Psych 10 Flashcards
Which part of the brain is activated during agression?
Which part of the brain controls aggressive behavior?
prefrontal cortex
What hormone causes aggression?
Cognitive neoassociation model
more likely to show aggression when already feeling negative emotions
Secure attachment
requires a consistent caregiver so the child is able to go out and explore, know he or she has a secure base to return to; the child will show strong preference for the caregiver
Avoidant attachment
occurs when a caregiver has little or no response to a distressed, crying child; the child shows no preference for the caregiver compared to strangers
Ambivalent attachment
occurs when a caregiver has an inconsistnet response to a child’s distress, sometimes responding appropriately, sometimes negelctful; the child will become distressed when caregiver leaves and is ambivalend when he or she returns.
Anxious-ambivalent attachment = when child is anxious about the reliability of the caregiver
Disorganized attachment
occurs when a caregiver is erratic or abusve; the child shows no clear pattern or behavior in response to the caregiver’s absence or presence and may show repetitive behaviors e.g. rocking. They may seem dazed, frozen or confused
Esteem support
Affirms the qualities and skills of the person
Informational support
providing useful information to a person
Network support
providing a sense of belonging to a person
Lateral Hypothalamus Controls _____
satiety (less hungry)
Ventral Medial Hypothalamus Controls _____
hunger (very much hungry)
a male with multiple femalse
Mate choice
is the selection of a mate based on attraction and traits
Phenotypic benefit of mate choice
observable traits that make mate more attractive. Usually invovles increased protection and survival of offspring
Sensory bias
develop trait to match preexisiting preference that exhists in population. E.g. crabs search for food on the horizon and look for structures that break the horizon, so male crabs build pillars around territories to attract mates.
fisherian or runway selection
positive feedback where trait that doesn’t impact survival is exaggerated over time because trait is sexually desireable
Indicator trait
trait that signifies good health and well being (e.g. not necessarily genetic like cleanliness(
Genetic compatibility
attraction to others with different characteristics (genetic diversity = less recessive disorders)
ability to experience emotions of others
is a form of helping behavior in which the person’s intent is to benefit someone else at some cost to him or herself
Empathy-altruism hypothesis
explanation for relationship between empathy and helping behavior. Individual helps others when feel empathy.
Game theory
attempts to explain decision-making between individuals as if they are participating in a game. Is used in biology to talk about fitness in terms of evolution.