Protozoan Flashcards
General characteristics of AMoeba
Characterized by the presence of hyaline foot-like extrusions
from the ectoplasm (pseudopods)
• Amoebas are very slow
• All amoebas are intestine dwellers except: E. gingivalis
All are commensals except: E. histolytica
Cyst is the infective stage except: E. gingivalis
From Phylum Sarcomastigophora (old), now Phylum
o Sarcomastigophora: combination of Sarcodina and
§ Contains amoeba and flagellates
All amoebas are intestine dwellers except:
E. gingivalis
All are commensals except:q
E. histolytica
Cyst is the infective stage except:
E. gingivalis
Phylum Amoebazoa is formerly known as
Sarcomastigophora combination of Sarcodina and Mastigophora
Includes amoeba and flagellates
Pre-cystic stage
Metacystic stage
Trophozoite stage is
Vegetative Stage (feeding stage), motile stage, labile stage
Pre-cystic stage is
intermediary stage between trophozoite and cystic stage
A trophozoite that firstly transformed into the cystic stage
Pre-cystic stage
Non-feeding stage, non-motile stage, resistant stage, infective stage
Stage that will develop to become the trophozoite
Stage wherein the cyst is near becoming a trophozoite
process when trophozoite transforms into a
- process when a cyst transforms into a
False feet
T or F : a typical cyst, the nuclei found in the trophozoite is
almost the same as found in the cyst
Chromatoid bodies/Chromatoidal bars: are
aggregates of ribosomes
usually found in cysts
Only pathogenic intestinal amoeba
• Super diagnosed and under diagnosed:
E. histolytica
Most Pathogenic amoeba; true pathogen
E. histolytica
Pathogenicity of E. histolytica means
ability to cause invasive intestinal amoebiasis or Extraintestinal amoebiasis
Extraintestinal amoebiasis means
it can infect LIVER
Habitat, Final host, MOT of E. histolytica
Large intestine
Ingestion of mature cyst
E. histolytica
Infective stage:
Virulent stage:
Infective stage: Cyst
Virulent stage: Trophozoite
Max nuclei of E. histolytica
4 nuclei (quadrinucleated / tetranucleated)
How to differentiate E. histolytica from E. dispar
only E. histolytica is hematophagous
Characteristics of E. histolytica Cyst
Round/oval in shape Thin cell wall Evenly distributed peripheral chromatin Centrally karyosome Chromatoidal bodies are cigar shape with round ends Maximum of 4 nuclei Size range : 10-20 um (12-15um)
apparatus placed in microscope to measure parasites
ocular micrometer
Characteristics of E. histolytica trophozoite
Motility : progressive/aggressive/rapid directional with hyalin fingerlike pseudopods Motile / vegetative / labile stage Hematophagia Evenly distributed peripheral chromatin Centrally karyosome UNINUCLEATED Finely granular "ground glass appearance" "clean looking" CYTOPLASM Size range: 12-60um (15-20um)
Same morphological features as that of E. histolytica
E. dispar
E. bangladeshi
E. moshkovskii
E. histolytica diagnosis
- Concentration technique
- Culture media
- Stains (Iodine for cyst ; Methylene blue for trophozoites)
- Serological tests (antibody and antigen)
E. coli is
a commensal
non pathogenic lumen/intestinal dweller
MOT of E.coli
ingestion of cysts from contaminated water or food
characteristics of E. coli cyst
Max of 8 nuclei
Eccentric and large karyosome
Coarsely granular/clumpedand unevenly distributed peripheral chromatin
Chromatoidal body is splinter shaped with rough pointed ends
Size range= 10-35um (15-25um)
Maximum number of E. coli nuclei
8 nuclei
Difference of E. histolytica and E. coli
E histolytica has evenly distributed peripheral chromatin
E. coli has coarsely granular unevenly distributed peripheral chromatin
E. histolytica has centrally located karyosome
E. coli has large and eccentrically located karyosome
E. histolytica has chromatoidal body in cigar shape with rounded ends
E. soli has splinter shaped chromatoidal body with rough pointed ends
Characteristics of E. coli trophozoite
Motility: sluggish, nondirectional with blunt and granular pseudopodia
Large not compacted eccentrically located karyosome
unevenly distributed clumped peripheral chromatin
Granular cytoplasm usually vacuolated contains debris
Dirty looking
Size ranged = 15-50um (20-25um)