PSY331 - 10. Positive Emotions Flashcards
This Emotional Life
Happiness universal human desire Not easily satisfied + doesn't last long Why is it fleeting? - what makes us happy changes Temporary state Self help
Applying scientific method
Happy ppl have better lives
Out achieve other ppl
On avg married and more money = happier
Children doesn’t make ppl happier, sometimes less happy
Impact depends on where you start - winning lottery from poverty
When lottery winners mispend money = unhappy
Use money to help family, help charity = happier
Happiness/content takes more work
More access to happiness
Predicting Happiness
Aren’t good with predicting what will make them happier
Thoughts are shaped by how we feel in the present
Can’t believe that our feelings will change
Doesn’t make us happy intensely or for long
Hedonic adaptation - good at adapting to changes in lives
Predicting Happiness
Results in wanting more
Ppl find ways to like things they are stuck with
We change thoughts about circumstances when we can’t change them
Most ppl who experience despair will bounce back to the set point
Resilience is very common
Resilience needs social support
Establish relationships that are supportive
Religious or moral beliefs
Accurate optimism
Bob - prisoner of war
Many said they wouldn’t change it - learned something about himself and thrive
Learn resilience by falling down and coming back up again
Adaptation to misfortunes we can’t change
Seeking Happiness
When we can change misfortunes we fight to change it
Investing in shared experience rather than material possessions
Seeking Happiness
Unemployment makes us unhappy because we lose a piece of ourselves
Illness can tear a hole in our idenities
Self Help
Major pathways to self help
Norcross is worried that experts are claiming untested theory
Self help could be dangerous despite of proliferation
Self Help
Dr. Phil
Just the beginning - Doesn’t substitute for therapy
Self Help
practice + science informs each other
Can be more productive to change behaviour than thoughts
Self Help
Alcoholics Anonymous - 12 step groups
Regular participation is a positive factors
Key is sense of universal shared experiences
Self Help
Social support key
Ppl who sponsor other ppl are more likely to stay sober
Ppl need to get and give help
Wisdom to know what we can and can’t change is hard
Forgiveness classes - Reduced stress, depression, increased hopefulness
Provide exercises that get them to see that anger is only hurting themselves
If it doesn’t work for you then don’t do it anymore
Positive Psychology
Should focus on our strengths than faults
Empirically based endeavor
Used in hospitals, even in military
Positive Psychology
Taking strengths and building on it
Practicing them in order to build character
You are what to do
Build the science then leak out findings before popularity gets ahead of itself
Neuropsychological studies
Heightened activation not relaxation
Minds intensely focus
Brains begin to change - more activity in left prefrontal activation
Brain is built to change depending on experience
We can train our mind and change circuitry to increase well-being
Less anxiety
Social Relationships
Happy when we’re connected to others
When they’re strong we’re happy, when they’re lost we’re devastated
Social Relationships
Transmitting happiness to others
Happiness may be as contagious as the common cold
Can travel farther and faster than ppl imagine
Social Connections
Mapped out web of connection in study and looked for changes
Friends happy increases chances of 15%
Social Connections
Only in 4 degrees of separation that there is a loss of association between happiness levels
Connections exert powerful influence of happiness
Others see worth in you, you wanna be good for them
Dark road in childhood doesn’t doom you
You can construct a new life with the help of other ppl
Study stress and protective factors in overcoming adversity for children
What’s important are the people in their lives - Parent, teacher, friend
Positive motivation snowballing
Means being engaged in things that involve other ppl and being commited to other ppl
Increasingly clear about strengths, weaknesses, and who we care about
Increasingly positive if not suffering from pain or debilitative illness
We realize we are mortal and it changes our emotional experience
Become better at experiencing the moment
Silver lining of getting old
Don’t have the burden of the future
Start to focus on closer relationships
Among older ppl who are suffering losses, somehow experiencing life emotionally better