therefore, removing identifying information is the best course of action.
With regard to ethical requirements, which of the following is true about referral fees?
A. They are unacceptable in any circumstance.
B. They are acceptable as long as a referred client’s fee is not increased to compensate for the fee paid for the referral.
C. They are acceptable as long as both parties agree that the amount of the fee is equitable.
D. They are acceptable as long as they’re for the actual services provided by the person who made the referral.
Answer D is correct. This answer is most consistent with the requirements of Standard 6.07. It states that, “when psychologists pay, receive payment from, or divide fees with another professional … the payment to each is based on the services provided (clinical, consultative, administrative, or other) and is not based on the referral itself.”
Which of the following best describes ethical requirements regarding psychologists’ use of client testimonials in brochures and other statements describing their professional services?
A. They may use only unsolicited testimonials from former and current therapy clients.
B. They may use solicited or unsolicited testimonials from former and current therapy clients as long as the clients are not compensated for them.
C. They may use solicited testimonials from former therapy clients who are not vulnerable to undue influence.
D. They may use solicited testimonials from former therapy clients as long as they do not include misleading information.
Answer C is correct. This answer is most consistent with the requirements of Standard 5.05 of the Ethics Code. It prohibits psychologists from soliciting testimonials from current therapy clients and from others “who because of their particular circumstances are vulnerable to undue influence.” Of course, psychologists would not want to use testimonials that provide misleading information (answer D) but, even if the information is accurate, they would not use solicited testimonials from former therapy clients if those clients are vulnerable to undue influence.
Routinely waiving the insurance co-payments of therapy clients is acceptable:
A. only when the insurance company has approved of this arrangement.
B. as long as it’s justified by the clients’ inability to pay the co-payment.
C. only if the insurance company is not charged an increased fee to make up for the co-payment.
D. because it’s a “standard practice.”
Answer A is correct. Routinely waiving the co-payments of clients means that the insurance company is paying 100% of the therapist’s fee for those clients, but most insurance companies agree to pay a certain percentage (e.g., 50%) of the fee. Therefore, this practice constitutes insurance fraud if the insurance company has not agreed to it and is both illegal and unethical.
To be consistent with ethical requirements, you should discuss fees and other financial matters with therapy clients:
A. before the first therapy session.
B. during the first therapy session.
C. as part of the informed consent process.
D. as early as feasible.
Answer D is correct. This answer is the best one because it uses the actual language of Standard 6.04 of the Ethics Code. It requires psychologists to reach an agreement with clients “as early as feasible” about fees and other financial arrangements.
To be consistent with ethical requirements, psychologists must claim as credentials for their mental health services:
A. only masters and doctoral degrees in psychology or a related field.
B. only degrees from regionally accredited educational institutions.
C. only degrees that were the basis for their psychology licensure.
D. only degrees from regionally accredited educational institutions or that were the basis for their psychology licensure.
Answer D is correct. This answer is the best one because it’s closest to the language of Standard 5.01(c) of the Ethics Code. It states that psychologists can claim as credentials for their mental health services only degrees that “were earned from a regionally accredited educational institution or … were the basis for psychology licensure.”
Which of the following best describes ethical requirements for bartering psychological services for goods or services?
A. Bartering is unacceptable except in the “most unusual circumstances.”
B. Bartering may be acceptable as long as it’s unlikely to harm or exploit the client.
C. Bartering is acceptable as long as a “fair market value” can be agreed upon for the goods or services.
D. Bartering may be acceptable as long as it does not create a conflict of interest.
Answer B is correct. This answer is most consistent with the requirements of Standard 6.05 of the Ethics Code. It states that “psychologists may barter only if (1) it is not clinically contraindicated, and (2) the resulting arrangement is not exploitative.”
Which of the following best describes ethical guidelines regarding the use of automated scoring and interpretation services?
A. Use of automated services is acceptable as long as they have been developed by licensed mental health professionals.
B. Use of automated services is acceptable as long as they have adequate evidence of their validity and other psychometric properties.
C. Use of automated services is acceptable only when they are provided by the test publisher.
D. Use of automated services is unacceptable.
Answer B is correct. The use of test scoring and interpretation services is addressed by Standard 9.09(b), which states that “psychologists select scoring and interpretation services (including automated services) on the basis of the validity of the program and procedures as well as on other appropriate considerations.”
Dr. Valdez has been seeing Betsy R. in therapy for several months and believes she is no longer making any progress. When Dr. Valdez discusses this with Betsy, she says she thinks “therapy is going really well” and wants to continue. To be consistent with ethical requirements, Dr. Valdez should:
A. work with Betsy to identify specific goals for future sessions and, if none can be identified, provide pretermination counseling.
B. inform Betsy that he’s ethically required to terminate therapy when he feels a client is not benefitting from treatment.
C. explain to Betsy that ending therapy is always difficult and agree to see her for a few more sessions to deal with the termination.
D. agree to continue seeing Betsy in therapy since she feels she’s benefitting from treatment.
Answer A is correct. This situation is addressed in Standard 10.10, which requires psychologists to terminate therapy when it becomes clear that a client no longer needs or is benefiting from it. In the situation described in this question, the client is satisfied with therapy, so the best course of action would be to determine if there’s a reason for Betsy to continue therapy before deciding that termination of therapy is the best course of action.
During her second therapy session with Dr. Simone, a cognitive-behavioral therapist, Millie tells him that she has been seeing another psychologist for therapy for nearly three months. As an ethical psychologist, Dr. Simone will:
A. explain to Millie that it would be inappropriate to see her in therapy while she’s seeing another therapist.
B. discuss with Millie the potential problems of seeing two therapists at the same time and let her decide what she wants to do.
C. contact the other therapist after obtaining Millie’s consent to do so to help determine the best course of action.
D. determine why Millie is seeing another therapist to help determine the best course of action.
nswer D is correct. Standard 10.04 applies to the situation described in this question. It states that psychologists must “proceed with caution and sensitivity to the therapeutic issues” when asked to provide services to a person who is receiving services from another mental health professional. Whether or not it would be appropriate for Dr. Simone to continue seeing Millie depends on the reason why she has started therapy with him while seeing another therapist. Therefore, this is the best answer of those given.
You have been hired by a large online auction site to assist with its hiring procedure for tech support jobs by administering and scoring psychological tests and using their results to make hiring recommendations. The human resource manager has told you that he wants you to include an online self-report measure of borderline personality disorder that he’s familiar with because the company has had trouble with employees who have “borderline tendencies” in the past and wants to eliminate them from consideration. As an ethical psychologist, you should:
A. agree to include the test and give its results to the manager but base your recommendations on the other tests that you choose.
B. agree to include the test only if it has been validated as a measure of borderline personality disorder.
C. tell the manager you will include the test only if it has evidence of validity as a measure of borderline personality disorder and as a predictor of tech support job performance.
D. tell the manager you can’t include the test because there’s no evidence that measures of personality predict job performance.
Answer C is correct. This answer is most consistent with the requirements of Standard 9.02, which requires psychologists to use tests only for purposes for which they have been validated. Note that answer D is not the best answer because there is evidence that certain personality traits (e.g., conscientiousness) are fairly good predictors of job performance across different types of jobs.
You receive a letter from a former client’s attorney requesting that you provide her with information from the client’s file, including the actual items from two projective tests, the client’s responses to those items, and the client’s test scores. The letter is accompanied by an authorization to release information signed by the client who is being represented by the attorney in a criminal case. As an ethical psychologist, you will send the attorney:
A. all of the requested test information.
B. the client’s responses to the test items and test scores only.
C. the client’s test scores only.
D. only a summary of the client’s performance on each test.
Answer B is correct. This answer is most consistent with Standards 9.04 and 9.11, which distinguish between test data and test material. Standard 9.11 requires psychologists to “make reasonable efforts” to protect the integrity and security of test materials. As defined in this standard, test material includes test items, which means that providing items to the attorney would breach test security. In contrast, Standard 9.04 describes test data as including an examinee’s responses to test items and his/her test scores, which can be released with appropriate authorization.
Dr. Liu is the only therapist in his community who specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders. He receives a call from Susan S. who wants to begin therapy with him to deal with the anxiety attacks she started having after receiving a big promotion at work several weeks ago. Dr. Liu and Susan had a brief sexual relationship in graduate school five years ago. Their relationship ended amicably and they have not seen each other in over three years. If Dr. Liu accepts Susan as a client:
A. he will have acted ethically as long as he has determined that their previous relationship will not affect his objectivity or effectiveness when working with Susan in therapy.
B. he will have acted ethically since more than two years have passed since his relationship with Susan ended.
C. he will have acted ethically as long as he discusses the possible problems of seeing Susan in therapy during the informed consent process.
D. he will have acted unethically.
Answer D is correct. Standard 10.07 applies to this situation. It prohibits psychologists from providing therapy to individuals they have been sexually involved with in the past, and there is no time limit on this prohibition.
Simultaneous submission of a manuscript for publication to different journals is:
A. standard practice.
B. acceptable only when the article is compatible with the purposes of those journals.
C. acceptable only if the journals have different purposes and readers.
D. unacceptable.
Answer D is correct. Simultaneous submission of a manuscript to more than one journal is unacceptable for several reasons – e.g., when more than one journal reviews and edits the article, this is a waste of academic and scientific resources; if the manuscript is published by more than one journal, this can lead to a copyright dispute. Note that this prohibition does not apply to pre-publication inquiries.
A graduate student’s dissertation research extends an aspect of his advisor’s ongoing longitudinal research on treatments for PTSD. When the student submits an article describing the results of his study to a journal, he lists his advisor as second author. With regard to ethical requirements, this is:
A. unacceptable since the advisor should have been listed as the first author because the student’s dissertation research extended an aspect of the advisor’s ongoing research.
B. unacceptable since only the student should be listed as an author on an article that describes his dissertation research.
C. acceptable since the student’s research was based on his advisor’s ongoing research.
D. acceptable as long as the listing of the advisor as second author reflects her actual contribution to the student’s research.
Answer D is correct. This answer is most consistent with the requirements of Standard 8.12, which requires (a) publication credit to be based on each person’s contribution rather than on his/her status and (b) students to be listed as principal author on multiple-authored articles that are substantially based on their doctoral dissertations.
Which of the following best describes ethical requirements for the use of deception in research?
A. Deception may be acceptable when alternative nondeceptive procedures are unavailable.
B. Deception may be acceptable as long as subjects can participate in the study anonymously.
C. Deception is acceptable as long as subjects are told about the general nature of the study during the informed consent process.
D. The use of deception is always unacceptable.
Answer A is correct. Ethical guidelines require that deception be used in research only when several criteria have been met. Of the answers given, this is the only one that accurately describes one of those criteria – i.e., deception may be acceptable when alternative nondeceptive methods for conducting the study are unavailable.
You will be teaching your first introductory psychology class next semester and are considering requiring students to participate in one research study as a course requirement. This is acceptable as long as students:
A. are not required to participate in a study that you’re conducting.
B. are given the option to complete an alternative assignment instead of participating in a research study.
C. are not required to participate in studies that will subject them to physical pain or psychological stress.
D. are made aware of this requirement before they sign-up for your class.
Answer B is correct. Standard 8.04 applies to this situation. It states that, “when research participation is a course requirement or an opportunity for extra credit, the prospective participant is given the choice of equitable alternative activities.”
To ensure that she obtains a sufficient number of subjects for her doctoral dissertation research, a graduate student plans to offer some type of inducement to volunteers. With regard to ethical requirements, this is:
A. clearly unacceptable.
B. acceptable only when alternative procedures for obtaining volunteers are unavailable.
C. acceptable as long as the study is not likely to cause subjects physical pain or psychological stress.
D. acceptable as long as the inducement is not coercive because of its value or desirability to potential volunteers.
Answer D is correct. This answer is most consistent with Standard 8.06, which states that “psychologists make reasonable efforts to avoid offering excessive or inappropriate financial or other inducements for research participation when such inducements are likely to coerce participation.”
Dr. Barry Bull advertised his two-hour workshop for licensed psychologists as a “hands-on experience administering and scoring neuropsychological tests.” However, during the workshop, he only shows videos that demonstrate how to administer and score the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and three other frequently used neuropsychological tests. In terms of ethical requirements, Dr. Bull has acted:
A. unethically because he violated test security.
B. unethically because his advertisement did not accurately describe his workshop.
C. ethically as long as he had determined the videos were the most effective way to train participants in the use of the tests.
D. ethically as long as he refunded the course fee to dissatisfied participants.
Answer B is correct. Dr. Bull’s advertisement for his workshop violated Standard 7.02 of the APA Ethics Code because it inaccurately described his workshop as providing a “hands-on experience.” Showing videos on test administration and scoring to licensed psychologists is not a violation of test security and giving refunds to dissatisfied participants would not compensate for providing inaccurate information about the workshop’s content.
Which of the following best describes ethical requirements regarding sexual relationships with students and supervisees?
A. Psychologists are prohibited from becoming sexually involved with students or supervisees under any circumstances.
B. Psychologists are prohibited from becoming sexually involved with current (but not former) students or supervisees.
C. Psychologists are prohibited from becoming sexually involved with students and supervisees over whom they have or are likely to have evaluative authority.
D. Psychologists are prohibited from becoming sexually involved with students and supervisees except in the “most unusual circumstances.”
Answer C is correct. This answer is most consistent with Standard 7.07, which states that “psychologists do not engage in sexual relationships with students or supervisees who are in their department, agency, or training center or over whom psychologists have or are likely to have evaluative authority.” Answer B is not the best answer because it’s not possible to conclude that psychologists will not have evaluative authority over a former student or supervisee in the future.
Which of the following is identified as a “paramount goal” of supervision in the ASPPB’s Supervision Guidelines for Education and Training Leading to Licensure as a Health Service Provider?
A. acting as a gatekeeper
B. protecting the public
C. preparing the supervisee for independent practice
D. mentoring the supervisee
Answer B is correct. The ASPPB’s Supervision Guidelines identifies “the protection of and accountability to the public … [as the] paramount goals of supervision” (p. 1), and it lists the following as additional goals: protecting the supervisee, acting as a gatekeeper by assessing the supervisee’s readiness for autonomous practice, facilitating the supervisee’s professional development, remediating areas where the supervisee is not meeting the criteria for competence or ethical standards, and preparing the supervisee for independent practice.
You receive a subpoena requesting you to appear in court from the attorney to provide information about a former client. Assuming that the subpoena is valid and that you do not have authorization from the client to release confidential information, you should:
A. appear in court as requested and provide only information you believe is relevant to the court case.
B. appear in court as requested and provide only information that you believe is in the best interests of the client.
C. appear in court as requested but assert the privilege on behalf of the client.
D. refuse to appear in court as requested without authorization from the client.
Answer C is correct. There are several things you would want to do in this situation but, of the answers given, this is the best one. You need to respond to the subpoena (you can’t just refuse to appear in court) but, since you don’t have the client’s authorization to release confidential information, you would want to assert the privilege on behalf of the client.
As a fact witness in a legal proceeding, a psychologist:
A. is expected to offer his/her opinion about a defendant’s potential for future violence.
B. can offer his/her opinion about a defendant’s potential for future violence only with authorization from the defendant.
C. can offer his/her opinion about a defendant’s potential for future violence only if he/she has relevant education, training, and experience to do so.
D. cannot offer his/her opinion about a defendant’s potential for future violence.
Answer D is correct. Fact witnesses testify about the facts – i.e., about what they have observed. It is expert witnesses who offer opinions.
Interjurisdictional telesupervision occurs when a supervisor who resides in one state, province, or country provides supervision to an intern who is temporarily or permanently residing in a different state, province, or country via phone, videoconferencing, or other telecommunication technology. The ASPPB Supervision Guidelines for Education and Training Leading to Licensure as a Health Service Psychologist:
A. does not address interjurisdictional telesupervision.
B. prohibits interjurisdictional telesupervision except in emergency situations.
C. allows interjurisdictional telesupervision only when the supervisor is licensed in all jurisdictions.
D. permits interjurisdictional telesupervision for delegated (but not primary) supervisors
Answer B is correct. This is the best answer because the Supervision Guidelines explicitly states that interjurisdictional telepsychology supervision is not permitted except in emergency situations.
Which of the following descriptions of research participants is consistent with guidelines provided in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association?
A. adult males
B. white and non-white participants
C. participants suffering from a stroke
D. participants with personality disorders
Answer D is correct. “Participants with personality disorders” is consistent with APA guidelines. However, “adult males” (answer A) is incorrect because it violates the requirement that “males” and “females” not be used as nouns except when a group includes individuals with a broad range of ages. Since the group indicated in this answer includes only adults, the appropriate term would be “adult men.” “White and non-white participants” (answer B) is incorrect because “non-white” implies a judgment and White should be capitalized, and the word “suffering” in “participants suffering from a stroke” (answer C) should not be used because it has a negative connotation.
Which of the following is not required for a malpractice claim? A. professional relationship B. standard of care C. intent to harm D. dereliction or breach of duty
Answer C is correct. The following are required for a claim of malpractice: (a) The psychologist must have had a professional relationship with the client that established the psychologist’s duty to conform to a professional standard of care. (b) There was a dereliction or breach of the duty on the part of the psychologist. (c) The client suffered injury or harm as a result of this dereliction or breach. (d) The psychologist’s dereliction or breach of duty was the direct or proximate cause of the person’s harm or injury. “Intent to harm” is not one of the four conditions.
The ASPPB’s E.Passport is:
A. a requirement for providing telepsychology services across jurisdictional lines.
B. a requirement for providing in-person, face-to-face services in other jurisdictions.
C. an online application management system used to store credentials.
D. a method for helping licensed psychologists obtain licensure in other jurisdictions.
Answer A is correct. For psychologists licensed in a PSYPACT jurisdiction to provide telepsychology services to clients in other PSYPACT jurisdictions, they must obtain an E.Passport from the ASPPB and an Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) from the PSYPACT Commission. [Answer C describes PSY|PRO, and answer D describes the Certificate of Professional Qualification in Psychology (CPQ).]
You have been hired by the court to evaluate a defendant’s competency to stand trial. The focus of your evaluation of the defendant will be on determining the defendant’s:
A. mental state at the time he committed the crime.
B. ability to testify in court on his own behalf.
C. current DSM diagnosis.
D. ability to understand the charges against him.
Answer D is correct. Competency to stand trial refers to the current mental status of defendants and their ability to “cooperate with their attorneys and… to understand the charges and proceedings against them” (Gardner & Anderson, 2015, p. 128).