Protozoa - Apicomplexa Flashcards
What are the features of Eimeriidae family and what species are important?
Coccidia parasites
Host specific
No intermediate host or vectors
Primarily an issue in young animals
Isospora and Eimeria
Host of Isospora canis?
Final host are dogs
PH : rodents
Site of infection of Isospora canis?
Small intestine
Pathogenesis of Isospora canis
Small intestinal cells destroyed
Diarrhea can be severe, watery, profuse, and bloody
Young dogs susceptible
Diagnosis of Iscospora canis
Oocyst, smaller than ascarid eggs but larger than sarcocystis spp?
Host of Isospora suis?
Site of infection and pathology of Isospora suis?
Small intestine
Infecting 1-2wk old piglets
High morbidity
What are the most infections Eimeria spp infecting cattle?
E. Bovis
E. Zuernii
Eimeria spp can infect what hosts
Swine, bovine, ovine, equine, avian
There are ________ Eimeria spp that can infect swine
All Eimeria spp of swine and equine infect the __________ and Eimeria spp of bovine and small ruminants infects ____________________
Small intestine; small and large intestine
What is the pathogenesis of all Eimeria spp?
Inflammatory changes of intestinal mucosa
Diarrhea - profuse, watery, bloody.
Severity is related to number of parasites
Eimeria leukarti is specific to what species?
How can Eimeria be diagnosed?
Oocyst in fecal float
History and clinical signs
E. Lukerarti (horse) - oocyst large and does not float
Requires sedimentation or floatations in sugar solution
What is the treatment of Eimeria spp?
Decreasing overcrowding
Supportive therapy
Development of immunity
How are Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii differentated?
Oocyst shape - ovoid vs round
Oocyst size - 20um vs 12um
Eimeria spp outbreaks in ovine are associated with?
Young lambs 1-3wks Lot fed animals Irrigated pasture Corralling Stress- transporting or temp changes
What is the pathogenesis of Eimeria in birds?
Bloody droppings
high death rate
Recovered birds may be chronically ill due to persistent core of clotted blood in cecum
What Eimeria spp is most pathogenic in young chicks?
What is the treatment/prevention agains E. tenella?
Prophylaxis with coccidostats in food or water
Vaccines -species specific
How is Eimeria in birds diagnosed?
Necropsy Lesions are indicative of spp E.tenella in cecum E.necatrix in small intestine E.brunetti in ileum,cecum, and rectum
Hosts of toxoplasma Gondi?
Cat and felids
IH= humans and warm blooded animals
How is Toxmoplamsa gondii transmitted?
Cat eats infected animal
Humans infection
- foodborne
- animal tissue with cysts containing bradyzoites
- mother to child transplacental
Site of infection of Toxoplasma gondii?
Intestinal and extraintestnal tissues (muscle, liver, lung, brain)
Pathogenesis of toxoplasma gondii?
Most animals are asymptomatic
Clinical disease in cat is dependent on organs involved and extent of tissue damage
Acute toxoplasmosis with severe FIV
Diagnosis of toxoplasma gondii?
Oocyst in cat feces
Serological test
Tachyzoites in brain and placenta
Important cause of abortion and perinatal mortality
Treatment and prevention of Toxoplasma gondii
Humans avoid contact with cat feces
Human avoid eating undercooked meat of IH
Pregnant women avoid source of oocysts
Nonsulfonamides and Sulfonamides
What is the pathogenesis of toxoplasma gondii in sheep and goats?
Distinct white foci on aborted fetus and placenta
Heavy infection - necrosis of vital organs
Sarcocysts spp host?
Dog, cat, human, carnivore, bird
IH- cattle, herbivore, omnivore, bird, human
Sporulated oocysts with 2 sporocyst each with 4 sporozoties
18um oocyst
Sarcocystis spp
Life cycle of Sarcoystis spp?
Sarcocysts with bradyzoite -infective stage for FH
PPP is 7-14days
Sporocyst =infective stage for IH
Sporocyst to bradyzoite in muscle 2-3months
Site of infection of Sarcocystis spp?
Sarcocyst in muscle of IH
Sporocyst in GI tract of FH
Clinical signs of Sarcocystis spp?
No illness if FH
IH host- fatal disease
Abortion may result
Diagnosis of sarcocystis spp?
Sporocyst in FH
Sarcocysts in muscle tissue of IH
Treatment and prevetion of Sarcocystis spp?
Avoid raw meat and prevent fecal contamination