Psych 3 Flashcards
Where does fertilization occur
The ampulla (widest part of fallopian tube)
The sperm utilizes _____ to penetrate _______ and ______ in the oocyte
acrosomal enzymes, zona pellicuda, corona radiata
Ivan Pavlov
did classical condition experiments on dogs
Classical conditioning
an unconditioned stimulus that produces an instinctive, unconditioned response is paired with a neutral stimulus. With repetition, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that produces a conditioned response.
B.F. Skinner
Established behavioralism: all behaviors are conditioned. Important figure of operant conditioning.
Operant conditioning
behavior is changed through the use of consequences
Reinforcement and types
increases likelihood of behavior
Positive: positive stimulus added
Negative: negative stimulus taken away
Punishment and types
decreases likelihood of behavior
Positive: negative stimulus added
Negative: positive stimulus taken away
Observational learning
acquisition of behavior by watching others
Which schedule of conditioning is the most effective
variable ratio
types of operant conditioning schedules
Fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval - ratio is more efficient than interval
rewarding increasingly specific behvaior
broadening effect, stimulus similar enough enough to the conditioned stimulus can produce the same conditioned response
learn to distinguish between two similar stimuli
Mirror neurons
in the frontal and parietal lobes, utilized heavily for observational learning.
Escape learning
reduce unpleasantness of something that already exhists